Kexue Magician

Chapter 290 He Ye: I've seen ghosts

Chapter 290 He Ye: I've seen ghosts
"Ms. Judy, how did you turn on the computer?"

Conan put his right hand on the watch of his left hand, with a harmless smile on his face, but in fact he was loose on the outside and tight on the inside. As long as Judy answered incorrectly or behaved abnormally, he immediately fired an anesthetic needle to bring her down.

Judy Stein turned her head when she heard the sound, and said with a calm expression: "Xiaolan told me the power-on password."

"Also told me that if I don't want to ask Mr. Maori if there is anything I don't understand, I can look it up online."

Did you make a mistake?Conan's mouth twitched fiercely.

If I remember correctly, Judy has only taught Xiaolan English for less than two weeks, plus the two or three days of Shikishima tour, the relationship is so good that even the computer can play casually?This is not even my uncle and I are treated!

Xiaolan is too vigilant...

Speaking of which, only people with a pure heart like Xiaolan dare to let people browse their computers at will.

Conan raised his brows slightly, took a few steps closer to look at the content of the webpage, and said, "So it's like this, sister Xiaolan is really kind to Teacher Zhu Di, has Teacher Zhu Di recovered some memories?"

Judy Stein shook her head, and asked abruptly, "Conan, do you like Xiaolan?"

Conan's pupils shrank slightly, and he said with a smile, "Why did Teacher Judy say that?"

"I think sometimes the way you look at Xiaolan is very similar to the way the male protagonist looks at the female protagonist in TV dramas, but you are still a child." Judy Stein smiled, with a probing look on her face color.

"Sister Xiaolan and Uncle Maoli are so kind to me, I like them both." Conan replied.

Judy Stein nodded slightly, without asking.

Afterwards, Conan stayed for a while before leaving Mao Lilan's room.

When going down the stairs, Conan's expression was very solemn. Teacher Judy's observation skills are amazing. If she can still do this after losing her memory, it means that she has already engraved this habit into her blood before losing her memory. She must be not an ordinary person!

Time passed and night fell.

Internet chat room, "World's Strongest Detective Team" room.

Suzuki Sonoko: (___)ノ|I changed my English teacher today, and the lectures are very rigid and not lively at all. I think even a patient with severe insomnia will fall into a deep sleep after listening to his class.

Feng Chu: Is that an exaggeration?
Suzuki Sonoko: Well, he is over 50 years old, wearing round-frame glasses, and he has listened to two classes, but he has not seen him smile at all, and some classmates discuss whether the teacher has facial paralysis in private ╮(﹀_﹀) ╭.

Hui Yuanai: Is this classmate you?
Suzuki Sonoko: I'm not, I don't, don't talk nonsense!

Hattori Heiji: Got it, that person is you ━━( ̄ー ̄*|||━━.

Mao Lilan: Teacher Kato is a relatively traditional teacher.

Hattori Heiji: Where is that American teacher named Judy?Did you go back to America?If you get tired of staying in Tokyo, you can come to our Osaka to play, and if you don’t have enough money, you can come to our Kaifang Academy to apply for a teacher.

Toyama and Ye: I have also heard that some people like to travel while earning money to support themselves.

Suzuki Sonoko: Mrs. Judy has lost her memory, and even Xiaolan and I have forgotten it. Her current English is probably only at the level of a junior high school student, and she can't teach books.

Yuan Shanhe Ye: This is too miserable, what happened?
Suzuki Sonoko: If the truth is told, I’m afraid I’ll scare you (@ ̄ー ̄@).

Hattori Heiji: How is it possible!

Suzuki Sonoko: Do ​​you still remember the ghost ship that appeared on Shikishima?Although the ghost ship is fake, there are indeed ghosts on Shiki Island!It is because Teacher Judy solved the mystery of the sinking place of the ghost ship, and was revenged by the ghost!
Immediately afterwards, Suzuki Sonoko relayed what he heard from Mao Lilan with added details.

In front of the computer screen, Mao Lilan felt that the temperature in the room suddenly dropped by several degrees, and it was only warm when she was close to Judy.

Hattori Heiji: Hahahaha, it is impossible for ghosts to exist in the world. I suspect that Mr. Judy did not make a rational analysis after listening to it. Instead, he kept suggesting to himself, and then got hysteria.

Hattori Heiji: All in all, as long as you are firm enough in your heart and firmly believe in atheism and materialism, nothing can scare you.

Mao Lilan: Before leaving, the four villagers who burned the Naval Cave were also possessed by ghosts. It doesn't look like a fake.

Hattori Heiji: That's just a gimmick, designed to deceive tourists who like to explore! ( ̄_, ̄)
Toyama Kazuha: I think there really are ghosts, I saw them when I was a child.

Suzuki Sonoko: Really?
Feng Chu: Where did you see it? Do you still remember what it looked like?

Toyama Kazuha: In the forest of Gunma County, I passed an old stone bridge. The stream under the bridge was very clear and slow. There was an old woman standing on the rocks beside the stream. Her upper body was completely bent. Look like a beast.

Toyama Kazuha: The old woman's eyes are very big, her arms and legs below the knees are bare, and there are gray spots on the skin of her hands and feet. What I remember most is that she has a beard and her hands are like Like a cow's hoof.

Suzuki Sonoko: Cow hooves?
Yuan Shanhe Ye: That's right, a normal person has five fingers on one hand, but the old woman only has two fingers, as if she was born with that. By the way, her feet are also like cow hooves! o((⊙﹏⊙))o.
Feng Chu: Then, did she find you?

Yuan Shanhe Ye: There she was washing the beans in the wooden basin carefully, and she kept singing - grinding people back and forth, grinding them into powder and eating them...
Yuan Shanhe Ye: I was terrified at the time. I covered my mouth tightly and dared not make a sound or leave. When my father came to look for me, the old woman suddenly disappeared, coming and going like a ghost. trace!

Feng Chu: It's kind of interesting, maybe your father was so angry that he scared her away.

Hattori Heiji: Hey, no way, why do you even believe in these ghost stories! (-)
Fengchu: To tell you the truth, I have actually seen ghosts. I think ghosts are a mysterious energy body. When technology develops enough to analyze the composition of ghosts, ghosts will become scientific, so don’t blindly believe in materialism doctrine.

Toyama and Ye: I agree!

Hattori Heiji:······

Suzuki Sonoko: If possible, I also want to raise a few ghosts for fun, and they can also be used to scare Xiaolan (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

Mao Lilan: Sonoko o(≧mouth≦)o!

Hattori Heiji: By the way, I have been bitten by mosquitoes all the time recently, and mosquito coils don't work. Do you have any good solutions?

Suzuki Sonoko: I strongly recommend Liushen toilet water. Although it is not produced in China, the effect is really good. However, it seems that people with sensitive skin should not apply it directly on the skin, but open the outer cover and put it in front of the bed.

Fengchu: Actually, it doesn’t need to be so troublesome, as long as Hattori turns off the light, wouldn’t the mosquitoes not be able to find you?
There was silence in the room for a while, then everyone burst out laughing.

In Osaka, Hattori Heiji's face turned red in front of the computer, and he almost wanted to pick up the samurai sword and rush to Tokyo by plane to find Fengchu's theory!
(End of this chapter)

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