Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 619 Accident

Chapter 619 Accident
"Everyone can see that the dozen or so unpardonable guys in front of me are Korba's enemies..." Korba said loudly. like existence.

"No..." Suddenly, Korba changed the subject, and his emotions became a little agitated again, "They are not only my enemies, but also your enemies, because you and I are brothers."

Corba's words were extremely provocative and won warm applause from the guests below.

Although today's guests all looked like gentlemen, they were all villains. Some of these guys were even crazier than Korba.

"Some of them used to be my Korba's brothers, but for the sake of profit, they did not hesitate to betray me. They are the bastards among the bastards..." Korba said with a serious face.

Unexpectedly, Zeng Dan couldn't help laughing. Seeing that this guy was not serious at all, Raff quickly glared at him.

"Hey, Raff, this guy is the bastard among those traitors. Doesn't that mean that he is also a bastard?" Zeng Dan whispered.

Raff was taken aback for a moment, then savored it carefully, and it was the same reason.

He couldn't help laughing too.

"There is only one fate for traitors. Unfortunately, I originally wanted to execute them here, but because there are too many women, it is not suitable to watch, so their punishment will be carried out later..."

"After talking about the traitors, let's talk about these poor revolutionaries, this..." Corba suddenly pointed his finger at Alonso, "The revolutionaries from Spain are said to be Che Guevara's loyal fans. Guess, everyone, where we caught this guy." After saying this, Korba smiled slightly.

When Alonso heard this, he couldn't help but look angry...

However, his anger can only be anger, after all, he has been completely tied up.

The guests in the audience began to have different opinions. Some said it was in the manor, some said it was at the airport, and some said it was in the hotel...

Quite as Korba expected, no one was right.

"Haha, everyone's imagination is very rich." Korba said and motioned everyone to be quiet, "Actually, I didn't know where this seemingly noble revolutionary was caught before, and then I didn’t know until my subordinates told me.”

Upon hearing this, the people below began to chatter, and they whispered again where the hapless revolutionary would be caught.

"Our noble revolutionary was caught in the red light district." Korba laughed.

In an instant, it was as if a pot had exploded in the audience. To be honest, no one could have imagined that this revolutionary was caught by Korba's horsemen in the red-light district.

"When this guy was caught by us, he had just finished having sex with a prostitute, and he didn't even have time to put on his pants." When Korba said this, his face was contemptuous. In his opinion, this **** revolution They are simply the scum of revolutionaries, and they are the best kind.

Poor Alonso was so ashamed that he wanted to find a hole in the ground and go into it, and he couldn't help feeling extremely remorseful.

"So I want to execute him for the revolutionaries." Korba smiled, "Let those revolutionaries take a good look at what their so-called good comrades in arms really are."

As soon as Korba finished speaking, suddenly there was a loud explosion sound from outside.

The guests at the scene began to panic, and soon, the scene became a mess.

But none of them dared to flee towards the stage...

Korba was also taken aback, he quickly and loudly signaled those panicked guys to stop.

"What are you afraid of? What a bunch of cowards." Suddenly, Korba's gaze was fixed on them, and there was a hint of ridicule in his tone.

Those guys couldn't help but stop after being reprimanded by Korba's words.

"My Korba's birthday, which year can't someone make trouble?" Korba's eyes began to shine, "It's the last word to go with me to the end, guys, otherwise, it's like their Same end."

As soon as the words were finished, Korba quickly pulled out the pistol from his waist without even looking at it, and just fired a single shot, and the poor guy fell into a pool of blood all at once.

Raff took a closer look, and then couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it wasn't Alonso or Eddie.


Yang Tianlong is also watching closely. He has already locked Korba through the unmanned attack aircraft. As long as Raf and the others make a move, he will definitely press the launch button immediately, and countless bullets will pour down. Korba became a hornet's nest.

When Yang Tianlong heard the gunshots, he couldn't help being nervous, but after taking a closer look, he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief...


Seeing that the shocking guests had just calmed down again under Korba's obscenity, Laf winked at Zeng Dan, and Zeng Dan understood that their chance to do something had come.

With a light press on the remote control, the time bomb dropped at the villa just now slammed, startling the guests again.

These guys started to riot again.

"The U.S. Marine Corps was ordered to arrest Korba." Suddenly, Raff yelled, raising his gun and shooting.

In fact, according to Raff's marksmanship, there is no problem at all in hitting Korba, but the bodyguards around him are not vegetarian. When the explosion sounded, they surrounded Korba in the middle. The bullets fired only hit the one or two bodyguards.

Of course, Raff did not continue to entangle with Korba and his bodyguards, he and Zeng Dan quickly ran towards the dozen or so captives.

Alonso's eyes are also quite sharp. He immediately spotted Raf and Zeng Dan in the crowd. Fortunately, his feet can still move.

I saw Alonso turned around suddenly and swept his legs, and the two guys behind him were swept to the ground at once.

Then Alonso rolled and jumped off the stage.

Zeng Dan hit Eddie first with the super electric baton, and Eddie's body suddenly softened.

The guards behind him were taken aback for a moment, and then they were shot and fell to the ground.


Just when Yang Tianlong was about to press the shooting button, the phone screen suddenly flickered down.

Several large English words suddenly appeared on the screen of the mobile phone.

"no signa" (no signal).

Seeing this scene, Yang Tianlong was dumbfounded all of a sudden, how could there be no signal in a daze?
(End of this chapter)

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