Chapter 453 The truth 17 years ago (7)

"When it was time to say goodbye, he suddenly told me that the people around him always flattered and flattered him when they talked to him. He had never tried to chat like this without worrying about the identity of the other party, so he liked it very much. The feeling of chatting with me, asking if I have time to chat with him more often?"

"Actually, after talking with him, I no longer feel unfamiliar with him. Instead, I feel that he is an old friend I have known for a long time, and I also sympathize with him. People like him who were born in the royal family can't even say a word." You have to be careful, it's hard to have a close friend or a friend who can talk to you without worrying about your status, so I agreed to him all at once."

"During those days, when Meng Taoquan was free, I would play with him, and when he went out to meet friends and didn't have time to accompany me, I would chat with him as agreed with the prince. After a period of time, my life was very fulfilling, and I didn't feel that there was anything wrong with running around between two men."

"But on a certain day, a woman suddenly found me. Although she is very beautiful and has a gentle smile on her face, the feeling she brings to me is similar to that of the senior sisters and sisters when I was in the Rainbow Palace. It gave me a completely different feeling, when she appeared in front of me, I immediately felt that she gave me a very dangerous feeling."

"Sure enough, the first thing she said was to ask me, have I been with the prince often these days? I said yes, what happened?"

"She smiled coldly, with a sinister and vicious smile. She said she was the princess and advised me to leave the prince as soon as possible. I asked her why. I just chatted with him when I was free, and I didn't do anything bad. Why? Can't you do that?"

"She immediately yelled at me, saying that I'm a bitch, and the purpose of getting close to the prince is not pure, isn't it just for glory? She said that the prince often doesn't think about food and drink during this period, and sometimes he still reads my name in his sleep."

"I'm very surprised. How could it be that the prince would read my name when he was sleeping?"

"The princess said that she had someone follow the prince secretly for several days before she discovered my existence. She was very angry, and she asked me how much money you want, I can give it to you, but you have to leave the prince. "

"I don't understand what she means by leaving the prince, and of course I won't accept her money. People like me, who grew up under the care of the master since childhood, how could they be short of money?"

"At this time, the Crown Princess showed her fierce face. She said that since I did not agree, then don't blame her for getting rid of me. I didn't expect this woman to be so vicious. Of course, with my skills, I am not afraid of her at all."

"But at this moment, the crown prince suddenly appeared. The crown princess turned pale with fright, and repeatedly spoke ill of me in front of the crown prince, saying that my purpose of approaching him was not pure, and that I wanted to murder her, and begged the crown prince to make decisions for her."

"Facing this kind of woman who framed people at will, I feel very angry. It seems that what the master and brothers and sisters said is right. The people outside are sinister, far from being as simple as I imagined. Fortunately, the prince did not fully believe her. I scolded her severely, then said a few words to me, and finally sent the princess away."

(End of this chapter)

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