Lord of the Sun of Heroes

Chapter 327 Lingfeng's Efforts

Chapter 327 Lingfeng's Efforts

"So I hope everyone can agree to my above-mentioned conditions. It is really difficult for us now.

Even if these resources are kept, it will be difficult to improve our combat effectiveness in a short period of time.

So I think, even if it consumes a part of resources, if Xin Zhao can be brought back, then everything is worth it. "

Lingfeng stood in front of everyone and told everyone what she thought.

It is what I talked about with Xin Zhao before, as long as Xin Zhao is willing to come back, I can provide him with a lot of resources and upgrade his genes.

It's just that Xin Zhao refused at that time, but Lingfeng could also understand.After all, the current earth civilization is too poor, and if it is just a blank check, no one will believe it.

The people here are a small group of people who can decide the future destiny of the earth and the allocation of resources.

When they heard the ridiculous news about Lingfeng, they didn't immediately express their views.

"Then, how can we ensure that he will not betray us again? After all, there will be a second time after the first time. It should have consumed a lot of time to train him from an ordinary person to a super soldier." resources, but he left anyway.

Now we have to spend a lot of precious resources, just to win him back, and he hasn't even agreed.

What should we do if he betrays us after the genetic upgrade is completed?What about the resources consumed?
The resource stays there, even if it's not needed, it's always there.We do not object to the use of these resources, after all, the resources are just there and have no value.

I just hope that you can answer the doubts in our hearts. How can we ensure that after he gets benefits from us, he will not betray us like last time? "

Facing the other party's question, Lingfeng shook his head without hesitation.

"Sorry, I can't guarantee it! What I said before is just a suggestion, but I hope you can understand.

Now we are no longer qualified to pick people, we can only choose to trust them.

I believe they still miss the wonderful life they once had on Earth.In addition, at least at this stage, I have no way to guarantee his loyalty to us after he gets the resources. "

Lingfeng's decisive answer made those who originally agreed with his plan hesitate.

The earth is very poor now, and there are many rare resources, and I can't wait to break them into two halves.

And now the plan proposed by Lingfeng, if it succeeds, will indeed have many benefits.

But if it fails, the consequences will make the current earth fall into a more embarrassing state.

Everyone thought for a while, and then began to discuss in whispers.

After a while, Shen Qingqiu, who was the representative, spoke.

"If you can give us a guarantee, or a reason for our peace of mind, we can provide these resources.

Otherwise, even if we agree, the people below will not agree with your plan.

Lingfeng, you have to understand that now is a special period.We have run out of assistance from other civilizations.

The rare resources used now were also carefully saved before.

If these rare resources are used up, then we really have no other way to replenish them. "

Lingfeng could feel the sincerity in Shen Qingqiu's eyes, but now she couldn't give him a satisfactory answer.

"I'm sorry, I was indeed a little impulsive about this matter. We have too few cutting-edge forces in the current Xiongbing Company.

Even if Ge Xiaolun is counted, there will be no more than three top combat powers.

Although the other fighters are far superior to ordinary people, their strength is at most as a support, leading a small team to carry out a surprise attack, other than that, it has little effect. "

Hearing Lingfeng's answer, someone suddenly spoke.

"If this is the case, why not give our resources to these people? They are loyal to the civilization of the earth and can sacrifice their lives for the future of civilization.

Such talents are the best candidates. If none of them are qualified to receive this batch of resources, then who else has such qualifications? "

As soon as these words came out, everyone present agreed.

"That's right, what Howard said makes sense. If those who have made such contributions can't get resources, then what qualifications do other people have to get these precious resources?
Even if it may cost more resources, if we can give them, we are willing.

At least give them our peace of mind that we will not be afraid of their sudden betrayal. "

Lingfeng looked at the crowd who were speaking one after another, raised his hands, and pressed them down.

"Everyone, I know what's on your mind. In fact, I was the first to think of your plan.

But later, for various reasons, I had to give up this plan.

The genes of Nuoxing sharp knife and Kamigawa sniper are indeed very good auxiliary genes.

If there are sufficient resources and corresponding technologies, they can also be upgraded to enhance their strength.

But there is one thing that you may not understand very well. Although the genes of these fighters are good at this stage, their upper limit is very low.

It can be said that even if we have invested a lot of resources to improve their strength, they will still have very little role to play in the future battlefield.

The genetic engineering of the future is like this. The genes we have brought from Deno are all top-notch.

Among the top genes, the genes of the power of the galaxy and the god of war are the strongest.

The second is the genes of Xin Zhao, Rui Mengmeng and others.Among this group of people, Xin Zhao's genes are the best, because he is the lieutenant of the Galaxy Force.

It is precisely because of this that I did not make such a choice before.

Even if we spend a lot of resources, their ceiling is still limited.

After removing the power of the galaxy and God of War, Xin Zhao is at least the most promising at this stage. "

After listening to Lingfeng's explanation, everyone present probably had an outline of understanding.

Discussions resounded in the meeting room again.But Lingfeng didn't intervene aloud, just stood aside quietly, waiting for the result.

After a while, the discussion sound gradually decreased.

"If possible, we hope to add a back door to Xin Zhao's genes when he upgrades his genes.

It's not for anything else, just to make him stop betraying us and influence us after the genetic upgrade. "

"It's hard!"

Lingfeng didn't say it couldn't be done, it was just a bit difficult.

"If we leave a back door that can be manipulated, it means that our enemies can also use advanced technology to discover the back door in Xin Zhao's genes.

At that time, unless our technology and computing power can crush each other.

Otherwise, Xin Zhao's fate is not just in our hands. "

(End of this chapter)

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