Kexue Magician

Chapter 312 Ancient God Beast Panda

Chapter 312 Ancient God Beast Panda
"The elephant is really big, how much eel rice do you have to eat to be full!" Kojima Motota widened his eyes and rubbed his belly.

Fengchu, Dr. Ali and others sat in the front row of the auditorium and were able to watch all the animal performances at close range.

"Elephants are called elephants because of their large size, and elephants don't eat eel rice, because elephants are vegetarian animals." Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko pointed out a finger and corrected seriously.

Yoshida Ayumi laughed twice.

After the elephant performed, the monkey appeared next.

Under the spotlight on the stage, monkeys dressed like humans skillfully kicked the pedals to make the bicycle move, and then drove around the edge of the stage. There was also a flag with red background and gold letters on the back seat of the car, which read "I come and also!"

The monkey quickly walked around the stage for a week.

In the center of the stage, male trainers erected poles every two meters.

Under the command of the trainer's gestures, the monkey stepped on the bicycle and went around the poles smoothly.

The audience in the audience were all in high spirits, watching with joy on their faces.

Orangutans step on stilts, and horse-playing acrobatics are staged one after another.

When the black-and-white panda appeared on the stage with big dark circles, the atmosphere reached a climax. When the panda no longer walked on four legs but walked upright like a human, the children cheered.

"This chubby panda walks so funny!" Kojima Motota said excitedly, clenched his fists.

"It's so fleshy, I really want to rub it." Yoshida Ayumi held her hands in front of her chest, her big watery eyes were eager to try.

Conan Banyueyan was a little speechless: "Don't look at it looks very gentle, but the panda is actually very fierce."

Feng Chu nodded slightly, it was the first time he saw a panda at such a close distance, and said:

"Pandas were also called iron-eating beasts in ancient times. They would drool when they saw iron objects such as plows, hoes, knives, and axes. Eating iron was as soft as eating tofu. In ancient times, tribal leaders rode pandas to conquer the world. .”

"Really, brother Fengchu." Yoshida Ayumi said in surprise.

Feng Chu smiled and said, "It's hard to determine the truth of something so far away."

"Some people say that the current pandas don't eat iron because they are pampered and their teeth have degenerated, so they can only eat bamboo."

"There are also people who say that the reason why the panda is called an iron-eating beast is that it will break into the villagers' homes to lick the salt in the pot when there is no salt to eat. Iron monster."

Yoshida Ayumi and Kojima Motota nodded, showing such expressions.

"Brother Fengchu is so powerful, just like Conan!" Yoshida Ayumi admired.

Hui Yuanai couldn't help laughing, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Same as Conan?
Why does it sound like I'm not as good as Conan...
The corners of Fengchu's mouth twitched, but considering Ayumi was just a cute girl, he forgave her, smiled and stretched out his left hand to mess up Conan's hair, venting his anger on the smug Conan.

The smile on Conan Doll's face froze immediately.

At this time, a basketball stand more than one meter high was placed in the center of the stage.

Tilting his head and grinning, the naive panda picked up the basketball, clapped it twice, and threw the basketball into the basket.

After throwing two more pitches.

The trainer handed the panda a fresh bamboo with leaves. The panda sat on the floor and gnawed on the spot.

After eating the bamboo, a chair was placed on the stage, and a rocking board composed of thick boards and barrels was placed on it.

"No way, the giant panda is going to do a rocking show?"

"This acrobatic is a test of balance, because the barrel will roll, not to mention that pandas are not human, so it is difficult to learn lessons from training."

"I've only seen monkeys performing swaying boards before, but this is the first time for pandas. It's worth it this time!"

While the audience was discussing in low voices, the panda had already stood on the swing board.

As soon as I stepped on it, the cylinder moved left and right, and the giant panda with upright legs wobbled on the swing board to maintain its balance. Even the posture was a bit funny, as if it would lose its balance in the next moment and fall to the floor.

The audience held their breath, their eyes fixed on the panda.

At this time, seeing that the panda has stood still, the trainer took off the plastic circle in his hand and threw it to the panda.

The panda shook, and the fat paws caught the circle.

one two three...

Of the eight circles in total, the panda caught seven.

When the panda stepped off the rocking board and stood on the stage floor again and raised his hands in a gesture of victory, the excited audience gave warm applause while heaving a sigh of relief.

"Giant pandas are so powerful! They are more powerful than humans!" Kojima Motota excitedly said.

"Yeah!" Yoshida Ayumi nodded repeatedly.

Conan murmured softly: "If the panda wants to reach the level of performance it is now, I don't know how many times the audience has fallen and suffered injuries. You little devils will only lament how beautiful they are, but how do you know the sweat and bitterness behind it?"

Feng Chu nodded, and calmly said: "It's really not easy, so, in the future, more and more countries will ban or restrict animal performances, and circuses will decline more and more."

As soon as the words fell, Feng Chu used the healing card to treat the invisible internal injuries and hidden diseases for the panda.

Speaking of it, is there any relationship between the panda and the trainer, if it returns to the forest or lies down in the zoo, will it be happy or unhappy, will it miss the previous life and feel lonely...

Feng Chu stared at the panda, his thoughts drifted far away.

The animal show continues.

Time slipped away quietly, and the last one to appear was Leon the White Lion.

The trainers set the erected iron rings on fire with torches.

In the midst of everyone's attention, the lying white lion stood up slowly, took a majestic stride, then ran with vigorous limbs, leaped suddenly, passed through the burning iron ring, and landed unscathed.

The perfect scene made the audience cheer loudly, and then leave the stage in high spirits.

"Today's performance was really great!"

Walking out of the performance hall and the animal performance hall, Yoshida Ayumi involuntarily picked up the white lion Leon's mobile phone pendant, and smiled carefreely at Leon, with a look that was still unfinished.

"If Xiao Lan also comes, I might like it very much." Judy Stein laughed.

Xiaolan agreed to Yuanzi to go shopping with her, Conan raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah, sister Xiaolan might also like the performance of pandas." Yoshida Ayumi tilted her head and said.

"I'm so hungry, I really want to eat eel rice!" Kojima Motota rubbed his big belly, looked left and right to find the target, then pointed to the right and asked: "There are many reporters there, who is the person being interviewed? "

"Like Randy Hawk." Hui Yuanai looked up a few times.

"Randy Hawk? Who is this? Why does it sound familiar, but I can't remember it." Moto Kojima scratched his head too much, feeling that his memory was affected by his hunger.

Feng Chu said lightly: "Turn to the last page of the brochure, and you will know."

(End of this chapter)

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