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Chapter 490 The Efficiency of the East Factory

Chapter 490 The Efficiency of the East Factory

In the early morning of the second day, the East Police Station.

In the prison cell made of pure bluestone slabs, the little eunuch of the East Palace wearing a white prison uniform was taken out of the prison.

He slapped the desk table violently, causing the teacup to fly, and then fell to the ground. He pointed to the little eunuch and said, "I'll give you one last chance today. If you still don't say anything, don't drop the tiger stool just like the chili water."Confess your origin, name, and your purpose of seducing the prince. "

"Slave, Xiao Fangzi, has been in the palace for two years."

The big stall head patted the table: "Come here, torture him, open his wound from yesterday, and throw him into pepper water."

Hearing this, the little eunuch shouted: "I belong to the prince."

"I'm still His Majesty's man, use torture." The boss waved his hand.

The two Dongchang fans carefully opened his wound and threw him into the hot pepper water roughly.

At this time, Xiao Fangzi was completely frightened, he only felt a burning pain all over his body, his mouth, nose, and ears were all filled with chili water.

Xiao Fangzi, who came out of the chili water, rolled on the ground in pain, tears streaming down his face.

If not, there is also the tiger bench. The tiger bench is a unique torture tool today. It exerts unbearable pressure through the legs and knee joints, tortures prisoners, destroys their will, and achieves the purpose of confessing.

But the boss found it troublesome, this is a prisoner personally ordered by His Majesty, how dare he slack off.

"Come on, let the scorpion go." The big man straightened his hat, loosened his collar and said, "Should I recruit or not!"

"I recruit, I recruit them all."

Xiao Fangzi got up tremblingly and said, "My name is Ichiro Xiaojing. I was a prisoner of road construction two years ago. The Ming Dynasty invaded Dongying. We swore revenge to the death. We used the secret technique of Dongying to remove the captive mark and killed a family in the capital in the middle of the night."

Dongchang fanzi shouted: "Continue talking."

"The man of that family was killed by us, and he was buried near the limestone field in the suburbs. The woman was dragged away by them. It has nothing to do with me. The child of that family was roasted." Xiao Fangzi tremblingly said: "Kawashima Sakura In Kunning Palace, she killed Chunlan."

The interrogation continued, Xiao Fangzi explained how he entered the palace to pretend to be close to the prince, and lured the prince to smoke black incense.

"What did Sakurako Kawashima do?"

The fans became nervous, if something happened, how would they explain to His Majesty.

Xiao Fangzi stammered: "She fed a small amount of black incense to the fourth and fifth princes. I recruited them all, so please let me go."

The head of the stall said: "Concubine Xu Gui, please go to Kunning Palace to arrest people. I will report this matter to His Majesty immediately."

The other leader nodded thoughtfully: "We obey His Majesty, but the harem is important, we must not be reckless, and we cannot be sloppy. Please ask Concubine Xu Gui, immediately."

Fanzi next to him asked, "My lord, do you still use torture?"

Da Taitou gritted his teeth and said: "Continue to torture, let him taste the taste of being roasted."

"Don't, don't." Xiao Fangzi said: "I've recruited them all, and the father-in-law in charge of the East Palace will be more vigilant later."

The people from Dongchang immediately went to ask Concubine Xu Gui for instructions, because the empress was away, Concubine Xu Guifei took care of it.

The East Factory was very efficient, and sent the news to Zhongzhili overnight without stopping.

After receiving the carrier pigeon, the fans of the Huangming Guard sent the information to Yuanbao.

Standing in front of the window, Zhu Biao supported the flustered Queen Chang and said, "Don't worry, it's fine."

According to the symbols on the letter and the corresponding characters of Dongchang, Yuanbao translated it and gave it to Zhu Biao.

"Who is Sakurako Kawashima?" Empress Chang stood beside Zhu Biao, wondering.

"It's Chunlan, the fake maid in charge of cleaning in your Kunning Palace."

"The concubine Yunsui is very worried." Empress Chang had already panicked when she heard that Zhu Yunsui had been fed Wuxiang.

After thinking about it, Zhu Biao asked Yuan Bao to give Dongchang's order to track down the maids in the palace.

As a pseudo-analyst, he summed up a set of laws from the historical dynasties of China for thousands of years.

Don't underestimate the power of these maids and servants, they are more deadly than assassins when they are ruthless.

The night sky is like washing, dotted with stars.

Zhongzhili, Xi'an Mansion, Huangming Guard Hall.

Ren Bo'an, in casual clothes, walked up the stairs lightly, holding a stack of bright yellow certificates in his hand, and heard the officials inside reporting their achievements in a serious manner.

"Ren Bo'an, I didn't say anything. There is no need to report serious matters."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Ren Bo'an bowed his body, put the bright yellow certificate in his hand on the table, and stood beside him with low eyebrows, waiting for orders.

Two days ago, he sent up the list of teachers from Zhongzhili county school and prefectural school, and some of them did not have teacher qualification certificates.

His Majesty happened to be here, so he asked those teachers to take the qualification certificate test.

Today, he sent over the list of doctors and doctors from several common people's hospitals in Zhongzhili.

"Yuxi." Zhu Biao spread out the bright yellow certificate in front of him, and said to Yuan Bao beside him: "The examination is accurate, after registration, schools and hospitals in all prefectures must hold a certificate to work."

Ren Boan nodded.

A few days later, Zhu Biao returned to Dongzhili.

Zhu Yunchi and Jin Yiwei went to Yunnan to find Mu Ying to temper their temperament.

Ren Bo'an was ordered by the emperor to escort the prince to Yunnan.

Zhu Biao was very relieved to hand over the prince to Mu Ying, especially Mu Ying kept some soldier symbols and was very loyal to him.

In the Qianqing Palace, Zhu Biao looked at Xiao Fangzi, the eunuch brought by Dongchang.After asking clearly, he said: "Shut all the people related to Xiao Fangzi to the death row, put Xiao Fangzi, oh no, Ichiro Xiaojing, eat all the leftover Wu Xiang, and send him to the death row. He also tasted the feeling of thousands of ants biting the bone."

Xu Miaowei and Empress Chang looked at each other, knelt in front of Zhu Biao and said, "Your Majesty, my concubine please hand over Yingzi Kawashima to my concubine for disposal."

This was the first time Zhu Biao saw the hatred in her eyes, and continued: "Give it to Yuan Bao and the others first, and prepare it at the Dongji Incident Factory, and I will hand her over to you for disposal."

The atmosphere of the Qianqing Palace became dignified, and Zhu Biao wrote the decree. From now on, all the prisoners of Wa Island will have marks on their faces and wear shackles.

Zhu Yunyi and Zhu Yunsui were not fed much Wu Xiang, so they comforted them: "Fang Youzhi and Zhu Wei won't let them have trouble."

Not long after, Du Dongting and Wei Shouzheng came in, and everyone looked at Zhu Biao.

"Teacher Du, Grand Tutor Wei, I'm sending the crown prince to Yunnan to stay for a while."

"Your Majesty, Yunnan is far away, my lord." Wei Shouzheng felt sorry for the prince, which is a good thing, but he should not be too spoiled.

Zhu Biao advised him not to worry.

Zhu Biao confessed the good things and asked everyone to retreat, leaving Xu Miaowei behind.

The two sat in the hall, Zhu Biao said: "I plan to send Yun Yang to Beiping Mansion to follow Li Wenzhong, and the National Academy of Scholars over there is also suitable for him to do research. As for Yun Ye, I plan to let him go to the navy in the capital to work with Zhao Yun Otherwise, they have been reading sage books in the palace for a long time, which is not good for their character."

Xu Miaowei nodded, she put the overall situation first: "I will listen to His Majesty, and leave it to Cao Guogong, I am also relieved."

Zhu Biao asked about Empress Ma and Lao Zhu again, and he was relieved when he heard that the two were very happy these days.

Dealing with Lao Zhu's remaining memorials and opening the ones that Lao Zhu had reviewed, Zhu Biao's heart felt hot.

In the past few days when he was away, Lao Zhu reviewed and reviewed according to Zhu Biao's method, which was very thoughtful.

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it was ten years in Tianyan.

(End of this chapter)

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