Chapter 576 Master-Apprentice Love (1)

 "My sons and daughters, do your best to kill the Mara Po, destroy the Mara Kingdom, eradicate the demons, strive for the final victory, and avenge the dead warriors!" On the field, the shouts shook the sky, and the soldiers waved their hands one by one. The shiny weapon raised its arms and shouted.

Twelve Xingsha was killed in battle, and he suffered a backlash during his practice, which not only caused his skills to regress, but also suffered heavy injuries to his body. No matter what, he alone cannot fight against everyone today.At this point, Marova knew that she was at the end of her rope and had nowhere to go, but even so, she refused to surrender in front of these people. Knowing that there was no way out, she still preferred to let her subordinates try their best.

"Guards, are you willing to kneel in front of others and beg for mercy, or do you want to fight to the death?" Mo Luopo asked her only remaining subordinates in a deep voice.

"I am willing to fight to the death with the Lord, and will never surrender." The people of Mara Kingdom are worthy of being some "warriors", and they are willing to listen to Marova's opinion, and they are not willing to surrender.

"Okay." Marova smiled tragically, and stood facing the troops of all countries with her head held high.A pair of evil eyes burst out like fire.

Such a posture is like a hero who sacrificed for justice, rather than a big devil full of evil.

"Master!" Just when the two sides were about to fight to the death, a blood-red figure suddenly jumped over the heads of the crowd and came in front of Marova.

"Zoti, you have joined forces with outsiders to deal with our Mara Kingdom, and you still have the face to see me!" Maropa was furious, and slapped her down.

With the sound of "Pa--", several clear finger prints appeared on Zhuo Ti's face. She just lowered her head, and there seemed to be tears in her eyes.

"I am grateful to Master for his upbringing and teaching these years. I will never forget Master's great kindness." Zhuo Ti bit her lip and continued, "I have been with Master since I was a child. By the side of Master, Er Ru witnessed what Twelve Xingsha did. They had always had dissatisfaction with Master, and they could not tolerate Master in their hearts. They wanted to replace Master all day long. The disciples wanted to get rid of them very early on. After that, it’s quick, but it’s just because I haven’t had a chance. I hope Master can understand that everything this disciple has done today is all for Master.”

"Then do you know that although the Twelve Stars have a different heart for me, they are people from my Mara Kingdom after all. When encountering foreign enemies invading, they will still join hands with me to fight against foreign enemies. Today you join forces with outsiders Beat them to death together, will you and I, master and apprentice, survive today? Will those outsiders let us go?" Mo Luopo was so angry that her orifices were filled with smoke, her fingers trembling uncontrollably.

"If I don't beat them to death together with others, if the Twelve Stars won this battle today, then Master, do you think there will be other people in this world besides them? Don't you think that, Master?" Do you think they will let us master and apprentice go after they win the battle?" Zhuo Ti gritted her teeth, her words were forceful.

"That's right, no matter who wins this battle, no one will let us master and apprentice go. After all, our sins are serious and unforgivable. But have you ever thought about it? The Mara Kingdom has been my painstaking effort for hundreds of years. If Twelve Stars won, even though they will not let us master and apprentice go, the Mara Kingdom still exists, and now, it was destroyed by outsiders like this, do you know what you have committed?" Maropa screamed again road.

(End of this chapter)

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