Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 183 The Establishment of Your Own Army

Chapter 183 The Establishment of Your Own Army

Hashimoto looked at Yang Tianlong and said seriously, "Huaxialong, if you don't mind, I am willing to be your lover."

As soon as these words came out, Yang Tianlong was immediately stunned, and he looked at Hashimoto in surprise.

Soon, Hashimoto also sensed the sense of justice of the Huaxia person in front of her, and she whispered in embarrassment, "Huaxia Dragon, do you despise me or despise me?"

"No, no, Miss Hashimoto, I think you misunderstood." Yang Tianlong quickly explained, "It's really rare to see a girl as beautiful as you in the world. To be honest, even a man would be tempted."

"Do you mean to say that I'm a beauty?" Hashimoto's face was charming.

Thanks to Yang Tianlong's own strong concentration, otherwise, once the essence comes to his mind, he feels that he will never be able to restrain himself.

"No, Miss Hashimoto, what I want to tell you is that I have a girlfriend." Yang Tianlong smiled slightly.

"Just because you have a girlfriend doesn't prevent me from being your lover?" Hashimoto's face turned red, she knew that these words were completely against her original intention.

"If you love someone, you have to give her safety." Yang Tianlong restrained his smile and said solemnly, "Miss Hashimoto, I know what you mean, you don't even have to pay back the money."

Hashimoto shook his head with a determined face, "No, I have to pay back the money."

"In this way, don't feel sad in your heart. When you become famous, why don't you speak for my company for free?" Based on his feeling, Yang Tianlong had a hunch that with Hashimoto's capital, fame would come sooner or later.

"No, I will be the lifelong endorser for your company and your products." Hashimoto said seriously.

"Okay, you have the final say." Yang Tianlong smiled slightly, "If you don't mind, go to Kinshasa with me the day after tomorrow."

"The day after tomorrow?" Hashimoto began to think about it in her heart, and soon she nodded in agreement.

Seeing that it was getting late, after giving Hashimoto a few words, the two went back to their rooms to rest.

At this time, Yang Tianlong was completely sleepy, he didn't even take a bath, and fell asleep.

It wasn't until the alarm clock at 07:30 woke him up that he got up cleverly.

Seeing himself in the mirror with a stubble and haggard face, Yang Tianlong hurried into the bathroom to take a shower.

When I came downstairs, I saw Hashimoto helping Mrs. Wilmots with work.

"Hua Xialong, you must be hungry, hurry up and have breakfast." After finishing speaking, Hashimoto ran into the kitchen without waiting for him to speak, and brought out the exquisite breakfast he had prepared.

After breakfast, Siman and the others just drove to the hotel entrance.

I made an appointment with Siman yesterday, and today I will take Laf's security team to the village.

Originally, he didn't want to bring Hashimoto, but considering what happened last night, Yang Tianlong simply took Hashimoto with him.

Seeing Hashimoto, Siman couldn't help being surprised, "Harem?"

"No, friend." After finishing speaking, Yang Tianlong lightly punched Siman in the chest.

When she saw that Yang Tianlong's car was just a pickup truck, she couldn't help but look surprised. Compared with Huaxialong who spent a lot of money last night, she didn't seem to be alone.

After getting in the car, Hashimoto looked excited, "Huaxialong, where are we going?"

"Go to my ranch and farm." Yang Tianlong turned the key switch while speaking, and soon, the pickup truck drove towards Bok Village.

Siman and the security team's car followed closely behind.

At the entrance of the village, when they learned that the devil instructor Siman was coming again, the militiamen in Bok Village trembled all over, and more than half of the militiamen gathered without waiting for the assembly whistle.

After waiting for all the militiamen to assemble, Siman suddenly found that there seemed to be a lot more militiamen this time than before.

It wasn't until Yang Tianlong told him about the situation in Yake Village that Siman suddenly realized.

Previously, Yang Tianlong had always had the idea that Siman would help him train a high-quality fist force, and this idea was exactly what Siman wanted.

Today they mainly select male youths aged 18-25, regardless of height or physical fitness.

There are more than 50 villagers in this age group in the two villages. Except for five or six villagers whose physical fitness is not up to standard, the rest are left behind.

The previous prickly head, now the training ace Doc is naturally among them.

Counting carefully, there are exactly 50 young and strong militiamen.

The 50 militiamen were handed over to the 10 security team members, each of whom was in charge of exactly 5 people. As for Siman, he was the maker of the training plan and the implementer of the specific training.

The salary of this group is really not low. They can get a monthly subsidy of 300 US dollars in spite of food and housing.

When these black militiamen heard the astronomical figure of 300 US dollars, they couldn't help being dumbfounded. After being dumbfounded, they only felt that they were full of strength and wished to start practicing now.

However, compared with the previous training of the militia, the training intensity of this group is much greater. According to Siman's training plan, the devils will train for one month, and those who pass the training will stay with a basic salary of 1000 US dollars per month. Join the militia.

Culture, driving, shooting, fighting, swimming, and even special forces training subjects such as emergency response have also been brought up.

After quickly dividing the teams, Siman reiterated the rules of the devil training camp, and the first training session officially began.

The first training session still starts from the initial military posture.

Standing in a military posture seems to be useless, but it actually takes a person's willpower into account, especially after the security team got some poisonous snakes and scorpions from somewhere, many guys began to feel a little bit overwhelmed.

Of course, if you make a slight move, you will be severely beaten immediately.

This morning, Siman and the others were a little exhausted from beating people.


After looking at the training ground for a while, thinking that Hashimoto was still in the cabin, Yang Tianlong said a few words to Siman, and then hurried to the cabin.

When he walked into the cabin, Hashimoto was watching the news on his mobile phone.

Seeing that it was Yang Tianlong coming in, she quickly put away her phone.

"Huaxia Dragon." Hashimoto smiled slightly, with a look of embarrassment.

"Let me take you around here to see my ranch and farm." In fact, Yang Tianlong didn't know what to say, but he always felt that it seemed inappropriate to let Hashimoto stay in the cabin alone .

Previously through the window of the cabin, Hashimoto had already looked at the crops in the distance, and now seeing Yang Tianlong mentioning it, she naturally looked forward to it.

"Okay, it's also good to go for a walk in the field."

To be honest, Hashimoto really wanted to know about this man Yang Tianlong.

(End of this chapter)

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