Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 153 2 Zodiac Auctions

Chapter 153 Chinese Zodiac Auction (Thanks to "Aodi A4L" Monthly Pass)
I have to say that the happy time always passes quickly. The next day, Mr. Franlo took them to a mountain lake near the capital for a swim. After having an original local dinner at night, they arrived in a blink of an eye. When the plane took off, the flight at this point was operated by EgyptAir, where Elena was, with an Airbus A350, and it took about seven or eight hours to arrive at London Heathrow International Airport.

After bidding farewell to the Franlos and his wife one by one at the airport, under Elena's guidance, Yang Tianlong followed her into the VIP lounge of EgyptAir.

As soon as he entered the VIP lounge, Yang Tianlong was attracted by a giant poster of EgyptAir.

The reason that attracted him is very simple. This time, a photo of Elena actually appeared on the promotional poster of EgyptAir. In the photo, Elena is wearing a white evening dress, and a generous pose clearly reveals her noble temperament.

Elena quickly told him that this was the upcoming promotional poster of EgyptAir for Christmas, and this was the first time she became a model after joining EgyptAir.

The appearance of Elena made many passengers in the VIP lounge notice that this beautiful girl is the heroine in the promotional poster of EgyptAir.

Several enthusiastic passengers came up with their mobile phones to take some photos with her...

After satisfying these passengers one by one, it's time to board the plane.

Because the time was early in the morning, Yang Tianlong and Elena fell asleep soon after boarding the plane. When they woke up, it was only about an hour before the plane landed.

At seven o'clock in the morning London time, the huge Airbus 350 landed steadily at London's Heathrow International Airport.

When they got off the plane, there was a patter of winter rain outside, and the cold wind came from all directions, which made them very uncomfortable from the Ethiopian plateau.

Fortunately, both of them had prepared some clothes so that they would not be frozen.

Heathrow Airport is located in the southwest corner of the outskirts of London. The airport is far from the home field of the Arsenal football team.

According to the previous itinerary, after leaving the airport, the two hurriedly hailed a taxi, and arrived at the hotel where they were staying after more than an hour.

Compared with the consumption level in Africa, London seems to be higher, and a five-star hotel costs almost 700 US dollars a night.

Originally, Elena wanted to stay in an economical hotel, but she couldn't resist Yang Tianlong's insistence, so she had to follow Yang Tianlong into the No. [-] London Hotel, which was decorated like a palace.

"Hello sir, hello miss, welcome to No. [-] Hotel." As soon as he entered the lobby of the hotel, he saw a tall blond girl greeted politely.

Under the guidance of the blonde girl, the two soon came to the hotel service desk.

"Open a suite first tonight, and open one for me tomorrow." Yang Tianlong did not choose to pay by credit card, but chose to pay directly in cash.

Soon, the lady at the front desk completed the check-in procedures, "Sir, our Sotheby's Auction House will hold an auction tomorrow night in VIP Room No. [-] of our hotel. If you are interested, you can enter for free." After that, the service lady will The four VIP tickets were handed to Yang Tianlong with both hands.

"Auction?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help being taken aback, "What is the auction?"

"It's in the brochure." The service lady had a pleasant smile on her face.

"Okay, let me take a look first, thank you." Yang Tianlong nodded with a smile on his face.

The floor of No. [-] Hotel is not high, only about ten floors, but the area inside is not small. Four buildings in the southeast, north, and west respectively surround the entire hotel into a huge square.

The room Yang Tianlong chose was on the eighth floor. The number eight is an auspicious number for Chinese people.

Soon, they took the elevator into the room.

"I'm so sleepy." Elena said listlessly as soon as she entered the room, which was really embarrassing for this girl, who slept for five hours on the plane last night.

"Honey, go take a shower and get a good night's sleep. Let's go shopping in London at night, and pick up Johnny and the others at the airport tomorrow morning." After speaking, Yang Tianlong gently kissed Elena on the forehead .

"Well, I want to wash with you." Elena snuggled into his arms coquettishly.

"Want to fuck again?" Yang Tianlong said with a chuckle.

"I hate it." Elena said as she opened the suitcase and took out the woman's daily necessities one by one.

"Then I'll wash first." Elena walked into the bathroom while talking, and soon there was the sound of rushing water in the bathroom.

Yang Tianlong's eyes suddenly stayed on the brochure of Sotheby's auction tomorrow night.

Picking up the brochure, he couldn't help flipping through it. This auction is mainly for antiques.

Soon, an auction message caught his attention.

This piece of information is related to the Huaxia Kingdom. It is the dragon head of the twelve zodiac animals that was snatched by the Ying-French coalition forces in the Second Opium War more than 100 years ago.

Dragon head, cast in bronze, the dragon is the symbol of ancient Chinese emperors, and is the most noble and auspicious animal among the twelve zodiac signs.

Yang Tianlong has also heard the story about the twelve zodiac signs. In recent years, due to the active participation of many patriots, many zodiac signs have entered the Baoli Museum of Huaxia Kingdom. The cast statue is still in the hands of overseas collectors. This time overseas collectors can put the dragon head up for auction, which will definitely attract many collectors to participate.

Perhaps there is no second chance for these collectors.

After thinking about it, Yang Tianlong decided to participate in this auction.

As soon as Elena came out of the bathroom, Yang Tianlong told her decisively of his decision to participate in this auction.

"Since the dragon head is the treasure of your Huaxia Kingdom, I support you." Elena was also very decisive.

"Okay, then let's go to participate tomorrow night." Yang Tianlong said seriously.

"Honey, then we have to prepare." Elena said while looking at Yang Tianlong.

Yang Tianlong looked confused, "Honey, what else do we need to prepare?"

"Prepare a suitable dress, you and I can't just go like this." Elena smiled slightly.

Elena's words immediately reminded Yang Tianlong, he couldn't help but nodded, "That's true, no matter how we look at it in casual attire, it looks like we're going for soy sauce."

"It just so happens that we can prepare it when we go shopping at night. I have been to London before, and I know that the clothes on that street are really good."

"Okay, no problem." Yang Tianlong nodded resolutely, and then he couldn't help stretching, not only Elena was a little sleepy, even he couldn't bear it.

After resting in the hotel for a whole day, Yang Tianlong and Elena went to the brand store in the evening, where they bought down jackets, suits, and evening dresses one by one.

When we got back to the hotel, it was already full of hotels at night.

When they were surprised, they actually met someone in the hotel that they really didn't want to meet.

(End of this chapter)

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