Chapter 20 Part-time job (1)

Near the end of the term, the tense study atmosphere came out all of a sudden.No matter how lazy you were before, in the weeks before the exam, everyone was immersed in studying hard.Those who haven't studied hard for a semester, in order to pass, do not fail subjects, do not make up exams, so they can only do their best to make up classes and review in the last few weeks.People with good grades are more serious in order to get scholarships.

In the last few weeks, the class has been over, and only self-study is left for the whole day, all relying on self-consciousness.There are too many people in the library, Gu Li stays in the dormitory every day to review.Life is simply plain as water.Sometimes he went downstairs to buy a bag of bread the night before, and Gu Li even bought a carton of milk on the Internet, and breakfast was settled easily like that. Half step nest.She felt more and more that what Ji Fan said was right, her life was really rough.But just think about it, I still live my own life.

On this day, Gu Li still went out, wearing a white T-shirt, ripped jeans, and carrying a few books.

Wen Han saw her and joked with her: "Miss, you have finally gone out, if you don't go out, you will be moldy."

"Well, go out and take a sunbath." Gu Li said with a smile, "I'm not like you. I have a boyfriend who will give you remedial lessons."

"That's right, it's the one from my family, just because of her good looks, she makes me happy to face the test papers every day!" Wen Han praised without hesitation, Gu Li has long been used to it, and has been able to deal with it calmly.


Gu Li complained to himself while walking, why didn't he remember to take an umbrella, it was too hot.When I arrived at the office, I already had a thin layer of sweat. I knocked on the door politely. After hearing the invitation to come in, I opened the door, and a burst of coolness greeted me.Ji Fan was sitting on the small sofa, reading financial magazines very seriously.Looking up and seeing Gu Li coming in, he put down the magazine in his hand, stared at her, and asked, "Is there anything you don't understand? Sit down and ask!"

"Yeah." Gu Li sat down, put down the books in his hand, picked up one of them, and opened the marked page, "Teacher, I still don't understand something."

Ji Fan glanced at Gu Li's books, almost every book was marked.Some were folded out, others were pasted with colored sticky notes.Opening the book, there are beautiful fonts on the book, which may not be very beautiful, but the point is that it is very clear.There are details of lectures, classic cases, and some of her own thoughts and opinions, all written in the book.

Ji Fan carefully looked at the place Gu Li pointed out, and after a while he said, "Look here..."

Gu Li asked a few questions, and Ji Fan read them patiently each time, and then explained them in detail.Occasionally point out flaws and deficiencies in her thinking.Gu Li lowered his head, listened carefully to his corrections, and still turning the pen in his hand, while listening, he thought about what Ji Fan suggested that he needed to pay attention to.Ji Fan talked for a while, then stopped, asked Gu Li what he thought, and patiently listened to Gu Li's point of view.Seeing her nodding and frowning from time to time, with a vivid expression, Ji Fan's mouth raised a slight arc.

Every time Ji Fan explained, Gu Li leaned closer and listened carefully.If there is disagreement, he will boldly point it out and raise his head to look at him.

After Gu Li asked the question, he packed his books and was about to go out when Ji Fan stood up and called her, "Gu Li."

"Ah?" Gu Li stopped and turned around, with a hint of doubt in his eyes, "Teacher, what's the matter?"

"Do you have any plans for the summer vacation?" Ji Fan asked succinctly, straight to the point.

"Oh, I haven't thought about this yet. Well, the summer vacation is quite free, and I might find an internship job. If I want to accumulate some experience, I just take advantage of the summer vacation to exercise myself."

"Then do you want to consider working here?" Ji Fan suggested. He had considered this matter for a long time. Although he said it was selfish, the company had just stabilized here and needed help. It is excellent, has unique ideas, considers problems from various angles, and is a talent.In this way, the best of both worlds.Seeing that Gu Li was thinking with his head down, he said again, "Don't rush to answer, go back and think about it carefully, and you can give me an answer after the exam."

"Okay, I'll go." As soon as Ji Fan finished speaking, Gu Li readily agreed.The reason is simple, Gu Li needs actual combat experience, she has a lot of theoretical knowledge, but lacks practice.And these days, through Ji Fan's "deeds" learned from his elder brother, coupled with the information she checked herself, Gu Li also has a certain understanding of the strength of Ji Fan and his company. Internship in any company is a good opportunity to learn, and you must learn more than other places.In fact, even if Ji Fan didn't say anything, Gu Li still had plans to go to his company for an interview. It was rare for Ji Fan to speak up. To give her such a good opportunity, of course he had to agree immediately to save him from regretting it.

"Have you considered it so soon?" Ji Fan thought that Gu Li would think about it for a while, but he didn't expect her to agree so soon, so he was a little surprised.

"Well, I've always been a straightforward person. It's rare that Teacher Ji doesn't dislike me. I have to take advantage of this opportunity." Gu Li said "seriously", "But teacher, I still have a question to ask. I know it will be a little abrupt."

Ji Fan looked at her playfully: "Say."

"Although I know it's presumptuous to ask this question at this time, but..." Gu Li paved the way for a long line, and finally rushed to the topic, "Teacher, you didn't do it for nothing, did you get paid?"

"Yes. Don't worry, there must be more internships than you in other places." Ji Fan was stunned for a moment, and then smiled softly. He didn't expect Gu Li to agree, but he was worried, salary?Well, it is indeed a business material.

"Then please take care of Boss Ji." Gu Li said jokingly with a slight bow.

"Well, if you work hard, you will be rewarded." Ji Fan patted her head lightly and said with a smile.

"Teacher, I'm not a child anymore." Gu Li noticed that Ji Fan seemed to like to touch her head, like treating a child?

Hearing Ji Fan's hum, Gu Li was really helpless: "Then teacher, goodbye."

"Goodbye." Ji Fan sat back on the sofa and continued to read his magazines.Gu Li hugged the book and planned to go back to the dormitory to continue reading.

(End of this chapter)

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