Kexue Magician

Chapter 306 Meeting the Magicians

Chapter 306 Meeting the Magicians

"It's actually like this." Kinoshita Goro frowned.

With a sound of "Dang", Yuji Suwa swung his knife again with great force and slashed at Hongko Koizumi, but she still couldn't get hurt.

Koizumi Hongko's level of martial arts is far inferior to her own, but her magic defense is too strong, and her weapon damage is too high. Suwa Yuji, who looks a little dignified, took a step to the left back, avoiding Koizumi Hongko's blade.

Kenzo Masuyama fired again, and after finishing shooting, he glanced at Goro Kinoshita.

Can wounds really never heal?
Kinoshita Goro clutched his wound, and after thinking quickly, he used his magic power.

The next moment, the wound healed slowly, and the blood flow slowed down. Kinoshita Goro's eyes showed surprise. After the injury was completely healed, he raised his head and chest again, and took out the pistol he was carrying.

"What, how is this possible..."

Koizumi Koko noticed the changes in Kinoshita Goro's body, her eyes jumped, she was a little unbelievable.

"It seems that your Death Scythe is not very good either."

Kinoshita Goro fired four shots in a row, all of which hit the same spot on Koizumi's chest. At the same time, his admiration for Master Kuro increased by three points.

Koizumi Hongzi, who had always been high-spirited and confident, stepped back half a step at this time, with an unbelievable expression on her face, and said in surprise, "You actually have magic power in you. Could it be that Kuro is also a magician?"

Masuyama Kenzo and the others did not answer, and launched attacks one after another. They did not believe that Hongko Koizumi's power was endless.

The air was silent for a while.

"Summon Thunder!"

Koizumi Hongzi frowned slightly, swung the death scythe to force Masuyama Kenzo away, and then raised her left hand high.

Three thunderbolts crashed down.

The blinding thunder light instantly illuminated the dark courtyard.

Masuyama Kenzo, Suwa Yuji, and Kinoshita Goro reacted instinctively as soon as they heard the sound, avoiding the dangerous thunder and lightning, and then saw a small hole about [-] cm in diameter blown out of the grass by the thunder, and the soil and grass became scorched black.

"Summon Thunder! Call Thunder!"

Koizumi Hongko waved his left hand, directing the thunder and lightning to strike Masuyama Kenzo and the others with all his strength.

The sound of rumbling explosions can be heard endlessly.

Is this still human?

Looking at Hongzi Koizumi who controls lightning like a god of thunder, even though he has been struck this morning, but judging by the power of lightning, it is obvious that the one in front of him is more fierce, Kuroba Kuaidou couldn't help opening his mouth in surprise.

"Oh! I'll see how long you guys are hiding!"

Koizumi Hongko laughed wantonly, her long crimson hair was fluttering in the wind, watching Kenzo Masuyama and the others jumping around like monkeys with great interest.

After half a minute.

Masuyama Kenzo's left arm was rubbed by a lightning bolt, and his arm was instantly black, and his whole body was numb.

Koizumi Koko's eyes lit up, and he mercilessly summoned more lightning strikes towards Kenzo Masuyama, with the attitude of taking advantage of your illness to kill you, which made Kenzo Masuyama dodge even more embarrassingly.

At this moment, Suwa Yuuji, who had less lightning above his head, quietly touched the back of Koizumi Koko, and Kikuchiyo's hand shone brightly again.

"Hongzi! Watch your back!"

Kuroba Kaito yelled when he saw the knife shining again. He still remembered very clearly that the same shining knife had split the four-centimeter-thick steel door into four, which was simply unparalleled sharpness.

However, at this time, the white sword light had already chopped on Koizumi Hongzi's back, even breaking through the defense, leaving a shallow white mark on her body.

Koizumi Hongzi, who was hit by the impact on his back, rushed forward two steps involuntarily, glanced back suddenly, and said angrily: "So you also have magic power, and you have applied magic power to weapons. I really underestimated you!"

"Next, I'm going to be serious."

"You guys are going to die!!!"

Koizumi Hongzi was really angry. As the orthodox heir of Red Magic, he was actually injured by a vampire, which is really unforgivable!

In the next second, Koizumi Hongzi rose slowly out of thin air like anti-gravity, and rose to a height of 30 meters above the ground, looking down at Masuyama Kenzo and the others on the ground.

Standing proudly in the sky, she holds the death scythe high, the magic circle under her feet is constantly circulating, the dark clouds directly above her head are getting bigger and bigger, and the thunder and lightning appear and disappear from time to time, creating a terrifying aura of black clouds overwhelming the city. wrath!"

As soon as the words fell, hundreds of thunderbolts flashing with dazzling blue light poured down.

The sky within a radius of one kilometer was illuminated as bright as day.

Facing this sea of ​​thunder that was as dense as a torrential downpour, no matter how hard he tried, Kenzo Masuyama, who had nowhere to hide, was struck one after another.

She is a god, right?Kaito Kuroba looked up at Koizumi Koko in Thunder, and his world view collapsed again.

Are we doomed here?
Kenzo Masuyama, Yuji Suwa, and Goro Kinoshita, who were numb all over, fell to the ground, feeling the magic power in their bodies to speed up the recovery of their injuries, but their injuries suddenly worsened.

Suddenly, the trees around the yard grew rapidly, forming a barrier around Kenzo and the three of Masuyama.

The lightning strikes the branch, which breaks instantly and then grows and recovers extremely quickly.

This situation has continued.

"Who is it?" Koizumi Hongzi, who realized something was wrong, looked around.

Leaning against the big tree, Feng Chu, who had been watching his subordinates fighting with Koizumi Hongzi before, slowly walked out of the shadow of the tree, exposed to the moonlight, and then soared into the sky until he was at the same height as Koizumi Hongzi.

Twenty meters away, Koizumi Hongzi's sharp eyes cast on Fengchu.

I saw Feng Chu wearing a black top hat and a black robe, with his hands behind his back, only his bright eyes were exposed.

Looking at the black mask on Feng Chu's face, Koizumi Hongzi couldn't recognize who he was, and snorted, "Why did you stop me? Are you that Kuro? You are wearing a mask, because you are too ugly to be seen. Or is your identity hidden?"

Several questions in succession silenced the air.

"I am Kuro, you cannot kill them, because their lives belong to me." Feng Chu said lightly, without answering the last question.

Who is this sneaky person?
Thinking about the record of red magic inheritance, Koizumi Hongzi stared at Feng Chu with piercing eyes, and asked, "You use dark magic, right? Why have I never heard of you? Who are you? where?"

Feng Chu calmly said: "This requires you to explore slowly."

"Okay, the night is getting dark, it's time for Koizumi to go home for dinner, how about letting it go?"

"No, I won't stop if you don't tell me." Koizumi Hongzi raised the corner of her mouth, and willfully drove the thunder to strike downwards, her face remained unchanged, as if she was not worried about running out of magic power at all.

The magic power in the body was slowly consumed, Feng Chu's brows twitched, wondering if this witch really had infinite magic power?
"Hey! You are so powerful, why do you want my dad's disguise technique?" Kaidou Kuiyu looked up at Fengchu, and felt that this person was so powerful that he didn't need to do many things by himself, just leave it to his subordinates. Why do you need to be easy.

Feng Chu sighed softly, and said, "It's really not good to be too curious."

(End of this chapter)

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