Chapter 183 Parents
  She left as quickly as a dragonfly on water, without giving her time to react, she returned to the sofa and sat down.

He took off his clothes on his own, exposing his bare shoulders, and tore off the band-aid in his hand.

Just as he was about to stick it on, he saw Su Yi still standing still from the corner of his eye. He couldn't help but stop, raised his eyebrows, turned slightly sideways, and handed her the band-aid in his hand, "How about , can you post it for me?" 
 "It's late, I'm going to bed first!" Su Yi, who was afraid that he would make any surprise move, took a few steps back in a panic, avoiding his hand.

I just felt that the cheeks that had been attacked by him still seemed to be faintly hot.

Just as he turned around and was about to walk a few steps towards the stairs, he suddenly remembered the pillow he was holding in his hand, turned around and ran back, dropped the pillow and ran back to the room without looking back.

Shen Yixuan was stunned for a moment, seeing her eyes that seemed to have nowhere to dodge, and the back of her leaving in a hurry, couldn't help but smiled softly.

With repressed pleasure, it is more beautiful and seductive.

Su Yi, who fled back to the room, couldn't help but blush when she thought of the masculine body exposed by him when he took off his clothes under the light just now, the straight lines made her feel her heart beat faster on the spot.

What a hell!

She buried her head under the covers and began to despise herself.

When Su Yi opened his eyes, the sky was already bright.

Looking at the alarm clock on the table top cabinet, it was already nine o'clock in the morning. She got up and saw herself in the mirror. Her face was still red, but her eye circles were dark.

She patted her face, yawned, got dressed, made the bed, opened the door and went out.

He met Shen Yixuan head-on.

He was raising his hand as if to knock on the door.

When the four eyes met, Su Yi was startled at first, with her half-opened mouth, she quickly closed it and stared at him with wide-open eyes, she couldn't think of what to say all of a sudden.

"Morning." He withdrew his hand, hooked the corners of his lips, and smiled at her, with a radiant and smug expression on his face.

Happy? !
Su Yi couldn't help grinding her teeth secretly, she obviously went to bed so late, why did he look radiant, but she looked like she didn't have enough sleep?

It's so unfair!
"Has Yi woke up? If she does, tell her to come down for breakfast." Dad Su's angry shout suddenly came from downstairs, breaking the silence between the two of them.

"Hey, we're coming!" Su Yi hurriedly responded, not daring to look at him again, passed him, and walked directly downstairs.

"It smells so good! Dad, what did you cook?" Su Yi went downstairs and immediately ran into the kitchen, hugging her father's arm intimately and acting like a spoiled child.

"You greedy cat, you just want to eat when you come here!" Su's father pinched Su Yi's nose lovingly. Although he was cursing, his eyes and tone of voice were full of pampering and loving.

"Wow! Shredded chicken porridge with red dates, glutinous rice blood sausage, hot and sour kimchi! Dad, I really love you!" Su Yi lifted the lid of the purple casserole on the table, and couldn't help shouting in surprise.

Glutinous rice blood sausage is a hometown snack that Su Yi has loved since he was a child. Due to the troublesome production process, Su's father seldom cooks this dish.

She just mentioned it casually last night, unexpectedly, early this morning, Papa Su went to the market to buy fresh rice noodle sausage and pork red meat, and this glutinous rice must have been soaked by him last night, right?

Looking at the disc, although it is not refined enough.

(End of this chapter)

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