Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 1028 The Rescue Operation Begins

Chapter 1028 The Rescue Operation Begins

After receiving the order from Lion Head, Alonso, who was far away in Spain, immediately set off for Georgetown with Burzai, Kapai and others. It would take two days at the fastest speed from Kinshasa to Georgetown. In the middle are various means of transportation that are constantly changing.

And Peter Udlov packed his things and went straight to a country in the Middle East, where he needed to temporarily destroy the monitoring system on Georgetown Island.

Yang Tianlong has also been staying in Kinshasa for the past few days. First, he went to visit his old friend Liu Shengli, and had a few drinks with Liu Shengli's elder brother. He also had a pleasant chat with Rondobu. During this chat, Yang Tianlong found that Rondobu's physical condition seemed to be much worse than before.

Lion's head is also in Kinshasa, but the daily activities of the two are different. Lion's head stays in Kinshasa.On the one hand, they sorted out the information provided by Alonso in a timely manner, and on the other hand, they summoned those elite mercenaries.

Ajid, Hassan, Salah, Dembele, Alexander, Akinfeev, Andre, Doc...

Finally, the night before they were due to go, all the guys showed up.

Everyone gathered together in Yang Tianlong's villa, quietly listening to what Lion Head said.

"This time we can only take a special plane to the capital of Mexico, and then take a flight from the capital of Mexico to Cuba, and then either take a boat or wait for the plane from Cuba. The plane to Georgetown can only be available the next day. We must Get there as soon as possible. As far as I know, after three days, Robert and the others will be sent to a hospital in Georgetown for physical examination. If there, we can only watch Robert sit in prison for the rest of his life." Lionhead said seriously.

"According to our current arrangement, how long is the time left for us to be rich?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking.

"It's only less than four hours. After we arrive in Georgetown, Robert and the others will be sent to the hospital for a physical examination in four hours. Our task is to rescue him in the hospital." Lionhead said.

"What about our escape route?" Yang Tianlong asked.

"Just as before, the satellite system of the Mi Army will be temporarily destroyed. When we arrive at those islands, there will be someone who responds to change Robert's passport and his appearance."

The strategic location of the United States is not in Central and North America, so it is not too easy for Peter to crack the satellite communication code of the US army. He only needs Yang Tianlong and the others to give him an instruction, and the satellite communication system there can be activated in a short time. It fails within a few seconds.

"Okay, let's go according to the plan arranged by the lion's head. This time, everyone should not bring anything. In Georgetown, Alonso and the others will prepare for us." Yang Tianlong looked at the time after finishing speaking, and In less than three hours, their special plane will take off from Kinshasa International Airport.

All the guys didn't have any complaints, they simply tidied up, and then walked out of the villa in the dark of night.

It took 13000 hours on the road from Kinshasa to Mexico City, the capital of Mexico, 18 kilometers, 1800 kilometers from Mexico City to Havana, the capital of Cuba, and 2.5 hours on the road, and 400 kilometers from Havana to Georgetown by sea, and it took 8 hours on the road. Finally, Yang Tianlong They arrived in Georgetown more than an hour later than originally planned.

This is a small island floating in the beautiful Caribbean Sea, famous for its unique geographical location and beautiful sea views.

As soon as they set foot on the land of George Town, Yang Tianlong and the others felt more or less relieved. They thought that there would be more blacks here, but after arriving on the island, they found that there were almost all whites, blacks and mixed races here. Proportion.

The area of ​​the entire island is not large, so there are not many high-rise buildings on the island, and the tallest one is only 6 stories high.

Compared to the past when they stayed in five-star hotels wherever they went, this time they chose to live in a seaside inn to avoid suspicion.

In Alonso's room, there are more than a dozen tough-looking guys.

When Yang Tianlong and the others walked in and saw these sturdy guys, they were obviously stunned for a moment.

"Boss, these are Robert's men, and they also want to rescue Robert." Alonso quickly explained.

"Their division of labor is those speedboat drivers?" Yang Tianlong turned to look at the lion's head and asked.

"Yes, they are all speedboat players." Lion Head nodded.

"Let's discuss it together." After Yang Tianlong finished speaking, he signaled Alexander at the back to close the door tightly.

There were more than 20 guys crammed into the small room, making the air a bit suffocating.

After some simple discussions, everyone also understood the division of tasks.

Alonso took out a topographic map of the Red Cross Hospital, detailing the location of each person. According to the arrangement, Lionhead would take Burzai, Kapai and Doc to rescue Robert from the police. rescued him, and then Ajid drove downstairs and waited.

Hassan and Saraha each drove a truck, and once the police caught up, they would sabotage their actions in time.

Alexander is responsible for temporarily blocking the communication of the entire hospital.

Yang Tianlong is responsible for the overall command.

All the guys nodded after listening.

"Now let's check the time. At ten o'clock in the morning local time, that is to say, around eleven o'clock, the police car will show up at the Red Cross Hospital on time. Five minutes later, they will take Robert and others to the medical examination center……"

All the guys checked the time quickly, and after receiving their stuff, they set off.

This time Yang Tianlong released the Meng Diao and the Peregrine Falcons. As soon as these guys staying in the warehouse of the plane came out of the warehouse, they flew quickly.

If it wasn't for Yang Tianlong to control them with his thoughts, they really wouldn't know that they had something important to do.

The appearance of the fierce eagles and peregrine falcons immediately aroused the curiosity of the local people. Naturally, they had never seen these birds from Africa, especially the strong and handsome figure of the fierce eagles, which attracted countless people. Shooting for photography enthusiasts.

The information provided by Alonso was very accurate. At around eleven o'clock, two armored police cars drove slowly into the courtyard of the Red Cross Hospital.

(End of this chapter)

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