Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 691 A Popular Female Model

Chapter 691 A Popular Female Model

This time, European and American stars chartered a Boeing 757 plane from London to Juba, the capital of South Sudan. There were movie stars, well-known directors, writers, singers, models, and retired sports stars, plus their assistants and The number of staff accompanying the team is about 100.

After five hours of flight, the plane finally arrived at Juba, the capital of South Sudan, at [-]:[-] pm local time.

On the improvised airport, the country's Vice President Mbora warmly welcomed them with local children.

Liszt, an official of the United Nations Food Program, introduced these more than 40 cultural and sports stars from European and American countries to Mbola one by one.

"Welcome to our Juba."


"Thank you for your help."


Mbora is in a good mood. Although the country is still in turmoil, at least this time the United Nations Food Program has sent a strong star team to Juba to comfort the refugees. After they come back, they will be in Europe and America Fundraisers in the region to raise funds for the war-torn country.

This is undoubtedly a timely help for them.

Jonny, as Latty's official photographer, started shooting from the moment Miss Latty stepped off the cabin. Latty always had a smile on her face, looking friendly to the people, but she was helpless with her strange outfit. It made those young children fear her, and after repeated persuasion by the local translator, a little girl agreed to let Latty hold her.

As soon as Johnny saw this, he quickly took pictures from multiple angles.

Compared with Ratty's, which is not very popular with these children, Miss Rosalia's is simply the idol of these children.

Angelic face, decent posture, and elegant temperament made her very popular with these children. The photographers accompanying the team and local photographers saw Miss Rosalia surrounded by these children , Picking up the camera is just a burst of shooting.

"Bitch..." Miss Letty seemed very dissatisfied with Rosalia, seeing Rosalia surrounded by children, she couldn't help but cursed in a low voice.

But her voice was not loud, and only she could hear it.

Yang Tianlong followed Rosalia's arrival as a staff member.

So while Rosalia hugged local children, he stood far away.

From time to time, he took out his mobile phone and sent a few messages to Officer Remandi.

After receiving the specific date, Police Officer Remandi had already set off for Juba several days ago. He and Yang Tianlong stayed in the same hotel, but they were not on the same floor.

In the text message, Lei Mandi told Yang Tianlong that he was already waiting for them at the hotel, and if Miss Rosalia and the others wanted to have dinner tonight, please let him know.

Yang Tianlong simply sent a smiley face over.

After the simple welcome ceremony at the airport, these stars boarded the bus and drove towards the hotel in the city.

Although he was a little tired, on the way to the hotel, Yang Tianlong still looked at this strange city with his eyes wide open.

There are not many high-rise buildings, almost all low-rise buildings. From this alone, we can see the local economic level.

After staying in Africa for a long time, Yang Tianlong probably had some guesses about the hotel he was going to stay in. He reckoned that even if it was listed as a five-star hotel, it would not be much better.

Some of the roads in Juba were very dusty due to the recent construction. The bus ran over, coupled with the local hot climate, the wheels brought up bursts of dust, which choked the stars in the bus.

Ratty couldn't stand it even more. She even asked her assistant to wet her with mineral water, and then tightly wrapped her mouth and nose with a scarf.

At that time Rosalia looked very calm, she didn't even frown much, but looked at everything in the area with her big watery eyes.

Finally arrived at the hotel. This is a ten-storey building. For some reason, a large piece of the electronic display at the entrance of the hotel is broken, so the welcome words scrolling here look very incomplete.

"I kept you waiting for a long time." Liszt was the first to get out of the car.

"Welcome, welcome." The foreign minister and the officials had already greeted them at the hotel. After seeing the UN officials, they all smiled, as if seeing countless grains and dollars.

Liszt once again introduced these celebrities from Europe and America one by one.

After Ratti briefly shook hands with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the expression on his face became somewhat disgusted.

"Johnny, is this hotel a five-star hotel?"

Johnny was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly looked around. Soon, he found the five-star listing sign.

"Yes, Miss Ratty, the hotel is a five-star hotel."

"Why is the environment so bad? It can't even compare to an ordinary small hotel in London?" Ratty couldn't help frowning.

"This place may be affected by the war. In fact, this hotel, ah, no, it's a hotel. It should be the best hotel in Juba." Jonny quickly explained.

"It's too broken." Lettie sighed.

After waiting for all the guests to get off the car one by one, the Minister of Foreign Affairs said a few words before asking them to go back to their rooms and have dinner at the restaurant on the third floor of the hotel half an hour later.

After speaking, I saw the local officials took them to a spacious place in the hotel lobby, and asked the staff to distribute a piece of information to everyone, which included everyone's room number and the arrangement for the next three days .

Information is written in both English and French.

Yang Tianlong picked up the information and looked at it briefly. English is more difficult, but he looks very easy in French.

Taking a closer look at the schedule, the schedule is tight enough. Tomorrow morning, I will go to the orphanage; in the afternoon, I will go to the hospital; in the evening, there will be a charity party and auction. To put it bluntly, I want these stars to bleed and buy something at a high price. Bring back.

The whole day after tomorrow is to go to the front line.

In the morning, we will visit the Patrick Grassland in South Sudan, have free time in the afternoon, and then return.

"Hey, Hua Xialong, our rooms are next to each other." When Yang Tianlong was looking at the schedule carefully, Johnny suddenly came over and patted him on the shoulder excitedly and said.

Yang Tianlong was taken aback for a moment, and then couldn't help asking, "Really?"

"Of course, it's in the back, you see." Johnny said, turning the page.

Taking a closer look, he was indeed in the room next to Jonny, and opposite them were Rosalia and Miss Letty, who lived in a deluxe single room.

"That night there will be some bragging." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"That's it." Johnny said proudly.

While the two were chatting, Ratty and Rosalia quarreled unexpectedly.

(End of this chapter)

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