Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 221 Visiting Claire

Chapter 221 Visiting Claire

The next morning, Liu Zhengyang woke up. When he got up, he saw Yang Tianlong and found that Uncle Long was already sweating profusely.

"Uncle Long, are you so early?" Liu Zhengyang felt that as a young man, he was pretty good at not sleeping in. He didn't expect that there would be someone who worked harder than himself.

"Exercise your body." After finishing a hundred push-ups, Yang Tianlong got up.

After wiping the sweat off his face, he tossed it casually, and the towel in his hand flew straight into the drum of the washing machine.

"Damn, it's too awesome." Liu Zhengyang was stunned.

Yang Tianlong smiled slightly. These are the methods taught to him by the lion head. After mastering the essentials, the only thing he needs to do more is to practice.

"Make breakfast, and I'll pick you up at the airport at eleven o'clock in the morning." After speaking, Yang Tianlong went straight up the stairs to take a shower and change clothes.

Liu Zhengyang didn't dare to be negligent. After all, Uncle Long had the final say on whether he could play with a gun. Now he began to slowly correct his previous skeptical views. Maybe Uncle Long is really a very good person.

A bowl of noodles for each person, plus a poached egg, this is their breakfast.

After breakfast, Liu Zhengyang took care of everything, while Yang Tianlong returned to the room and started to print the 800 pieces of sandalwood with the printer.

At present, he has completed the printing of nearly 600 pieces of sandalwood, and he put all the printed sandalwood products in the online shop, and soon became a snap-up item for many collectors.

If there is no accident, the remaining 200 or so sandalwood can be printed before leaving the villa in the afternoon.

After staying in the room for three hours, Yang Tianlong finally came out again.

Liu Zhengyang had already scrubbed the Wrangler clean and was waiting for Uncle Long's order.

Along the way, it was Yang Tianlong who showed the way to Liu Zhengyang who had just arrived.

Liu Zhengyang finally couldn't bear to speak, and he asked with a puzzled face, "Uncle Long, why are you so familiar with the traffic here?"

"The more you walk, the more you will get used to it. Just like your kid, if you experience a few more setbacks, you will understand that tears are bitter." Yang Tianlong said meaningfully.

Liu Zhengyang did not speak, he knew the meaning of this sentence.

After waiting at the airport for a short time, I saw two middle-aged men in shabby clothes coming out of the luggage cart. Based on his feeling, Yang Tianlong felt that these two middle-aged men should be the retired soldiers introduced by Siman.

Liu Zhengyang held up the signs of "Vassily" and "Hank". Vasily is an all-around fighter, while Hank is a gunslinger.

Sure enough, the two middle-aged men quickly walked towards them after discovering the cards in Liu Zhengyang's hand.

"Huaxia Dragon?" The bearded Vasily frowned involuntarily.

"Yes, Siman's old buddy, Huaxialong." After finishing speaking, Yang Tianlong gave Vasily a warm hug.

Then he gave Hank another big hug.

"Nice to meet you, Huaxia Dragon. In Sman's eyes, you are a very magical and remarkable figure." Vasily and Hank said in unison.

Fantastic character?Liu Zhengyang couldn't help but feel a ripple in his heart. You must know that he doesn't know much about Yang Tianlong, but the word "miracle" always appears every time.

Could it be that there is something magical about this guy?Liu Zhengyang frowned. At present, besides Uncle Long's familiarity with the road, his technique was more accurate, and his interpersonal relationship was wider, there didn't seem to be anything too miraculous about him.

The three of them chatted enthusiastically at the airport exit, as if they regarded this place as a good place to chat. After more than ten minutes, they walked towards the parking lot with a smile on their faces.

In Yang Tianlong's villa, Vasily and Hank took a beautiful bath, took them to eat Brazilian barbecue in the community at noon, and tasted a few big Congo dark beers, Liu Zhengyang and Vasily returned to the villa to rest.

Yang Tianlong did not rest, but went directly to Claire's work place.

Originally thought that a guy like Claire who was fearless lived in a mansion and drove a luxury car, but when he arrived, he couldn't help being surprised. This guy's office is in his apartment.

And his apartment was very simple, not far away was a stretch of slums, countless flies were buzzing outside the window, and all kinds of endless noisy sounds kept coming from his ears.

There's only one woman on Clare's staff, and it's a lady.

For Yang Tianlong's visit, Claire did not feel abrupt, but received him with a happy face.

"Huaxialong, I have verified some of what you said. It is true that the island country's food aid plan is for the Bunia area, and it will arrive tomorrow afternoon, and will be escorted by the island country's self-defense force." Claire expressed his favor to him, After all, there are not many people who can tell the truth right now.

"So I'm a little worried about you, Mr. Claire." Yang Tianlong said seriously.

"Don't worry about me. I have offended many people. Many guys want to kill me, but unfortunately, they can't do it."

"Is it because you are from the United States?" Yang Tianlong asked.

"There is a reason, but not all." Claire replied calmly, "Don't look at me as a gentleman when I wear glasses, but once I don't need glasses, I am a fighter."

Yang Tianlong knew that someone with Clare's character was definitely someone who was not pleasing to the eye and had to be taught a lesson, "Actually, I really appreciate Mr.'s theory on system reform. In the face of new things and systems, all old and decadent systems will be destroyed. Instead, the old school officials like Kabika who have been in charge of a place for a long time will also be replaced by officials who actively pursue progress."

"Have you read my article?" Although people like Claire are a bit too lofty, face is still needed. Obviously, Yang Tianlong's flattery has hit the essence.

"Yes, I like your article very much. There is a strong sense of justice in the criticism. After reading it, people can't help but blend into the environment you wrote." Yang Tianlong nodded sincerely.

As far as Claire is concerned, he doesn't have many friends, but he has many enemies. However, he was surprised to find that he was very happy to communicate with this young man from China.

"So this time I have to investigate this matter carefully." Since hearing about this matter last night, Claire began to plan this matter. He felt that if what Hua Xialong said was true, it would definitely be a big problem. Big news.

"There was a young deputy mayor who was very brave. The Green Turbans were driven to the edge of the rainforest by the government forces. He risked his life and led the police officers in the district to beat the Green Turbans away." Yang said. Tianlong inadvertently broke another big news.

"What else?" If this kind of thing happened in China or Europe and the United States, it would not be surprising. After all, peace is their yearning, but in Africa, a deputy mayor with no real power can be so vigorous, and he is not afraid of sacrifice to attack Militants are really rare.

"Indeed, I also heard from my friends that the deputy mayor is Chebi, who is young and energetic, and has a sense of innovation..."

Claire nodded, "I've recorded all of these. When I arrive in Bunia tonight, I will investigate as soon as possible, Huaxia Dragon, and I will inevitably trouble you then."

After being polite, seeing that it was getting late, Yang Tianlong helped Claire and his deputy pack up their things, and drove directly to the airport.

And Liu Zhengyang took Vasily and Hank to the airport in Brad's Jaguar soon.

At 07:30 in the evening, the plane landed at Bunia Airport on time.

 Thanks to the book friend "Chen Qiao" for the reward, thank you, the content may be different from what you imagined, thank you again for your support

(End of this chapter)

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