Chapter 406

Chu Nian was curious about what the invitation was, but he still made it so mysterious, which made Chu Nian even more curious about what it was.

Just about to take a peek, Gu Liyan closed the invitation and placed it on the table, not far from Chu Nian, but she couldn't reach it with her hand, it can only be said that her arms were too short.

Gu Liyan raised his head, looked at Chu Nian, and wanted to speak, but just opened his lips, before a word came out, his cell phone rang suddenly.

What he wanted to say stopped abruptly. He picked up the mobile phone on the table and looked at the phone number.

Chu Nian was so focused on the invitation that she didn't care who called Gu Liyan.

When Gu Liyan was on the phone, she went around behind her to get the invitation card. Before she got the invitation card, she was just a few centimeters away from getting the invitation card, when she suddenly heard Gu Liyan shout: "Shen Yayin!"

To Chu Nian, the name Shen Yayin was like a conditioned reflex.

She looked at Gu Liyan instantly, her hands stopped in mid-air, her face was slightly angry, she gritted her teeth, squinted her eyes, held her breath, and looked at Gu Liyan vigilantly.

Gu Liyan's expression didn't change. He put the phone to his ear and hadn't spoken yet. Chu Nian hurried over to hear what they were talking about.
"Brother Liyan, I didn't expect you to be able to answer my phone call."

"Is there anything?"

Gu Liyan asked coldly.

"Brother Liyan like this, I need your help with one thing."

When Shen Yayin spoke, her voice was gentle, but also with a hint of embarrassment.

When she came to ask Gu Liyan for help, Gu Liyan should be the one who was in trouble, so why was her tone a bit embarrassed?

"What help?"

"Today is the reunion of our college classmates. My ex-boyfriend is also there. I was afraid that he would do something to me because he killed someone back then. So brother Liyan, can you go with me?"


Chu Nian stood up straight, doubting what Shen Yayin said.

Isn't Shen Yayin's ex-boyfriend Xu Ke?Xu Ke was indeed imprisoned for murder, and he came out not long ago, but what is he going to do to Shen Yayin?Impossible thing.

Shen Yayin asked Xu Ke to kill her not once or twice, obviously the two of them have already connected, so how could they do anything to her?Shen Yayin must have some purpose.

This may be a Hongmen banquet.

"You can't go."

Chu Nian shook his head.

Shen Yayin is a sinister and cunning woman, she can do anything to get Gu Liyan.Hiring a murderer to kill people, and the kidnapping is also related to Xu Ke, so this time he must have malicious intentions.

"Don't go."

Gu Liyan said coldly, as soon as he finished speaking, he had already hung up the phone, put it on the table, and looked at Chu Nian.

Chu Nian sat on the table satisfied, because the call from Shen Yayin just now made her forget about the invitation.

She looked at Gu Liyan with a smile, and said triumphantly: "It's not that you don't know Shen Yayin, do you think she will call you over just for this reason? It won't be that simple. You have to be careful Son, don't always be short-sighted and let people set you up. No, you can't go to this kind of class reunion anyway, and you're not her boyfriend or her classmate, anyway you can't go. "


Gu Liyan grabbed Chu Nian's hand with a smile, and lightly placed a kiss on the back of Chu Nian's hand, saying: "Listen to my wife, everything is my wife's order."

Chu Nian raised her eyebrows, and before she had time to reward Gu Liyan, the phone on the desk rang suddenly, Chu Nian kissed Gu Liyan on the cheek, and ran over to answer the phone.

At the same time, Gu Liyan's cell phone rang again.

(End of this chapter)

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