Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 1011 The kidnapper who broke into the stadium

Chapter 1011 The kidnapper who broke into the stadium
Fortunately, Johnny didn't go forward, because just now a staff member went up to stop him, but he was shot and killed by those guys.

"Help, help." Miss Ratty's helpless voice began to echo over the stadium.

How could Johnny and the others dare to go forward? In this case, wouldn't they be looking for death by themselves?

Yang Tianlong and the others also reacted quickly, but not everyone brought something with them this time.

Saraha had a pistol, Doc an Uzi, and that was all.

"Let's go and kill them." Salah is a sharpshooter, and his shooting accuracy is very strong.

"The rest of the guys are on standby." Yang Tianlong also said as he took out two pistols and handed them to Lion Head.

After finishing speaking, they quickly ran towards the location where the kidnappers evacuated.

The kidnappers didn't leave quickly, because Miss Ratty was crying and making noise.

"Cry again, we'll kill you." The leader said with a vicious look on his face.

"Come on, kill me." Miss Ratty is also famous for her cannon temper, and when she heard that the other party wanted to kill herself, she was not afraid at all.

"Damn it." A strong man raised his fist and slapped Miss Ratty hard. At this moment, Miss Ratty became a little crazy, and she couldn't help spitting at the guy. .

At this moment, the security personnel at the gate of the stadium also ran in.

Unexpectedly, these kidnappers were the first to discover the security personnel.

The AK sprayed out long flames, killing all the security personnel to the ground at once.

"Let's go." Without any explanation, these kidnappers knocked Miss Ratti unconscious, and then pulled her up and walked quickly towards the door.

Lion Head and the others also rushed over decisively. Seeing that those guys were about to walk out of the stadium gate, Salaha snatched the Uzi submachine gun from Doc's hand, and fired a swarm of bullets. Four of the seven guys They were all shot and fell to the ground.

Yang Tianlong and Lion Head each solved one more, and now there is only one left.

"Don't come here. If you come here, I'll kill her?" In the end, the kidnapper was also forced to a corner of the stadium, his voice trembling uncontrollably.

"Put down Miss Latti quickly, or we will kill you and throw you into the Nile River to feed the crocodiles." Sarahah said fiercely.

"Don't come here, I really shot." After the kidnapper finished speaking, the pistol in his hand was firmly pressed against the temple of the unconscious Miss Ratty.

The voice of this guy also became a little crazy from this time on. According to Yang Tianlong and Lion Head's understanding of these kidnappers, they are definitely not good-natured or cowardly guys.

"You let her go, we let you go." Yang Tianlong let out a long breath, his tone very flat.

"Oh, it's absolutely impossible to let her go, we need this cash cow." The kidnapper smiled coldly, and there was no intention of making peace with Yang Tianlong in his ferocious eyes.

"Boss, let me kill him." Saraha whispered at this time.

"No, buddy, I want to catch a living." Yang Tianlong suddenly became extremely extreme, he always felt that these kidnappers should not be a group of ordinary kidnappers, but have ulterior motives behind them.

"No problem." Seeing that Yang Tianlong was about to catch him alive, Salaha was still very confident in his marksmanship.

"You all throw away your guns, or I'll kill her with one shot." The kidnapper was still saying hoarsely.

"How is it? Guys, listen to him." Yang Tianlong said while throwing the pistol in his hand.

The lion's head also smiled slightly, and threw it over.

Salaha was also about to throw it, but his action was an out-and-out guy. I saw his waist bent, and then he pulled the trigger suddenly, and the guy was shot in the arm.

Caught off guard, the guy's pistol was also thrown to the ground at once.

"Ah..." That guy became extremely painful.

Doc walked up vigorously, and then swept his legs. The pistol beside the guy was swept aside.

"Take him away." Without any explanation, Yang Tianlong and the others decided to take this guy away.

Unexpectedly, Ajid and the others quickly caught up and told Yang Tianlong that they should not be so impulsive. The Egyptian police are very serious. If they take the suspect away rashly, the police will definitely investigate them.

"I have a question I want to ask him." Yang Tianlong said seriously.

"Boss, you can ask any questions now. Don't be arrogant." Ajid said seriously.

Seeing that what Ajid said was resolute, Yang Tianlong and the others had no choice but to temporarily put aside the idea of ​​taking the suspect away.

(End of this chapter)

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