digital storm

Chapter 443 Ambush to Nausea

Chapter 443 Ambush to Nausea

Reed is a Moya.On the surface, Reed is a regular businessman who settled in the Moon Sea Federation a few years ago, but Reed's hidden identity is an agent of the Moya Republic.

Through the friendship in the business field, Reid has a lot of contacts with many private entrepreneurs of the Moon Sea Federation, and many officials of the Moon Sea Federation also have inextricable relationships with Reed.The performance in the past few years has been quite satisfactory, and there is nothing to go beyond. In addition, Reed has a good relationship with federal government officials. When the war between the Moya Republic and the Moon Sea Federation broke out, Reed was basically not affected. And this also led to Reed becoming a trump card of the Moya Republic in the Moon Sea Federation.

Reed's business is mainly in the business of chemicals, and the Moonsea Federation has always had a great demand for chemicals, so Reed's business has always been good, and his life in the Moonsea Federation is quite nourishing.The mergers and acquisitions of various enterprises in the Moon Sea Federation are not aggressive. Large enterprises, especially those core enterprises, basically have some relationship with Fosun Group.Although it has been expanding steadily, the foundation of Fosun Group lies in technology research and development.While they invest a lot of money in technology research and development, they naturally limit their pace of dominating market share.If the core enterprises are like this, the life of those medium-sized enterprises will naturally be much easier. They conscientiously organize production, improve technology and reduce costs. Even if it is not a big business, they can still do well.Due to Moonsea Federation's leading position in the high-tech industry, the profit margins of various products are high, and the profit margins left for various raw material suppliers are quite sufficient.If it weren't for his limited status, as a businessman, Reid really loved the healthy and prosperous business environment of the Federation.

Reid also knew about the news that the agents of the Moya Republic had infiltrated into the federation to sabotage the federation's communication center.It is also a plan formulated by the Moya Republic to destroy the basic communication facilities of the Moon Sea Federation and cause chaos in the Federation.As long as this plan is successful, there will be some turmoil in the Moon Sea Federation, and the Moya Republic will take advantage of this opportunity to launch a full-scale attack on the Moon Sea Federation, striving to achieve the greatest results in the shortest possible time.

However, because of Lin Wenfang's intervention with the Quick Battle Group, the first step of the plan still failed.The three communication transfer centers of the Moon Sea Federation were destroyed, but only five of the [-] agents who infiltrated into the Federation were left behind. This not only increased the vigilance of the Moon Sea Federation, but also dealt a blow to the Moon Sea Federation. miniscule.In the plan, at least one-third of the Moon Sea Federation's communication transfer center must be destroyed to achieve the Moya Republic's intended goal.

On the second day after the failure of the Moya agent, Reed received a message from the high-level officials of the Moya Republic, asking Reed to activate the hidden agent that had been hidden in the Moon Sea Federation as long as he had been, and the plan must be continued. The more chaos in the Moon Sea Federation, the better.

After thinking for a long time, Reed was still planning to destroy the basic communication equipment of the Moon Sea Federation.However, before that, what Reid wanted was to pull out the thorn in Lin Wenfang's flesh first!
The existence of Lin Wenfang is a great hindrance to the plans of the Moya Republic.Since the Moya Republic began to confront the Moon Sea Federation, countless plans were aborted because of Lin Wenfang's interference.Reed is not sure if Lin Wenfang is left alone, will the next plan still come to nothing.As the most shining star of the federal military, and also the idol of the young people of the Moon Sea Federation, Lin Wenfang's death would definitely cause a lot of chaos.And the more chaotic the Moon Sea Federation is, the more beneficial it will be to his plans and the plans of the Moya Republic.

After making the plan, Reed started making phone calls one by one, and the people he contacted were all Moya agents who had been hiding in the Moon Sea Federation for a long time.

After contacting the Moya agent hidden in the Moon Sea Federation, Reed thought for a long time, and finally dialed a very secret phone number.

The owner of this phone call was the highest-ranking official of the Moon Sea Federation that Reid had access to.However, although this official's rank is high, he does not hold great power in his hands, and he is the type who is depressed.The reason why he chose to contact this person was because of Reed's consideration.Although he doesn't have real power, but he stands tall and sees far, and the official is still very well informed about some news circulating in the federal government.In addition, during a meeting, this official also expressed that he was depressed in the officialdom of the Moon Sea Federation and wanted to find another job.

If you can pull this official into your camp, it will be a great boost to your next plan and the overall plan of the Moya Republic.

"Which one?" The phone was connected, and a deep voice came.Although the man suppressed his own tone, which made his voice sound a bit discolored, Reed immediately recognized that this was the man he was looking for.

"Mr. Jiang, I'm Reed. We had dinner together half a month ago." Reed replied.

"Oh, it's Reed, what can I do for you?" Hearing that it was an acquaintance, the person on the other side of the phone didn't suppress his voice anymore, and his tone returned to normal.

"Mr. Jiang, I have a deal here. I wonder if Mr. Jiang is interested?"

"I'm more interested in some rumors about the federal government. I don't know if Mr. Jiang can satisfy me. In exchange, Mr. Jiang can also get something he's interested in, such as...power." Reid said tepidly Throw out your bait.

For this Mr. Jiang, Reid is quite familiar with it.If we summarize the character of Mr. Jiang, he should be that kind of heroic character.The only desire is the control of power.However, what Mr. Jiang wants is not the power of the Moon Sea Federation that is restricted by countless laws and regulations. What he wants is the power that stands above ten thousand people and no one dares to refute what he says.And this kind of power happens to be unique to the Moya Republic.Except for the authoritarian Moya Republic, there must be no country that can satisfy this senior official's desire for power.

It was precisely because of his understanding of Mr. Jiang that Reid dared to initiate this transaction with confidence.Because he knew that Mr. Jiang would never be able to resist the bait he threw out.

Sure enough, after Reed threw out his bait, Mr. Jiang's breathing became a little short.After being silent for a while, Mr. Jiang said, "How can I trust you?"

Reed smiled slightly, and the fish took the bait: "Mr. Jiang, haven't you guessed my identity for a long time? This time I came here with great sincerity. As long as Mr. Jiang can help us get through this difficulty , Mr. Jiang can also get what he wants. I wonder if a municipality completely under the control of Mr. Jiang can impress you?"

"It seems that you know me very well. Let's talk about the time." Mr. Jiang said after a while of silence.

"Okay, see you at the old place at two o'clock this afternoon."

After putting down the phone, Reed smiled easily.Now that the fish has been hooked, the next thing is much simpler.Even if Lin Wenfang cannot be killed, with such a support hidden in the federal government, the Moya Republic's plan will be much easier than before.

At the same time, in the office of an office building in Hanjing City, a gloomy middle-aged man also smiled slightly: "Moya Republic, Moon Sea Federation... things are going smoother than expected, haha"

... "Alin, Evelyn just sent me a message intercepted on the Internet, which is related to Shadow Hefner." Lin Wenfang had just successfully upgraded the network system of a communication transfer center, and "Fire Feather" contacted Lin Wenfang.Immediately afterwards, a communication record was sent to Lin Wenfang's wrist computer.

"Shadow Hefner? They finally have news?" Putting down the work at hand, Lin Wenfang checked the communication records he had just received.

Shadow Hefner has always been a thorn in Lin Wenfang's heart.After returning from the Undersea City, apart from launching two or three attacks on the headquarters of Tianyao Group, Shadow Hefner has remained silent.

However, Evelyn and Lin Wenfang's threat to Shadow Hefner is very clear to everyone in the Undersea City, and Shadow Hefner will never just leave them alone.There is no movement, it can only show that the people in the shadow Hefner are brewing a bigger conspiracy.

Now that Shadow Hefner's people have moved, Lin Wenfang is much more relaxed.At least, you don't have to think about the conspiracy of Shadow Hefner all day long.

After reading the communication records, Lin Wenfang smiled: "Ambush? Although it's a bit disgusting to play this recently. But it's still a good way." The information described in the communication records is exactly the Moya Republic and Shadow Hefner. Together, prepare to kill Lin Wenfang in the next communication transfer center.The so-called ambush to nausea is just a joke.Ambush is the tactic that requires the highest ability to grasp information. Being able to deploy ambushes in a very calm manner is something to be proud of.

However, this piece of information was intercepted by Evelyn by chance, and it was not very complete.From this piece of information, Lin Wenfang can only see so much. As for who the two parties are communicating with, Lin Wenfang has no way of knowing.I only know these two people, one is in Lingnan Province and the other is in Hanjing City.

The liaison in Lingnan Province should be an agent of the Moya Republic hidden in the Moon Sea Federation.And the person in Hanjing City should be a senior official of the Moon Sea Federation.However, based on the analysis of "Fire Feather"'s investigation data on that senior official, that senior official should be someone who shadowed Hefner.I just don't know if the people of the Moya Republic know the identity of that senior official.

Is this action a joint effort between Shadow Hefner and Totalitarian Hefner, or another plot by Shadow Hefner?
Lin Wenfang thought about it carefully, and still leaned towards the second option.Introducing one's enemies into a conspiracy, and then sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight, this is the style of Shadow Hefner.The probability of Shadow Hefner directly intervening in the war is very small.

(End of this chapter)

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