Pillar Destroyer Call Me Captain

Chapter 97 Everyone, We...

Chapter 97 Everyone, We...

"who are you!?"

Suddenly, a human appeared in front of him.

At this moment, the triangle ghost not only did not have the previous desire to devour people.

Even in his heart, the little heart has already started to "thump"!
This time, he really experienced what is called: the feeling of heartbeat.

Because behind Bai Ye, he actually saw a bunch of ogres tied up by five flowers!

Every ogre was put into various grotesque and shameful poses.

Even their mouths were tightly covered with cloth at this time, covering them up.

The struggling ogres could only make a vague sound of "Ula Ula".

But their desperate ghost pupils are sending dangerous messages to the triangle ghost all the time.

"Hey! We've been discovered!"

Seeing the straight and blank gaze of the triangle ghost, Bai Ye smiled instantly, as if he understood something.

He turned half of his body to the side, allowing the triangular ghost to gain more vision, and he could see all the bound ogres as they were.

"What? Are you also interested in rope art!?"

"I just thought of a great pose, we can discuss it together!"

"But I don't want to destroy the previous artwork..."

"Oh, that's right! Then experiment directly on your body!"

Bai Ye approached the triangle ghost step by step.

All of a sudden!
The Triangular Ghost only felt that there was a terrifying monster in front of him, with a blood-red aura emanating from his body, like an undead returning from hell to take revenge.

"Wait, no, don't! You don't come here!"

The triangular ghost suddenly felt his feet go soft, and he didn't stop, he just sat on the ground.

Looking at Bai Ye who was walking towards him step by step, Te's hands seemed to be rowing a boat, and he kept supporting backwards, wanting to retreat.


Bai Ye showed two rows of white teeth, with a gloomy face, holding a steel cable, and stepped forward step by step:
"Come on! Don't be shy!"

"This night is destined to be sleepless."

"no no……"

"Do not!!!"

A long roar sounded in the sky above the labyrinth.

Some ogres who were also clueless and running around stopped when they heard the sound.

From the hoarse roar, they could hear the despair and powerlessness of the triangle ghost, and shivered inexplicably.

And right now.

The stone wall in front of them also shook suddenly, and began to sink slowly.

At this moment, the hunting time exclusively belongs to the Yege mercenary group...

Officially begin! ! !


Tonight is a carnival for a group of people!
Tonight, it's the screams of a group of ghosts!
Everyone in the Yege Mercenary Corps turned into ghosts tonight.

Playing real ogres one by one in the palm of my hand, looking at their desperate faces and listening to their wailing, reveals the pleasure of satisfaction.

Eighteen ogres, within an hour and a half, all entered Yuta's stomach.

Among them, Bai Ye and the others only spent half an hour catching ghosts.

The extra hour was all Yuta's eating time.

Because the picture is too bloody, in order not to spoil the children and affect everyone's appetite in the future.

Yuta always brought the bound ogres to the backyard and ate them alone, avoiding everyone's eyes.

Plus the two ogres he had dealt with when he was guarding Sakura.

During this night, Yuta actually swallowed twenty ogres who were as tall as him or even taller into his stomach.

At this moment.

Bai Ye just wants to ask a question for the girls who are worried about their weight:
"How on earth did you manage to keep yourself in good shape while overeating!?"



After eating twenty ogres, Yuta's blood energy value exploded again!
Although these ogres are not too powerful, they are much worse than the ones that Yuta ate before.

But it can't stand the huge number of them!

Not enough quality, but enough quantity!

Now Yuta's blood energy value has reached: [1028/200].

Bai Ye spent all of today's adventures on the spot on the spot, and got 600 essence again.

Spending 500 essence, Yuta's level was raised to level [-], the same level as Sakura.

And each of Yuta's attributes has also been increased by [-] points, which directly made his strength reach the late D-level.

In this way, the overall strength of the Yege mercenary group has improved a little.



In the later period, three more ogres came one after another, smelling the smell of thin blood, and all of them entered Yuta's body.

In order to save magic power, Sakura has removed the fan cards, and the courtyard has been restored as before.

Wide, vast, but also lonely and deserted.

From this moment on, the scene was completely silent.

Bai Ye and others sat quietly.

The jar containing thin blood was still placed in the middle of the courtyard.

But it can no longer attract a ghost.

Seeing this, Bai Ye couldn't help but frowned again.

At this time, it was already half past two in the morning.

Although the daytime in winter comes late, the afterglow of the sun has already appeared at six or seven o'clock.

In other words, there are only less than four hours left for the ogre's usual activity time.

Could it be that Kamae will not come tonight! ?



During the time when Bai Ye and the others waited quietly after they finished playing rope art with the ghost.

In a jungle outside Jianye City, a strange scene happened.

I saw a group of black things, as if melting into the ground, sticking to the ground, crazily shuttling between the jungles.

Behind him, Yoshiyuki Tomioka, an icy black-haired boy, was hotly chasing after the black shadow.

However, in this lush forest, it is really too difficult to see the movement of a black shadow clearly.

Even Tomioka Yoshiyuki, the ghost slayer with the world's top fighting power.

In the end, he still didn't catch the black shadow, and let him slip away under Tomioka Yoshiyuki's eyes.

"Did you escape?"

After losing his target, the cute Tomioka Yoshiyuki stood there stupidly.

Half a day later, he suddenly retracted the Sun Wheel Knife into its scabbard, and said resignedly:

"It's really careless. I didn't expect such a weak ghost to possess such a strange blood ghost technique."

"Forget it, anyway, I have nothing to do recently, I will stay in this area for a while these few days."

It seemed that Yoshiyuki Tomioka, who blamed himself for letting the ghost's life go, even talked more.



And not far from Tomioka Yoshiyuki, a black shadow was moving cautiously.

Because it was just a shadow, it didn't make a single sound.

After a certain distance from Yoshiyuki Tomioka, the black shadow instantly turned into a sharp arrow and began to flee crazily.

This weird black shadow is not someone else.

It was the ogre that Bai Ye and the others had been waiting for—Kamane!
When the breath of thin blood leaked, Fu Wei was not around Jianye City.

That's why he never showed up.

Because Mr. Wu Mi asked him to look for information about the "Blue Flower of the Other Side".

So in addition to the necessary eating, Kamae will go to other areas to search for clues every day.

And today, in his spare time, he was planning to find an unlucky guy to have a tooth-beating ceremony.

Unexpectedly, it suddenly hit the "gang" plate, which is harder than an iron plate!

Fortunately, the moment Tomioka Yoshiro drew his sword, Kamame's heart suddenly tightened, and then under the control of his subconscious, he directly activated his own blood ghost technique!

That's why he didn't die unexpectedly.

After fleeing for a while, Kefu had already returned to the foot of Jianye City.

Carefully surveying the surrounding environment, Kamae slowly emerged from the shadows after finding it was safe.

This is the power of his blood ghost technique, which can turn himself into a shadow and use the shadow to attack.

Of course, when confronting Giyuu Tomioka, he had no other thoughts other than running away, let alone using shadow attacks.

Apart from this blood ghost technique, what he is most proud of is his intuition!
This is also the main contributor to his ability to escape safely this time.

Except for Master Wu Mi, he has never encountered such a powerful aura!

"Damn it! I've used too much vampirism, and my physical strength has obviously run out."

Kamae emerged from the shadow, leaning weakly on the city wall.

Ghosts don't feel tired.

It's just different from the way humans consume physical energy.

In order to escape Tomioka Yoshiyuki's pursuit, he really exploded with [-]% of his energy just now, just to be able to escape safely.

Now he is like an anemic patient, exhausted all over.

"Hurry up and find a human to eat and replenish your energy."

Kefu walked towards Jianye City, talking to himself.

The ogre's unique sense of smell flickered, and an unforgettable aroma suddenly poured into Kamae's nostrils.


The weak Kamae was stunned for a moment, and a gleam shot out of his eyes, as if the fragrance just now injected energy into him, and he gained strength again.

"This is... the smell of thin blood!!!"

Kamae is not someone who has never eaten thin blood.

It's just that at this time, he is like a hungry man who hasn't eaten for a few days.

Originally he just wanted to pick up a hard steamed bun to eat, but suddenly found a plate of delicious sauced elbow in front of him!
Those who have not experienced it will not understand that unique feeling!
"It's so drowsy to send a pillow! Eat this thin-blooded person, and I can hide for a while!"

Recalling Yoshiyuki Tomioka's terrifying speed, now Kamame doesn't dare to walk around swaggeringly.

It just happened that it took a long time to absorb the power of thin blood, and it really followed his heart.

My lord Wu Mi, God treats me well!

As soon as his thoughts moved, Kamao plunged into the darkness again, and ran quickly in the direction of the thin blood.



The time came to three o'clock in the morning.

To be honest, Bai Ye already had the idea of ​​giving up at this moment.

After all, they had killed all the cannibals in Jianye City, but they still didn't see Ke Nue.

From this point of view, Kamae may have really left here.

Thinking of this, Bai Ye couldn't help but sigh.

The task rewards are second.

Not being able to avenge Sakura and Miyata is what makes Bai Ye a headache.

According to the development of the plot, Kamae should succeed in taking the position of the sixth of the last quarter moon soon after, replacing the drum-lost ghost Xiangkai.


Kamae was able to become the next string, and Bai Ye believes that a large part of it should be due to the fact that he found the secret history of the Qiandao family and found the traces of Ji Guoyuanyi, so he was promoted by Kiwu Tsuji.

But now, the secret history is in his hands.

I don't know, if he hasn't found anything now, can he still live to the time of the plot...

But don't let Wu Mi be unhappy and get killed.

That would be no fun.

If you don't find him and kill him with your own hands, Sakura and Miyata have a big heart disease, but it is difficult to eradicate.

Watch the time pass by.

Arrived at four o'clock in the morning.

Finding that there was still no movement around, Bai Ye knew what to say.

Procrastination will only bring unnecessary expectations to everyone.

Bai Ye stood up: "Everyone, we..."


Before Bai Ye could finish his words, a black shadow directly turned into a black light and penetrated into the courtyard.

Appeared in front of Bai Ye and the others.

Kemao laughed loudly and said, "Hey hey hey, bloody man, here I come!"

white night:"…………"

"Everyone, we..."

"The war is on!!!"

 Wan more offer!
  Ask for a recommendation ticket!Recommendation tickets are very important at this time_!

(End of this chapter)

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