Chapter 93 Past Events (2)

That year, Gu Li was in his third year of high school, which was a critical period, and he was about to take the college entrance examination.Apart from eating and sleeping, she studies every day. The books on the table are piled higher than people, and the drawers are full of papers.

But I don't know what happened, rumors suddenly spread, saying that she was fostered, and that her behavior was indiscreet.At first, Gu Li didn't pay much attention to it. Sometimes the more you explain the situation, the worse it gets. Anyway, she has a clear conscience.

But she didn't want to ignore the groundless accusations, so she asked the teacher for leave and stayed at home for a few days.But I didn't expect that things would intensify.In the end, when Gu Li went back to school, everyone was pointing at her, lest they avoid her.

It was only later that Gu Li realized that it was Meng Ying who did it.That was the first time Gu Li understood that a so-called friend would sometimes stab you in the back, so caught off guard, so ruthless.

To be honest, the moment she found out, she was stunned, and then felt that she was a little ridiculous, but in fact she really laughed out loud.She treats him as a friend and tells her whatever is on her mind, but he doesn't take her seriously at all. I don't know why she laughed at her stupidity behind her back!Immediately afterwards, I was full of disappointment and made friends carelessly. I don't know if this situation can be called careless friends.She feels like a puppet performing on stage, you think that others like you, you think that others are smiling from the bottom of their hearts, but that's just self-deception.And after giving him complete trust, the feeling of being secretly stabbed by that person is really uncomfortable, and this is the most hurtful thing.

Gu Li didn't understand why. She thought she was sincere to Meng Ying. In the past three years, Gu Li was the only friend she had a good relationship with. He told her everything that was on her mind. When she was in a bad mood, she He would try every means to comfort her... So he took a few deep breaths and tried to persuade himself to hold back countless times. Gu Li endured the anger in his heart, patiently found Meng Ying, and called her to the stairs.

Gu Li clenched his hands into fists, his voice trembling slightly: "I heard that you spread rumors?"

"Yes." Meng Ying replied confidently.

Gu Li took a deep breath, closed his eyes and opened them again, with a bad tone: "Why?"

Meng Ying clasped her arms around her chest, and spoke bluntly: "There is no reason, I just like you, and I just can't understand you!"

Gu Li laughed, and snorted coldly: "Heh, don't like me? Then you have endured this distaste for being friends with me for the past three years? How did you pretend to care about me? It's ridiculous!"

"Yeah! It's really difficult!" Meng Ying's every word was like a needle piercing Gu Li's heart, making him very uncomfortable.

Gu Li was out of breath, and he gritted his teeth a little bit in his words: "Why do you have to force yourself like this, it's so tiring to pretend like this!" God knows how much restraint she had to hold back from punching her in the face.

Meng Ying spoke with a bit of acrimony, and said everything: "No, I can't bear it now. Gu Li, I feel happy to bully you!"

This questioning was used by Meng Ying, so she added fuel to it, and she was said to be forcing her to take back those "facts".

Gu Li hated the kind of people who pretended to be weak in the front and played tricks in the back. When he heard the rumors, he couldn't help his temper. After finding her, no matter how many people talk about her, their words are scary, and she has the meaning of going all out.

Gu Li suffered this kind of grievance when she was a child. At that time, children in the same class bullied her, and they quarreled. In the end, the teacher invited the parents. It was obviously not her fault, but the villain complained first, and the parents didn't care about her at all. She explained and insisted on her apologizing, but she refused, no matter what, it was one of the few times she resisted, she didn't understand why she didn't believe her daughter, but only listened to other people's one-sided words.There's no such reason... In the end, she still cried and apologized. Looking at the man's smug expression, she found it ironic.So much so that that bad memory has been with her for a long time, and every night she dreams of her parents' indifferent expressions and tough attitudes, she will wake up in tears...

Gu Li rushed to the classroom and fought with her.Gu Li is different from other girls. Other girls fight only by scratching their faces and pulling their hair.She has never fought like this, but with real fists. The years of Taekwondo are not for nothing.Meng Ying was originally weak and weak, so naturally she was no match for Gu Li in a fight, and only had to be beaten.Gu Li didn't use all his strength, he just punched a few times to vent his anger.

There were many bystanders, no one dared to persuade Gu Li when he saw Gu Li's posture.Some stood aside and watched the show; some walked a little farther, left the place of right and wrong, and had nothing to do with themselves, hanging high; some ran to find the teacher in a hurry...

Fighting is a big deal in school. The teacher and the school leader rushed over after a while and forced the two of them to separate.No one would have expected Gu Li's extreme behavior. She is usually gentle and has good academic performance, so she is rarely so impulsive.

After that, the two were called to the office to mediate.Gu Li kept his face sullen and did not speak, while Meng Ying cried and said a few words with embellishments.In a few words, she described herself as a victim, but this time it seemed that she was right, she was really a victim.Gu Li was listening to Meng Ying's words, and felt it was ridiculous, saying that Gu Li didn't say anything, and beat her as soon as he came up, she didn't know what happened.He also said hypocritically, the teacher should not blame her, she is in a bad mood these days.

Gu Li really couldn't listen anymore, she was really getting angry, she couldn't breathe.Why didn't I think this guy was so hateful before?She was really wrong.

Then, invite the parents, Gu Li thought about it, it was obviously unrealistic to ask Lin Jiayi to come, he probably cried like a tearful person before seeing her, let uncle come.Gu Li called and briefly explained what happened to him.

After Gu Pingqing came, he first apologized for Gu Li, then asked Gu Li to apologize, and paid for Meng Ying's medical expenses. He didn't say anything else, and led Gu Li home.

Gu Li returned home silently, went upstairs and returned to the room without saying a word.She didn't go to school for the next few days and locked herself in her room.Don't go out, don't talk, sometimes just lie on the bed like this for a whole day.

Gu Lin came to accompany her every day after school, telling her jokes, but Gu Li lacked interest and his head drooped.

Two days later, Gu Pingqing knocked on the door: "A Li, can I come in?"

"Come in." Gu Li was sullen, but he still moved a chair for Gu Pingqing, and then sat upright by the bed, with his hands neatly placed on his knees.Gu Pingqing sat down in front of her...

(End of this chapter)

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