Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 617 I hope there will be no traitors among us

Chapter 617 I hope there will be no traitors among us
When everyone discovered that Alonso was missing, it was almost noon.

It was originally planned that everyone would start preparations after lunch, but unexpectedly no one answered when they knocked on Alonso's door for a long time.

It was Vasily who called him. Seeing that Alonso was not in the room, an ominous premonition came to his heart.

After hesitating for a while, Vasily walked out of the hotel quickly, then took a taxi, and dialed Alonso's number from a public phone booth more than ten kilometers away from the hotel.

"Hello..." A strange-sounding voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Sir, do you need to know about stocks?" Vasily asked urgently.

"I want your mother to..." The other person couldn't help cursing, and then hung up the phone.

Vasily was startled, sure enough Alonso had an accident.

Thinking of this, he quickly called Yang Tianlong, Laf and others, and reported the news of Alonso's disappearance to them.

Yang Tianlong and Raf were just about to go to the restaurant for dinner. When they heard that Alonso was missing, they quickly called all the buddies together...

Vasily also stopped a taxi and hurried back.

But he didn't go upstairs immediately, but asked the front desk to call out the surveillance.

After checking for more than half an hour, he found that Alonso walked out of the hotel alone at one o'clock in the morning, and then walked towards the right side of the hotel.

Vasily couldn't help but thumped in his heart. It seemed that Alonso had committed another old problem.

He knew that Alonso had always been a troublemaker, but he didn't expect this guy to be so bold this time, and he was not at peace after coming to Medellin.

After thanking the front desk clerk, Vasily hurried towards the room.

"Boss, Vasily left the hotel at one o'clock in the morning." Vasily said with a guilty face, after all, Alonso was introduced by him.

"What? Going out in the early morning?" Yang Tianlong, Raf and everyone present were taken aback.

"Yes, if I'm not mistaken, Alonso should have been captured in the red light district outside the hotel." Vasily said calmly.

Wilmots couldn't help frowning at this moment and said, "Vassily, you mean that Alonso went there?"

Vasily nodded, "Yes, this guy has always liked that. Originally, I thought he would restrain himself after arriving in Medellin. In fact, I reminded him several times before that he really didn't have that sign. Unexpectedly At this most critical juncture, Alonso actually..." Vasili said, his tone became involuntarily aggravated, and there was a feeling of hatred for iron and steel.

"I called him just now, and the phone was connected, but he was controlled by someone." Vasily said again.

At this time, Yang Tianlong smelled the bloody smell in the air like a hungry tiger, and he couldn't help but get excited when he heard that Vasily had called Alonso.

"Dude, hurry up and contact Perez and ask him to check where the phone is located?"

Hearing Yang Tianlong's words, everyone's eyes lit up, especially Raff and Wilmots, these two old guys were even more excited. You must know that Perez has cracked the local communication system. As long as you enter the system, it is not difficult to analyze and find out the access location of Alonso's mobile phone signal.

Soon, Perez and Ricardo came into the room with the laptop.

Because there were too many people in the room, even with the air conditioner turned on to the lowest level, the temperature inside was still very high. Seeing this, Yang Tianlong asked Buka and Zeng Dan to take everyone to the restaurant for dinner.

Perez quickly turned on the phone, and saw him tapping on the computer intently. Not long after, Perez let out a sigh of relief, "It's done, the last communication signal access point is at The base station at Korba Manor."

"It means that Alonso was also imprisoned in Korba's manor?" Wilmots said in surprise.

Perez nodded, "Yes, from the point of view of the signal access point, in theory, the actual range should be that area, a few kilometers in radius, but as far as we know, there is no any signal within a few kilometers nearby. Corba's barracks, so it is most likely that Alonso will be imprisoned in the Corba Manor."

After being silent for a while, Raff spoke at this moment, "Actually, it doesn't matter where Alonso is being held right now, what matters is whether this guy has leaked the secret?"

"Probably not." Vasily couldn't guarantee it, and he could only use vague words to replace it, "I still have some understanding of Alonso. Although this guy looks more suave, he is more shrewd." When we worked as a bodyguard for a boss, this guy also resisted several interrogations, but people's hearts will change, I can't guarantee him now."

"Guys, suppose, I mean, suppose Alonso confessed to us, what should we do now?" Raff suddenly became extremely serious. From the perspective of Yang Tianlong and others who are familiar with his character, Raff rarely showed such an extremely serious expression.

"If Alonso confessed to us, we should be surrounded by now." Yang Tianlong said seriously.

Wilmots couldn't help but nodded, "That's right, it's that simple, I don't think they will put us ostentatiously near Korba's manor."

The analysis of Wilmots and Yang Tianlong is not unreasonable, obviously anyone is willing to solve it outside the safe range.

"Then what should we do now? Go and investigate around?" Raff couldn't help frowning.

"Let's eat now and then go separately," Wilmots suggested.

"I think I'd better use the unmanned attack aircraft to scout around." Yang Tianlong said with a serious face.

"Okay, old man, you use the drone to scout first, let's take the guys and leave quickly." Raff's tone became a little hasty.

Everyone nodded quickly, and after packing up their things, they hurried towards the restaurant.

In the restaurant, Yang Tianlong did not find any suspicious guy after some investigation.

Tell Rafe and Wilmots about this situation.

Vasily was also listening carefully.

"Alonso should still be strong." Vasily said suddenly.

"Then what should we do?" Everyone focused on Yang Tianlong.

Yang Tianlong thought for a while, and then said with determination, "What else can we do? According to the original plan, fuck the fuck..."

"Yes, Falk..." Raff, Wilmots, and Vasily couldn't help laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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