Chapter 57

"Leave them alone." Jun Ziyi said coldly to stop the people in the team, if the supernatural beings can't unite, they will suffer in the end.

I have to say that after the end of the world, the mentality of many people has changed a lot. Even if Jun Ziyi was a soldier before, the idea of ​​protecting the country and the people was almost engraved in his bones, but the end of the world is an enhanced version of society, and nature chooses the fittest to survive.

Even if they can't fight against the zombies, the place to escape has already been prepared, and the end of those supernatural beings who don't cooperate is conceivable.

As for now, "Yilan, you and Yulan go to evacuate the people together." As for those people, they also know it well.

The two girls nodded and walked back together.

"Xiaoyi, go to the villa and have a look, I'll go to the laboratory to let them speed up." Young Master Yulan had a little worry on his face, presumably also annoyed by the invasion of zombies this time.

Jun Yilan didn't doubt that he was there, so she hummed quickly and walked towards Area A. Although there were a few people there who were not supernatural beings, they were Jun Ziyi's confidantes.

Although there was panic on the faces of the people in the laboratory, the actions of their subordinates were proceeding in an orderly manner.

While Yun Yuyin was talking to the people next to him with a straight face, Young Master Yulan's eyes were in a daze for a second, and then he said, "Everyone, if you speed up a little, Brother Jun will probably open the underground passage."

The so-called underground passage is connected to the basement, the size of the basement is half of the base, and the laboratory below is also the core laboratory.

Jun Ziyi was fighting against the zombies, shooting out abilities of many colors one after another.

Some people with supernatural powers escaped, but some stayed even though they were ordinary people.

Su Chen and An's brothers and sisters gathered the ordinary people in a safe place and waited for the passage to open.

This zombie group may be a disaster for the base, but how can it not be called a rebirth?It would be a good thing to wash away those who harbor messy things in their hearts.

* *

"Xiaoyou, shall we go out?" Although Fenglai asked, Lin Junyou was directly pulled up by his hand.Before saying no, it was just to send Liu Qingyuan away.

If you don't go, how can you continue this show in a legitimate way, and how can you come back.Feng Lai's pupils turned red for a moment, and he leaned close to Lin Junyou and kissed the corner of her mouth.

He felt that he might be suffering from skin hunger and thirst, and he would feel uncomfortable if he didn't touch Xiaoyou for a minute. With a smile on his lips, he squeezed Lin Junyou's fingers in his hand, which felt cool.

Lin Junyou froze the whole time, neither refusing nor accepting.

"Let's go." Feng Lai said in a warm voice, and then yelled at Liu Qingyuan's door, "Don't come out yet!"

And Liu Qingyuan, who secretly watched the whole process, was extremely excited.

Although she didn't hear what they were talking about, but when she saw that scene, she secretly felt sorry for Fenglai. If it wasn't for the attack of zombies, maybe she could have a passionate kiss.

Oh ho ho ho ho, hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee, Liu Qingyuan, who was smiling a little weirdly, looked at Lin Junyou with strange eyes, looked at Fenglai up and down, and finally let out a weird smile to the extreme.

... They really don't know this person who seems to be mentally retarded but is actually mentally retarded.

Lin Junyou and Feng Lai had a tacit understanding and took a small step aside.

When they arrived, there were less than a hundred ordinary people left. Liu Qingyuan was wondering when she heard Gu Tongtong's excited voice calling them.

 Secretly put Fenglai as the male protagonist Xiaoyulai to report daily good night ~

(End of this chapter)

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