Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 97 Uncle Feng

Chapter 97 Uncle Feng
This woman is the daughter-in-law of the fourth cousin of Lin Dezhi's second uncle's family, so she should be called Sitang sister-in-law.

Sitang’s sister-in-law’s hometown is in the Central Plains. She came to work in a big city here and met Sitang brother. After getting married, she went back to the town with Sitang brother to work for her relatives.

In a blink of an eye, Sitang's sister-in-law has lived here for four or five years.

She gave birth to a son and a daughter earlier, and now she is pregnant with another one, who is only four months old.She didn't take the two children with her, and threw them to her parents-in-law who lived in the country.

According to Sitang’s sister-in-law, more than a dozen children of her four sisters-in-law are at the mother-in-law’s place in the country. It doesn’t matter if the parents-in-law are too busy. Good job.

To be honest, Ju Min was quite surprised by the situation here.

I used to hear people say that the poorer you are, the poorer you are, but this place is not poor. On the contrary, it is still very rich compared with most towns and villages of the same level in the country.The tradition is like this, that is, family planning seems to have failed in this area, and people still have children.

Ju Min looked at Si Tang's sister-in-law in front of her, and her heart began to panic.

She was afraid that her future would be like that of Sitang's sister-in-law, sitting in this noisy, stuffy and smelly room every day doing mechanical repetitive work, giving birth to children one by one, washing clothes, cooking and taking care of her husband after get off work. There is no time and space of their own at all.

"Thank you Sister-in-law Si, I see." Ju Min smiled politely at Sister-in-law Sitang, bowed her head and started working again.

No matter what the future holds, the job in front of him must be done well, and the money will be earned first before talking about other things.

While Ju Min was busy making money, Ju Ling was coaxing the little girl who was scared to cry by the thunder and lightning.

Today's rain was heavy and urgent, thunder and lightning roared, and the house was dark, let alone a small toss, even Ju Ling felt scared.

Ju Ling was a little anxious, she looked out the window while coaxing Xiao Tosseng.

The dense rain curtain blocked the view, and the scene a few meters outside the house was very blurred. Ju Ling couldn't see Zhang Yongli at all.

It is dangerous to stay outside in this kind of thunderstorm, but there is no way, the pigsty is crumbling, Zhang Yongli is really worried and has to go out and find a way to strengthen it.

Another flash of lightning pierced the sky, and the dark room suddenly turned white and then quickly dimmed. Little Toss knew that there would be a loud thunder, and the crying cat hid in Ju Ling's arms.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, we are the bravest little tossers, so we are not afraid of thunder," Ju Ling coaxed in a low voice.

After a long and loud thunder, the door of the house was suddenly pushed open, and two figures hurried in amidst the wind and rain.

The one wearing only a plastic sheet is Zhang Yongli.The plastic sheet didn't work at all in such a heavy rain, and she was already drenched from head to toe.

The man who came in with her was a man in a police uniform. He looked about 30 years old, more than 1.7 meters tall, neither fat nor thin, and had an ordinary appearance. In other words, he was an ordinary person you might meet anywhere on the street.

After he entered the room, he took off his raincoat and threw it by the door. He looked up and saw Ju Ling sitting on the Kang with a smile and asked Zhang Yongli, "Who is this? Why haven't I seen it before?"

Zhang Yongli replied while wiping the rain off her body with a towel, "This is the third son of my elder sister's family, who goes to school in the county. The little one is called Uncle Feng. This is a policeman from our township police station."

Ju Ling called for someone obediently, but failed to find this Uncle Feng after searching through the policemen at the township police station, so Ju Ling guessed that he was new here.

After hiding in the house for a while, the rain weakened and the thunder and lightning stopped. Uncle Feng said that he had to leave beforehand. You should think of a way. Don’t go out when it rains so much again, it’s not safe. Didn’t anyone in the paddy fields in Xishantun get struck by lightning during the thunderstorm ahead? It’s always right to be more careful.”

Zhang Yongli said politely and distantly that he doesn't need to worry about the pigsty, she will find a way to solve it.Uncle Feng opened his mouth and wanted to speak, looked up at Ju Ling and Xiao Toss, and left without saying anything.

After sending Uncle Feng away, Ju Ling asked Zhang Yongli very gossiping about his background.

Uncle Feng's real name is Feng Guangquan. He retired from the army last year and is now a policeman at the township police station.

He looks old, but he is about the same age as Zhang Yongli.

Because of Lin Wanmin's matter, Zhang Yongli would go to the police station to inquire about the situation every once in a while. At first, the people in the police station were sympathetic to her, but after she came here more often, they became annoyed by her and thought she was annoying, so See her to hide when she can.

At that time, only the newcomer Feng Guangquan received Zhang Yongli very patiently, explaining the situation to her to calm her emotions.

Later, Feng Guangquan came to the forest farm to be a police officer. When he finished his work, he happened to see Zhang Yongli alone on the top of the pigpen and came over to help. Since then, every time he passed by the forest farm, he would go around to have a look, and when he saw Zhang Yongli working, he would help. A bunch.

"He is quite pitiful." Speaking of this enthusiastic policeman, Zhang Yongli talked more than usual, she said: "When he was very young, his parents died, and his brothers and sisters went to a few relatives' homes. He grew up with his uncle. Before he had time to repay his uncle and aunt, the husband and wife had an accident and left. The house and everything belonged to the children of the old uncle. After so many years outside, I still have nothing but work, and I can’t talk about a daughter-in-law.”

"He has a job, so it's not easy to save some money to build a house and find a wife? Sooner or later, I'm afraid he won't have that kind of thought." Ju Ling continued.

Ju Ling vaguely felt that Feng Guangquan had a little thought for her aunt, but seeing her frank and frank, she was too embarrassed to ask more questions, and only had a stomachful of questions waiting to go home and ask her parents.

After a heavy rain, the pigsty was even more disfigured.

A lot of water was poured into the pigsty, and several pigs rolled around in it, making it dirty.The surrounding fence is tilted here and there, and it can be opened with a few more arches, and it can't be supported any longer.

Seeing that Zhang Yongli was worrying about the pigsty, Ju Ling suggested, "Auntie, how about this? Anyway, I have nothing to do during summer vacation, so I'll let you build a pigsty for you. It's better for the two of us to work than you alone." It depends on tossing and saving energy."

Two women building a pigsty?Zhang Yongli didn't even think about it.

It's easy to say, but there's a lot of work involved.Not to mention bricks, tiles and cement that can be bought, things like sand, stone and wood must also be prepared. There are not only bricklayers but also carpenters here. Zhang Yongli knows nothing about these.

Of course Ju Ling also knew that it was not easy to build a pigsty, but she felt that all difficulties could be overcome.

There are not many difficulties that can crush a stubborn, capable and resolute woman!
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(End of this chapter)

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