Chapter 13 Kindness
After class, Ye Xi greeted Gu Li and left. She didn't know what to do. She seemed to be in a bad mood recently, and it seemed that she needed to find some time to chat with her.

Ye Xi is Gu Li's junior high school classmate, the two have been sitting at the same table since the beginning of school, they probably share the same temperament, and within two weeks they became very good friends.Although they didn't study together in high school, they kept in touch.The two of them were destined to study in the same university again.

Gu Li had heard about Ye Xi's family, and would tell Ye Xi about himself, but both of them stopped talking.Everyone will have some wounds that they don't want to talk about, and they can't talk about them.Both of them are extremely intelligent people, and there are some things that are tacit to each other.It's hard for Gu Li to talk about Ye Xi's family, so he can only comfort her.

Just when I was thinking about it, I happened to catch a glimpse of a garbage station, a grey-haired, 60-something old man, not tall, stooped, wearing some loose clothes, the clothes didn’t fit well, and the sleeves grew a lot. The old man rolled it up. After a few laps, it rolled up to the elbow.The old man was standing next to the trash can, taking out the garbage in the trash can one by one with his hands, moving slowly.There were many students coming and going, and they all hurried past, some went to eat, some rushed to class, and no one noticed the old man.But Gu Li saw it, and stopped, watching quietly from a distance.The old man dug out a plastic bag from the trash can, opened it, and there were a few apples wrapped in it. They were good apples, but the skin was wrinkled, and the owner threw them in the trash can.The old man wiped his clothes with his hands, wiped the apple again, took a small bite, chewed it a few times, and swallowed it.Gu Li felt sad for a while, and somehow felt the urge to cry.She didn't know what difficulties the old man had.

There will always be people with all kinds of difficulties. Some people live in luxury, some live in austerity, some are at the top of society, and some are at the bottom of society.And everyone has their own troubles.We sometimes think that we cannot help everyone, but when we see someone in need of care, we still want to help, even if it is only once, even if it is only a small force, even if it can only solve a temporary difficulty, but since we have the ability , why not.And Gu Li thought of his grandfather at this moment. If his grandfather was still there, he should be so old.

Then I walked to the commercial street of the school, bought a cup of warm milk tea at the milk tea shop, went out to buy a bag of bread, and asked the waiter to divide it into two bags.Put one bag in the bag and walk back.

"Gu Li." Just as Ji Fan was about to go to eat, he saw Gu Li walking towards him.

"Hello, Teacher Ji." Gu Li bowed slightly.

"Hmm. Just finished eating?" Ji Fan asked.

"No, I haven't eaten yet." Gu Li replied to Ji Fan, but he looked at the garbage station.

"Then let's eat together?"

"Well... then can you wait for me, I have something to do, I'll get it right away." Gu Li looked at the bread and milk tea in his hand, and then at Ji Fan.

"Okay." Ji Fan thought that Gu Li might have something urgent, but he was obviously not on his mind.

Gu Li went back the same way and saw the old man coming towards him. It seemed that he was about to leave. Gu Li stepped forward and stuffed the bread and milk tea into his hands: "Grandpa, can you throw this for me? Thank you." .”

After the old man received it firmly, he hurriedly turned around and left.She didn't see that the moment she turned around, there was a gleam of light in the old man's eyes.Hold the thing in your hand tightly, the milk tea is still hot, it is warm in your hand, and your heart is also warm.In the chilly night, a little girl brought him some warmth. He didn't know her name, but he remembered the touch at that moment.At that moment, it was clear in my heart, no one would throw away the hot drink.

In fact, this is just a small matter, but human beings are emotional animals, and they are always moved by some small things.There is no shortage of help in this society, but the most commendable thing is being able to help others while respecting them. A trivial thing you think may bring lasting touch to others.

Gu Li is a very good girl.Where is she?She is very kind.

Ji Fan did not wait for Gu Li at the same place, but followed him, looked at Gu Li not far away, and watched Gu Li's series of movements, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Gu Li turned around and saw Ji Fan standing not far away, trotted a few steps, and walked up to him: "Teacher, let's go, it's agreed, I'm treating guests today, and you can choose the dishes in the cafeteria."

"Okay." The two walked towards the cafeteria.

"You just..." Walking on the road, Ji Fan asked.

"Oh, that grandpa, it's late at night. He's still packing up. He must have not eaten. I'm afraid he'll be hungry, so..." Gu Li scratched his hair, "I bought him something to eat." Gu Li didn't explain. It was very clear, and explained a few words in a vague way.One is that there is no need to say it, and the other is that Ji Fan is just asking casually.

"The bread is only half." Ji Fan stated the facts.

"Well, because I don't want him to know that I bought it on purpose, so that's not good." Gu Li stroked his hair, lowered his head and kicked the small stones on the road.

"Well." Actually, I know that you have always been a very careful girl, you care about other people's feelings, you are so good, you are so dazzling, people can't ignore it, people can't not like it.When the breeze blew, there was a ripple in Ji Fan's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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