Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 224 Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea and Showing Their Magical Powers

Chapter 224

Kabika's loophole lies in the food distribution plan, because he alone has the final say on the distribution plan, and the islanders don't bother to care about it, they don't care about it.

Remote villages have no culture, so Kabika allocates less per capita to these areas.

As for the slums in the town, the per capita amount is very large. After all, these guys are the group with the most votes, and they are also the group that threatens him the most.

From this alone, it can be seen that Kabika is very smart.

It's a pity that his cleverness is limited to petty cleverness.

Food distribution is scheduled for tomorrow morning.

After listening to Chebi's report, Yang Tianlong also felt that this opportunity was rare, so he hurriedly asked Chebi to bring him the secretly copied distribution plan.

After receiving the distribution plan, Yang Tianlong faxed it to Claire immediately.

After Claire got the watch, he was also very surprised.

"Dude, I suggest you post the report now." There was a delay in the news here. In order to expose Kabika's ugliness as soon as possible, Yang Tianlong felt that he had to race against time.

Claire nodded, and he told Yang Tianlong, no problem, this can be done within 5 minutes.

After finishing the call with Claire, Chebi hurried over and told him that Kabika wanted them to go to the office for a meeting immediately.

"That guy's tone sounded a little annoyed." Cheby smiled.

"Turn on your phone and I'll listen to what he will say." Yang Tianlong instructed.

Chebi nodded, and then he hurried to the government.

When he arrived at the office, taking advantage of the people around him not paying attention, Chebi decisively called Yang Tianlong, and then put the phone in his trouser pocket.

"Damn, what's going on here?" At the meeting, Kapika was furious, and he stared fiercely at Chebi and several other competitors.

"Mayor Kabika, it is obvious that someone wants to cause trouble. It is a good thing that you have worked so hard to obtain this food aid for the people of Bunia, but in the eyes of people with ulterior motives, this has become a political game tool. .”

"Delete it, find someone to delete it immediately." Kabika said loudly.

"Mr. Mayor, I'm sorry, we can't delete it. The other party is a well-known thorny media, and he won't take hard things." Another official said with a frown.

"Can't delete it?" Kabika looked surprised and angry, "Check it out, check it out for me, who is doing the tricks, where is the police chief? Are you a fucking idiot? Hurry up and check the check-in records in various hotels for me , Let’s see who is behind it.”

Yam nodded quickly, "Yes, Mr. Mayor, I'll check it now." After finishing speaking, Yam wanted to slip away. He was happy outside and didn't bother to participate in this matter. This thing is so bad, it seems that this guy is finally going to step down.

"You fucking stop, can't it be enough to call your gang of birdmen? What are you running for? Could it be that you have a ghost in your heart?" Kabika now doubts everyone she sees, and now it's not just Chebi They are gone.

"Okay, okay..." Yam seemed to be submissive, but what he actually thought was that after you Kabika stepped down, I will see if I will kill you.

After Kabika lost his temper and threatened everyone by the way, the meeting was adjourned.

After the meeting, Kabika did not go home immediately, but went directly to the home of the local old chaebol to discuss countermeasures.

And Chebi found Yam, and he told Yam that this matter must be investigated and found out.

Yam was taken aback, wondering what kind of medicine Chebi sold in the gourd. You must know that Kabika and Chebi are partners who are known to be at odds with each other.

Yam did not express his opinion, but hurried back to the police station and discussed with several of his confidants.

"Director, I think Chebi is testing you." A guy hit the nail on the head.

"Try me?" Yam has a big belly, has spent too much time drinking, and his brain is not very good.

"He is testing whether you are still loyal to Kabika. Chebi's voice is very loud now, and the election will start the day after tomorrow. Originally, Kabika was counting on the food aid plan to regain the disadvantage. Right now, this matter will be done. It’s pretty bad. If Chebi is elected, he will definitely need to nominate his confidant to be the head. If you are still loyal to Kabika at this time, then you must be the one who suffers in the future.” After this guy’s analysis, Ya Immediately understood.

After thinking about it, Yam hurried to Chebi's residence.

Naturally, Kabika's reply could not be found.

After Kabika discussed with several old chaebols all night and failed to find a solution, they decided to try spending money to bribe votes.

Fortunately, these old chaebols are also smart. They know that if Kabika is not on stage, their interests will definitely be seriously affected, and they may even go to jail.

And their bribes were the on-site counting staff, [-] US dollars each.

As long as the staff is black and white, Kabika will definitely win.

As for these situations, Yang Tianlong and Chebi didn't know about them at all.

The next day, the food distribution system was protested by several small nearby villages, and the town government was attacked by these irrational villagers.

Kabika took out tens of thousands of dollars to comfort these angry villagers, and by the way led the blame of this matter to Chebi.

"This was discussed by several people in our government. I don't care about the distribution. Chebi is doing it. After we go back, we will investigate thoroughly and give everyone an explanation."

Regardless of whether these villagers believe it or not, this large-scale protest is over anyway, and the previous unfair food distribution system has returned to the perspective of equality.

The current Kabika is no longer the Kabika who had absolute strength a few days ago, and what he said at the scene quickly reached Chebi's ears.

Under Yang Tianlong's advice and advice, Chebi did everything he could to unite the guys in the slums in Bunia Town.

"Sorry, I wanted to take care of everyone." Chebi said regretfully.

There are about 4 people in the slums, accounting for half of the voters.

"Kabika in the dog day." The poor in the slums looked angry. "Those remote villages at least have land and are surrounded by rainforests, but what about us? We have nothing?"

The anger of these guys is not unreasonable. Although those remote villages in Bic Village are very poor and poor, at least they have land, and those poor people living in slums don’t even have a piece of land the size of a palm. Work in the surrounding mines and factories to support the family.

In a rage, the poor in the slum set the town government on fire that night.

The law does not blame the public, but these black people are also extremely smart.

Now Kabika was even more dumbfounded, the current situation is really difficult to control.

You can't push the blame, but you can't recite it either. Kapika thought hard, but still couldn't think of a suitable way.

Even the staff who had previously accepted bribes from him returned the money one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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