Chapter 376 Half a year on the island (1)

Time flies, the sun and the moon are like shuttles.

Although more than half a year has passed in the blink of an eye since the pair of little sisters entered the palace to murder the emperor and set fire to the Yuling Hall. In more than half a year, the rumors related to this incident have been talked about by the common people. It was regarded as a hot topic of discussion after tea and dinner, but no one knew about the life, death and whereabouts of the little sisters.

On this day, the sun rose in the east, and the fiery red sun rose from the horizon. The dazzling light broke through the thin clouds, and the sunlight gushed out from the clouds, illuminating the earth.

This is a lonely island located on the vast sea all around. There are no people around the island, and there are no ships coming and going.However, the island has verdant trees, luxuriant grass, and clusters of wild fruits, which is very suitable for living in the wild.

There is a house made of thick wood on the island. The house looks novel and has a solid structure. It seems that it has just been built less than half a year ago.

When the sun rose from the horizon, a delicate female voice came from inside the wooden house.

"Sister, this is the porridge you just made, eat it while it's hot."

"Xiaorou, thanks to your care for more than half a year, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to survive now."

"No, you must not say that. I am sorry for you. If I hadn't been so impulsive, I wouldn't have hurt you by mistake, and I wouldn't have caused your child to have a miscarriage."

  "Xiaorou, I really don't blame you. Hua Angrui and I may be biological brothers and sisters. It is a disaster for this child to stay. Wouldn't it be better to lose it? At least you don't have to give birth to him and make him suffer for the rest of his life. Stop blaming yourself."

Hey, the voices of these two people's voices are the twin sisters who have been missing for half a year. They came to this island half a year ago.

At the beginning, Xia Xiang lost too much blood due to chest injury and miscarriage, and his life was in danger.After the Yuling Hall caught fire, Xia Rou took advantage of the chaos and quickly retreated from the palace with her.

The situation at that time was extremely critical, and Xia Rou was almost desperate. She suddenly remembered that her mother had given her sister an invitation bullet when she first walked out of Xia Mansion. Send out an invitation, and Master Gu from the Rainbow Palace will rescue them.

At the beginning, she couldn't figure out why her mother had such a deep relationship with Master Gu, but now that she knew that she was Gu Shuangqing's disciple, according to what she said, if she sent out the invitation, she would definitely come to help up.

When the invitation bullet was sent out, Master Gu appeared very quickly. She came riding a flying monster, and she was very fast. The crisis was resolved, and they were also healed.

But when the two revealed their identities to her, Master Gu had a strange look on his face, so he brought them to this island, where they could heal their wounds and avoid the rumors.

Because their mother is her disciple, Master Gu has always been very warm to them. Although she doesn't live on the island with the little sisters, during the past six months or so, she has been there every once in a while. I will visit them once, and often bring a lot of food from overseas for them to eat, and bring back a lot of news, and give them meticulous care.

(End of this chapter)

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