Chapter 59
"Hu! Hu!..."

"Don't stop! To Miyata!!!"

"Can't stop!!!"

In the sky, the stars still shine.

But on the horizon, in the silent darkness, there seemed to be a glimmer of light.

In the twilight air, there are layers of chilling atmosphere.

Miyata Tou's face was already mixed with tears and sweat, and he was panting ferociously.


all dead...

Those partners, those ghost killers who trusted him...

It was as if he had fallen from the clouds to the abyss, and his body was as helpless as duckweed.

Not even the strength to wail!

At this time, the only thing that can make him feel that he is still alive is the heart that is about to burst...

Gritting his teeth tightly, there are bloodstains!


The dawn is cold, the dew is falling, and the dewdrops are shining in the sun.

The sun gradually rises until it hangs high in the sky.

Qingteng Village, as always, runs according to the same trajectory.

The original address of Qiandao's family is now in the reception hall of the Yege Mercenary Corps Office.

Shiriya and Tanjirou's mother were sitting here.

next to them.

The members of the Yege Mercenary Corps and Tanjiro were also located on both sides.

Tanjiro's mother tightly held the pottery teacup in her hand.

Looking at the heat rising from the cup, his eyes were full of hesitation.

"Auntie, how are you thinking?"

Opposite this pretty widow, the rich man Byakuya desperately searched Tanjiro's mother with a look that said nothing.

It's like trying to put pressure on it in this way.

In the end, the mother of five children was finally overwhelmed, and said with a long sigh:
"Byakuya-sama, Tanjirou, he..."

"I'm counting on you!!!"

While talking, Tanjiro's mother suddenly changed her sitting position.

Kneeling and sitting up, he knocked his head deeply on the ground.

Bai Ye smiled and accepted the mother's gift with joy.

Because he knew that this would make the mother believe that...

He has the ability and confidence to protect his children.

"Don't worry, auntie..."

"Tanjirou, aren't you the child you trust the most!"

After a while, Bai Ye stepped forward to help Tanjirou's mother, and said comfortingly.

He could also understand Tanjirou's mother's feelings.

after all……

This is tantamount to sending one's own child to the battlefield where the flames of war are raging.

It is a very sad thing for any mother.

Which mother does not want her child to spend this life in peace and health.


After three days of soft grinding and hard foaming.

Bai Ye could finally cheer loudly:

"I subdued Tanjiro!!!"


The excitement didn't stay in Bai Ye's heart for too long.

Even he just comforted Tanjiro's mother.

There was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps from the corridor outside the house.

"Master Bai Ye! Master Bai Ye!"

"Oh no!!!!"

A servant ran over in a hurry.

He didn't even have time to salute and knock on the door.

He opened the door directly, and shouted to Bai Ye and others in the house:

"Byakuya-sama! Miss Sakura!"

"Last time... the boy from last time... is back again!!!"

The impatient mood made the servants a little slurred, and Bai Ye and the others were confused.

Bai Ye immediately asked:
"The boy from last time? What boy?"

"That's... that boy that Lord Bai Ye brought home last time..."


Although I feel that the servant's words have some strange ambiguities.

Seeing that he was so anxious, Bai Ye stopped joking with him and asked directly:
"You mean Tomo Miyata?"


The servant immediately nodded and said:
"Master Bai Ye, come and take a look! He is dying soon!!!"


Hearing the words, Bai Ye immediately stood up straight, came to the next side vigorously, and extended a gesture to him, motioning him to lead the way:

"Talk while you walk!"



The gate of the mansion of the Yege mercenary group.

A group of villagers formed a circle.

Everyone looked worriedly at the center of the crowd.

On a stretcher, a blood-stained and ragged Miyata Tou was lying on his side.

An old man who seemed to be a doctor pinched Miyata Tou's pulse for a moment.

In the end, he shook his head slightly and let out a sigh.

"No, he has lost too much blood, and he has exhausted his physical strength and effort. He has no hope."

The old man's words seemed to be the book of life and death of the King of Hades, an invitation to Miyata Tou to die.

In the crowd, there was a sad uproar in an instant.

Watching a young man in his prime die before his eyes.

The kind-hearted villagers couldn't help but feel a tug in their hearts.

But there is no resistance.

Just when everyone is sad.

Miyata Tou, who was sentenced to death, suddenly made a small sound.

all of a sudden.

The villagers silenced for a moment, all wanting to hear what the boy's last words would be.

Miyata Tou, who didn't even have the strength to open his eyes, said with trembling lips:
"Give... the book in my arms... to Brother Bai Ye..."

"white night!?"

Now in Qingteng Village, the Yege Mercenary Group already has a well-known name.

And Bai Ye, the owner of the Yege Mercenary Group, is one of the romantic figures in Qingteng Village.

Almost everyone has heard of this name.

"Are you looking for Master Bai Ye!?"

Aman on the side heard the voice of the young man exhaling more air than inhaling, so he hurriedly stepped forward and said:

"hold onto!!!"

"Someone has gone to look for Lord Bai Ye just now!!!"

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

at this time.

A servant suddenly shouted loudly.

Everyone instantly made way for him.

Bai Ye followed closely behind and walked directly to Miyata Tou's side.

"To Miyata! What happened!!?"

As soon as the words fell, Bai Ye immediately looked at Miyata Tou's body.

I saw that Miyata Tou's abdomen was wrapped with a circle of thick gauze.

It seems to have been simply bandaged.

Only on the gauze, bright red blood continued to ooze.

Miyata tried hard to raise his arms.

But life has come to an end, there is really no extra strength.

"Master Baiye..."

The old man who had just felt the pulse of Miyata Dou then said:

"He lost a lot of blood, and he is dying soon..."

After finishing speaking, the old man sighed softly.

I also feel sorry for this young boy.

Looking at Tomo Miyata, who was dying.

Do not know why.

Bai Ye suddenly remembered the time when he and Yuta brought him back.

Although at that time, Bai Ye had a purpose towards Miyata Tou, and even stole his Sun Wheel Saber.


When he knew that this young man was really going to die soon, there was a flash of strong reluctance in his heart.

White Nights is not Madonna.

but he felt...

Miyata Toto should not have died here!

Just thinking for a moment, the light in Bai Ye's eyes suddenly flashed.

Then he stood up directly and said firmly:

"Bring him in, I have a way to save him!!!"

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(End of this chapter)

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