Chapter 27
"It's really an excellent reaction ability. It can detect danger in an instant and make a counterattack."

With a smile on his face, Bai Ye took a step forward in an instant, and said sincerely:

"I'm very sorry, Tanjirou-san."

"Forgive me for arranging my pet to test you without your permission..."


Tanjirou, who was stunned by the sudden attack just now, looked at the goblin standing upright with a blank face.

Have I crossed over?
Pets can actually use tools like humans, and he just heard that "pet" make a sound that only humans have.

"This...what's the matter?"

Tanjiro's character is gentle and gentle, so he quickly forgave Bai Ye's behavior. He didn't know the situation, so he just stared at his big watery eyes and asked.

Tanjiro, who is only 13 years old, has not experienced so many things, and his personality has not fully developed.

Leaving aside the identity of the eldest son, Tanjiro is just a kid who has just entered junior high school in modern times.

So, for Bai Ye...

Well coaxed! ! !

Facing Tanjiro's questioning, Bai Ye suddenly became serious, as if there were countless stories in his heart, and said earnestly:
"Tanjiro, there are some things that I should have told you when you grew up..."

"But although we only met for a few minutes, your character touched me deeply!"

"My... character?"

Tanjiro's eyes were full of puzzlement.

At this moment, Tanjiro couldn't understand what Bai Ye was saying at all.

He just came to buy charcoal, why did he encounter such a strange thing?
Bai Ye walked to Tanjirou's side step by step, squatted down, put one hand on Tanjirou's shoulder, and put the other hand on Tanjirou's forehead, looking like a gentle brother.

In that place, there is the scar where Tanjiro was burned trying to save his younger brother.

"A child at such a young age has overturned the burden of the whole family, walking such a long distance alone, selling charcoal..."

"I have to say, Tanjiro, I admire your strength..."

"Thank you...thank you..."

Inexplicably being praised, Tanjiro was still a little moved.

Touching Tanjirou's broken hair, Shiraya continued:
"Tanjiro, your house should be in the forest of Aoyama Village, right?"

"Yes, Mr. Baiye."

"The wood in that place is good and the quality of the charcoal fired is amazing!"

Tanjiro, who was questioned by Bai Ye, did not forget to praise his own products, maybe because he hoped that Bai Ye could buy another batch.


Bai Ye pondered for a while, and continued:
"Then you should know that place is often haunted by wild beasts and it is not safe."

"Tanjiro, I have an idea, how about bringing your family here this winter!"


Tanjiro quickly waved his hands and said:

"No need, no need..."

"We've lived there for many years and are used to..."

"Listen to me!"

Bai Ye suddenly interrupted Tanjirou and said:
"I'm not scaring you, Tanjirou."

"Actually, the real situation is very complicated, and it is ten thousand times more terrifying than what you imagined."

"Recently, it's very uneasy here. Even if you don't think about yourself, you should think about your family."

"And I'm not asking you to move here for nothing. I just took over some jobs and need some children as staff."

"Especially you, Tanjirou, your talent is extremely outstanding."

"I will provide you with jobs, and I won't support you for nothing. You don't want to see your younger brothers and sisters continue to endure the cold winter, do you?"


Tanjirou's eyes trembled slightly, obviously, he was already moved by Bai Ye's conditions.

The grandfather Sanlang he met just now was also telling him that it was not safe outside.

It's just that Grandpa Sanlang said that there are ghosts.

Because he has never seen a ghost, Tanjiro doesn't really believe in the existence of ghosts in his heart.

But the forest is not safe in winter, it is undeniable.

Food in the forest is scarce in winter, and some wild animals will expand their foraging range.

When Tanjiro's father was still alive, Tanjiro and his father saw a hungry wild bear.

At that time, although Tanjiro's memory is blurred, he knows that his father protected him.

Now that his father is gone, it is indeed unsafe for his family to live alone in the wild.

For Tanjiro, the only thing he can't accept is receiving charity or gifts from others for nothing.

But if Mr. Baiye offers a job...

He can work ten times, a hundred times harder to repay Mr. Bai Ye's feelings.

"Stop doing this and that!"

"That `s a deal!"

Tanjirou was still thinking about something, Bai Ye suddenly stretched out his hand and patted Tanjirou, the corner of his mouth raised slightly, he directly pulled Tanjirou's arm, and walked towards the restaurant.

Leave a pile of charcoal and an empty bamboo basket.


As long as Tanjiro's family can be lured in, they will not be killed by Onimai Tsujimu who is wandering around, and Nezuko will no longer become a ghost.

And Bai Ye can invite Tanjiro to join his mercenary group in the future, which is equivalent to having an extra powerful assistant for no reason!

As the male lead of Demon Slayer, Tanjiro must have good aptitude. Maybe, this will be the first SSR-level hero in the Yege Mercenary Corps!

The price of [Mercenary Qualification Certificate] is extremely expensive, it costs [-] yuan per piece, which is not something Bai Ye can afford now.

When Bai Ye was promoted to E rank, he only received two [Mercenary Qualification Certificates] rewarded by the system.

One has already been given to Wu Tianxinyi, so far, the effect is very obvious.

Another Bai Ye originally planned to keep it to see if he would meet a suitable person in the future.

But he didn't expect that he would meet Tanjiro so soon, Tanjiro who didn't join the Demon Slayer Squad.

Just God help me!
Thinking of this, Bai Ye felt a burst of excitement!

"Okay, it's already very late today, and it's not safe to walk around in the dark, so you can stay here and have dinner with us."

"Miss Qiandao Sakura is very nice, don't be shy."

"Hey... wait, Big Brother Bai Ye, don't pull me!"


Rhubarb, who was left in place to clean up the mess, sighed silently.


"Goblins have no human rights!"



An unknown and strange place.

In this space, up and down, left and right, front and back, are all Japanese-style attics one after another.

This space has a famous name - [Infinite City]!
Here even gravity loses its authority.

A person in a Japanese-style kimono full of petals hangs upside down here, but his hair and skirt have no tendency to fall.


Suddenly, an ancient musical instrument sounded suddenly in this space.

The voice is unusually dull, making people feel melancholy just by hearing it.

On the platform, a figure like a fat pig appeared here in an instant following the dull sound.

The Fat Pig Ghost didn't hesitate. The moment he appeared, he knelt down on the ground and buried his head deeply.

"Wu... Lord Wu Mi..."

(End of this chapter)

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