Amazing crossing: the princess who was hunted down

Chapter 21 Shame and shame, hide it!

Chapter 21 Shame and shame, hide it! (4)

An understatement of words, but made Wang Mama's whole body go limp and collapsed to the ground.

Manager Li Li Yanhong bowed his body, "Yes." After a pause, he raised his voice and said, "Come on."

Two guards from the palace appeared out of nowhere, picked up the pale-faced mother Wang and dragged her out.

After a scream, the outside returned to silence.

The two women kneeling on the ground suddenly trembled like chaff, and were so frightened that they couldn't even speak for mercy.

Robin Li glanced at them, sighed and said, "Do it yourself!"

The two women's faces were as white as paper, without saying a word, each bit their own tongues fiercely, only heard two painful groans, the two of them fainted immediately, and a trace of blood appeared on their lips.

As a member of the Nine Princes' Mansion, how come you don't know the rules of the Nine Kings' Mansion?

As long as you know the secret that you shouldn't know, you can only become a real dumb who can't speak.

Li Yanhong waved his hand, and the two guards dragged the two women out.

When there were only the two of them left in the room, Li Yanhong said hesitantly, "My lord, how will she deal with it?"

He was referring to Emerald's corpse on the bed.

The Ninth Prince didn't answer him directly, he just spoke out two words in a calm, emotionless voice: "Gorgeous burial!"

Li Yanhong instantly understood what he meant, "Yes."

Three days later, a major event happened in the capital. An official surnamed He, the uncle of the Ninth Prince's newly married Concubine Yu, was reported for accepting bribes.

The imperial court checked the huge amount, and the emperor, who always hated corruption and bribery, was furious and ordered his family to be ransacked. All the He family members were exiled to the frontier and never returned to the imperial court.

Half a month later, news came out from the Ninth Prince's Mansion that Concubine Yu, who was hit by her uncle's incident, fell ill and died unfortunately.

The Ninth Prince was deeply saddened by the loss of his beloved concubine, and ordered to close the door to thank the guests. He did not see anyone, not even the emperor when he came.

Concubine Yu's funeral was very grand and beautiful, just like her wedding, it was impressive.

This made people shed tears of sympathy for this poor lady who passed away at such a young age after tea and dinner. The topic of her in the capital continued for a long time, which was not inferior to national affairs in the slightest.
I believe that everyone understands that Mao wants to name the unpleasant person Li Yanhong!
(End of this chapter)

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