digital storm

Chapter 486

Chapter 486
A special team sent by Division Commander Lia left the main force with a communication beacon, while the army of the Moya Republic adopted a rapid march strategy and rushed towards the military base of the Moon Sea Federation.

However, when they arrived at the military base, what awaited them was a really empty military base.Not only have the Moon Sea Federation's troops gone far away, they haven't even left anything behind.There is only one non-transferable frame left in the entire military base.

In another military base hundreds of kilometers away from the original military base, Cui Cheng looked at the image data sent by the communication beacon on the computer screen, and said with a smile: "It really made Lieutenant General Lin expect it, Mo Ya The Republic did go there."

Lin Wenfang smiled slightly and said, "Lieutenant General Cui laughed. Even if I didn't say anything, Lieutenant Cui would have thought of it. I just spoke first."

"Haha, Lieutenant General Lin, you don't have to make fans of me! My old Cui is not the kind of person who can't live without face." Cui Cheng laughed loudly.It caused several other generals who were also in the headquarters to burst into laughter.

The commander-in-chief of the Lanning military base, Jiang Changming, the federal major general, also smiled, and asked Lin Wenfang: "What should we do now, what Lieutenant General Yilin saw?"

Lin Wenfang thought for a while and said: "Let's keep the status quo for now. The counterattack against the Moya Republic still needs some conditions. At present, we can ensure that the army of the Moya Republic cannot come out of the desert. Just stay in the desert all the time." , the logistics alone is enough for the Moya Republic, haha!"

Relying on the communication system established with communication beacons, Lin Wenfang and Cui Chengtong and the army in the entire Northwest region, relying on military bases scattered around, established a defensive front outside the desert.As long as the army of the Moya Republic leaves the desert, the Moon Sea Federation will be able to find it immediately, and the troops distributed in the major military bases will quickly gather together, and then launch an attack on the army of the Moya Republic.

Lin Wenfang said so, those generals including Cui Cheng didn't know what Lin Wenfang was trying to trick.However, Lin Wenfang didn't say anything, so they couldn't ask more questions.Because of Lin Wenfang's previous achievements, these generals chose to trust Lin Wenfang unconditionally.

"Then we'll just wait and see!" Cui Cheng laughed, ending this meeting which was not considered a meeting.

Lieutenant General Oss looked worriedly at the news brought by the herald from Sertig.

Sertig's technical department has already conducted a detailed analysis of the communication beacon.The production cost of this kind of communication beacon is not high, and the Moon Sea Federation can easily manufacture a large number of them.Even with this specimen, the Republic of Moya can easily imitate the same communication beacon.However, the signal collection and transmission system that plays a key role in the communication beacon is strictly encrypted by the Moon Sea Federation, so within a short period of time, Sertig's technical department cannot crack it.If you design a new signal collection and transmission system by yourself, it will take about two weeks.In two weeks, many things have been decided.

Therefore, at present, it is difficult to increase the information imbalance with the Moon Sea Federation by disseminating a large number of such communication beacons.

After learning of this situation, Kane and Ludwig did not discuss any good solutions.After all, Kane is only a political talent, and he relies more on the expert team and Ludwig on various issues of military command.Although Ludwig had never encountered such a situation, years of military life and command experience allowed Ludwig to always come up with a solution.He asked Lieutenant General Oss to maintain the current state for the time being, and not to attack the Moon Sea Federation rashly.Everything will be discussed after Sertig's technical department finds out a corresponding solution.As for the time spent in the desert, the role of Lieutenant General Oss and the legion he led was to destroy the communication beacons scattered in the desert.

In order to destroy this communication beacon, Kahn also asked the response troops to bring a new type of sticky infantry mine.After the sticky infantry mine is released, it will automatically search for targets according to the temperature and metal content, and then blow up creatures or objects with a certain temperature and metal content to a certain level.

"I've been staying in the desert..." Lieutenant General Oss sighed.The temperature difference between day and night in the desert is too large, the average temperature during the day can reach 38-[-] degrees, or even [-] degrees, and at night, the temperature drops back to below zero.Although a large amount of logistics materials were delivered from China, drinking water and bedding for keeping warm at night were guaranteed.But in this environment, the loss of soldiers is not so easy to make up for.

Lieutenant General Oss estimated that after a week, it would be good if these soldiers could retain half of their combat effectiveness.As for how much combat power his soldiers will have after Sertig finds a solution, it's really hard to say.However, these are all issues that Lieutenant General Oss will consider.Marshal Kahn just gave orders, and he didn't care about the solutions to these problems.

After contemplating for a while, Lieutenant General Oss called his adjutant and ordered: "Find a place with relatively low terrain to set up a temporary camp. At the same time, let the infantry corps form a small team of [-] people and send an assault team to deal with the troops on the desert. Communication beacons are used to search for them and destroy them. If necessary, sticky infantry mines can be used."

In this way, more than 20 troops of the Republic of Moya were stationed in the desert. At the same time, the infantry regiment sent 2 assault teams. A total of nearly [-] people cleared the communication beacons on the desert one by one.In addition, Moya also discovered the role of the relay communication station in the communication system of the Moon Sea Federation, and at the same time sent several troops to attack the relay communication station established in the northwest region in an attempt to destroy destroy it.

The Moya Republic is destroying it, while the Moon Sea Federation is rebuilding it.However, the size of the communication beacons is small and the number is huge. In addition, the color-changing coating on the surface can make the color of the communication beacons the same as the color of the surrounding gravel. The cleaning work of the Republic of Moya is extremely slow.On the contrary, the Moon Sea Federation only needs to guard the relay communication station, and after the communication beacons are cleaned up, it only needs to send out mecha transport planes to re-sow the side.

The large-scale war between the Moon Sea Federation and the Moya Republic on the northwest battlefield was temporarily suspended, and the attention of both sides was focused on the establishment and destruction of communication beacons.Under the cover of this series of small battles, Lin Wenfang's plan was carried out quietly.

For three days, the troops of the Northwest Military Region of the Moon Sea Federation did nothing other than dispatch transport planes to spread communication beacons across the desert.However, during these three days, the Moya Republic's assault team was not idle at all. It kept cleaning up the communication beacons on the desert day and night, and even expanded the scope of cleaning to the edge of the desert. .

However, the cleaning speed of the Moya Republic is far behind that of the Moon Sea Federation.Three days have passed, and the number of communication beacons in the northwest region has not decreased but increased, and the communication network system in the northwest region has become more and more perfect.

Lin Wenfang was very excited, because the opportunity he had been waiting for to counterattack the Republic of Moya came!

After the communication network system composed of relay communication stations and communication beacons was established, Tianyao Group and Fuxing Group did not give up their research on establishing a new communication and investigation system.With the joint efforts of the two groups, a new type of communication satellite with considerable anti-missile capability was developed.And it will be launched into space through the air base soon.

This new type of communication satellite is equipped with an anti-missile system on the basis of the original satellite, and the satellite itself has anti-missile capabilities.Moreover, this kind of communication satellite integrates the capabilities of the original communication satellite and reconnaissance satellite. It can not only become a hub for wireless signal transmission, but also generate satellite maps in real time by scanning signals in various frequency bands on the ground.The launch of this new type of communication satellite has truly restored the communication and reconnaissance network system of the Moon Sea Federation, and has taken it to a higher level!

On the day when the new communication satellite was launched, Lin Wenfang came to the headquarters of the military base early, and called all the commanders in the military base here to share the joy together.However, Lin Wenfang did not directly say what it was, everything, and waited for these commanders to find out by themselves.

Sitting peacefully on the sofa in the headquarters, Lin Wenfang smiled and said nothing to anyone's inquiries, just staring fixedly at the big screen in the middle of the headquarters.

Cui Cheng walked up and down in the headquarters, glancing at Lin Wenfang from time to time.Lin Wenfang only told them that there would be a surprise waiting for them in a while, but he didn't say what the surprise was.The more Lin Wenfang kept it hidden, the more curious Cui Cheng became.

Finally unable to bear it any longer, Cui Cheng went to sit opposite Lin Wenfang and said, "I said Lieutenant General Lin, what kind of surprise is waiting for us? Can't you reveal it first?"

Lin Wenfang looked at the time on the computer on his wrist, smiled mysteriously, and said, "It's almost time, you will know what this surprise is soon!"

As if in response to Lin Wenfang's words, the large screen in the middle of the headquarters suddenly flickered.

The flickering of the big screen made Cui Cheng and the others unable to sit still, they all stood up and stared blankly at the big screen that was still flickering non-stop.You know, this big screen is usually used as a link between various military bases and to play satellite maps.After the Moon Sea Federation's communication and reconnaissance satellites were destroyed, the big screen lost its function and remained dim.

Now, the big screen is back on, does it mean...

"A Lin, long time no see! Are you okay?" The big screen stopped flashing, and a beautiful figure appeared on the big screen.Following the appearance of that beautiful figure, a crisp female voice came out from the audio equipment.

"Haha! An Lian, you really succeeded! Sure enough, we didn't make us wait in vain!" Lin Wenfang stood up, looked at An Lian on the big screen, and laughed.Although he tried his best to keep himself calm, Lin Wenfang still unconsciously revealed a trace of ecstasy.

An Lian gave Lin Wenfang a blank look, and said, "You sent Huo Yu and Evelyn, two little guys here! With these two evil little guys here, if you still can't meet your requirements If we complete the task within the time limit, our Fuxing Group will no longer have to contend with Shadow Hefner and Totalitarian Hefner, let’s go home and farm together. This time we have manufactured a total of five new satellites, with a central command and control satellite as the center , the other four satellites are used as assistance, and can cover the entire world within half a day. The one just launched is the central command and control satellite, and the other four satellites will be launched this afternoon."

"Good! Good! As expected, the Fuxing Group has developed five new satellites in such a short period of time and sent them into space. Apart from you Fuxing Group, I am afraid that even Shadow Hefner would have difficulty completing such a task. "Lin Wenfang stroked his palm unconsciously to express his joy.

"What are you talking about!" An Lianjiao said angrily, "I didn't say anything about such a major plan. If it weren't for the fact that our headquarters of the Fuxing Group still has a few spare communication satellites, we only need to modify those communication satellites. Send it up, maybe this time, there is nothing we can do. By the way, do you want Huo Yu to go to you?"

Lin Wenfang thought for a while, and the Fuxing Group probably didn't need "Huo Yu" to do anything for the time being, so he said, "Let Huo Yu come back. The next plan is inseparable from Huo Yu. By the way, the five satellites are temporarily It is only under the control of the federal military, and it should not be opened to the civilian population. We have to use this opportunity to teach the Moya Republic a good lesson, and we must not let them know the news of our communication satellite going up into the sky."

An Lian smiled sweetly and said, "I see."

Until Lin Wenfang ended the call with An Lian, Cui Cheng and others were still staring blankly at the dimmed big screen.

Lin Wenfang walked up to Cui Cheng, shook his hands, and said with a smile, "What? Are you stunned or delighted?"

Cui Cheng rubbed his eyes, and said in disbelief: "In this way, our communication and investigation system has been restored?"

Lin Wenfang curled his lips, returned to his seat, took a sip from his teacup, and said with a smile: "If not, what else can we do? Could it be that our communication and reconnaissance satellites will only be considered after the announcement to the world?" Really recovered?"

"Lin Wenfang, Lin Wenfang," Cui Cheng smiled wryly, walked up to Lin Wenfang and sat down, and said, "Can you tell us in advance about this kind of thing in the future! If you keep going like this, My heart can't take it..."

Several other major generals also said in surprise and joy: "This is indeed a surprise, a big surprise... However, this surprise is a bit big, and I can't bear it if it happens a few times... You are young!"

After laughing a lot, Cui Cheng calmed down and said to Lin Wenfang: "Lieutenant General Lin, I heard what you said just now, there is another plan for the future, should we let us know about this plan?"

Lin Wenfang nodded and said: "Naturally. The next plan still needs your cooperation. You also heard my call with An Lian just now. After the communication and investigation system is restored, it will only be open to the military. In other words, as long as the top military officials don't speak up, the Moya Republic should not know the news. Then, this is our chance."

Cui Cheng hesitated for a moment, then said, "You mean...use this opportunity to teach the Moya Republic a heavy lesson?"

Lin Wenfang checked his wrist computer and found that the core components of "Huoyu" had been transferred to his wrist computer through a wireless connection, so he said, "Huoyu, display the satellite map of the Northwest region."

"Fire Feather" responded, connected to the large screen in the headquarters, and displayed the satellite map of the northwest region of the Moon Sea Federation.

Picking up the electronic pen, Lin Wenfang circled the entire northwest region, and said: "In this attack, the Moya Republic has concentrated most of its troops into our generation. The number of these troops occupies the entire territory of the Moya Republic. A quarter of the total force! If we can completely annihilate this force... the Moya Republic will definitely be seriously injured!"

After a pause, Lin Wenfang drew out the area where the Southwest Army Corps and the Northern Army Corps were stationed, and said, "Of course, relying entirely on our strength, it will be difficult to eat up the remaining 20 troops of the Moya Republic, so We need the assistance of the Southwest Military Region and the Northern Military Region. The enemy of the Northern Army, Aleshchenk, lost his communication and detection system, and he didn’t have the guts to continue attacking the Moon Sea Federation. Therefore, most of the Northern Army’s troops can be mobilized to Come here and help us annihilate this army of the Republic of Moya. The Southwest Military Region relies on a complete military defense line, coupled with the advantages of communication and reconnaissance systems, it can completely block the army of the Republic of Moya, and even counterattack the enemy. In this way, fighting in both directions at the same time, just this time is enough to completely defeat the army of the Moya Republic, making them lose the power to attack the Moon Sea Federation again in a short period of time!"

Cui Cheng and Jiang Changming were completely shocked by Lin Wenfang's tone.How heroic it is to fight on two fronts at once and wipe out more than one-third of the troops of the Moya Republic!As Lin Wenfang said, if the Southwest Military Region and the Northwest Military Region cooperate well and can really wipe out the two major forces of the Moya Republic in this war, the Moya Republic should shift from offense to defense in the future.Losing one-third of its troops at one time, plus the successive losses of troops during the previous war with the Moon Sea Federation, the active army of the Moya Republic has already lost more than half of it.

With the loss of so many troops, it is hard to say whether the troops in the Moya Republic can guard the border of their own country.You know, with the totalitarian Hefner's behavior style, there are not a few countries that have been offended!And these countries don't mind causing a little trouble for the Moya Republic at this time.

However, because of Lin Wenfang's huge plan, Cui Cheng and Jiang Changming were also excited.Such a large plan cannot be done without their participation.Maybe, this plan will be the war they are most proud of in their life.Because of Lin Wenfang's plan, the enthusiasm of Cui Cheng and Jiang Changming was completely mobilized.

"What do we need to do? Just say it!" Cui Cheng and Jiang Changming looked at each other and said in unison.At this moment, the two of them really believed in Lin Wenfang from the bottom of their hearts.What Lin Wenfang said was even more effective than the orders of the federal military.Neither of them realized that when they positioned themselves and Lin Wenfang's position in their hearts, they unconsciously placed themselves in the position of Lin Wenfang's subordinate.

Lin Wenfang thought for a while and said: "I will report the content of the plan to the General Staff Headquarters immediately, so that the Southwest Military Region and the Northern Army will cooperate with our actions. As for the mobilization of the Northwest Military Region, I need the two of you to do it."

Like the reactions of Cui Cheng and Jiang Changming, the General Staff of the Federal Army was also shocked by Lin Wenfang's huge plan.However, after reasoning about the feasibility of this plan, Xie Zhonglin and Zhu Zheng unconditionally supported Lin Wenfang's plan, and immediately issued an order for the Southwest Military Region and the Northern Army to cooperate with Lin Wenfang's plan.

The Southwest Military Region is part of this huge plan, and the Southwest Military Region itself is not very strong.Therefore, the troops of the Southwest Military Region have not been transferred to the Northwest.However, under the leadership of Zhu Zhi, [-]% of the troops of the Northern Army quietly arrived at the Northwest Military Region and joined Lin Wenfang and the others.The most important of these are the Artillery Division and the Armored Division.

Due to the launch of a new type of communication satellite, the news that the investigation and communication system of the Moon Sea Federation has been restored to its original state is only spread among the senior management of the Moon Sea Federation and the Fuxing Group, so it has been to the Southwest Military Region and the Northwest Military Region to prepare for a major counterattack, Mo Ya The Republic still has not received any news.

In the great desert of the northwest region, the temporary military camp of the Moya Republic.

Lieutenant General Aussie's mood suddenly improved.After several days of waiting, Sertig finally cracked the encryption system of the communication beacon, and rushed to produce a batch of similar communication beacons overnight, so that an engineering team of more than 5 people came with technicians Great desert.

With these communication beacons belonging to the Republic of Moya, and the relay communication stations established by the engineering troops along the desert in the desert, the army of the Republic of Moya can also establish a communication and reconnaissance system.After the communication and reconnaissance systems are equal, with their strength of more than 20 troops, it is enough to sweep the entire northwest region, and even extend the tentacles of the Moya Republic into the hinterland of the Moon Sea Federation!
It has already been hinted above that as long as the great desert is knocked down and a base is successfully established on the edge of the desert, Lieutenant General Oss' mission will be completed.By that time, Lieutenant General Oss should be called Admiral Oss.

The scorching sun made Lieutenant General Oss's bald forehead burn bright. Although he was uncomfortable, Lieutenant General Oss was still waiting for the arrival of the engineering troops outside the temporary barracks with a smile on his face.Behind Lieutenant General Oss, stood Leah and other teachers.

Leah and the others scoffed at going out of the barracks to welcome the engineering troops.The commander-in-chief of the siege force is nothing more than a senior colonel. Even if the senior colonel is a rare heavyweight technician in Sertig, his status in the Republic of Moya is no more than that of a major general who has no real power. It's not worth it for major generals like them to come out to greet them.However, Lieutenant General Oss doesn't think so.Lieutenant General Oss felt that he was not greeted by engineering troops, but with the rank of general.For the rank of admiral, there is nothing wrong with being exposed to the scorching sun.

It is indeed not suitable to stay outside during the day in the great desert. After standing outside for less than an hour, Lieutenant General Oss felt like his throat was smoking.The body that has not bathed for a long time exudes a bad smell.Lieutenant General Oss regretted coming out too early.However, because there is no wireless communication, he does not know when the engineering troops will arrive.Now that he has led these division commanders out, Lieutenant General Oss will not be able to save his face before going back.You know, he will soon be an admiral, so he naturally has to maintain the demeanor of an admiral in front of his subordinates.

Just when Lieutenant General Oss became more and more impatient, a black shadow finally appeared on the distant video line, accompanied by the sound of roaring cars.

"It's finally here!" Lieutenant General Oss breathed a sigh of relief, and the expression on his face became brighter and brighter.The rank of general is getting closer and closer to him!
(End of this chapter)

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