digital storm

Chapter 440 Sakov's Amazing Work

Chapter 440 Sakov's Amazing Work
In the eyes of many generals, after the battle between Lin Wenfang and Yue Yuyin, these command rooms that simulate commanding the federal army are no longer interesting.The strength of the rapid battle group is obvious, and the command and coordination abilities of Xu Fu, Lin Wenfang, and Zhu Zhi are beyond doubt.Facing the pressure and under the attention of the outside world, the command team of the entire Rapid Battle Group performed very well. The officers who were relatively unfamiliar with each other also got to know each other through this opportunity. Just obeying orders cautiously and being able to exert one's own initiative, just a quick battle group is enough for the enemy to suffer.

After simulating four battles back and forth, the Quick Battle Group drove the enemy out.According to the calculated data, the entire group also suffered nearly 30% damage, which can be said to be very impressive.

This series of battles became a turning point in the exchange of offensive and defensive forms between the Moya side and the Federation side on the battlefield. Losing a series of battles not only caused Sakov and others to lose the initiative on the battlefield, but more importantly, they consumed A lot of spirit and heart.After a series of sluggish battles, their performance as Moya's side was very weak. It was not until two days later, after a rotation and rest, that everyone's spirit gradually came into play.

Then, Sakov began to develop in a direction that everyone did not expect at all: he actually used Moya's troops to simulate high-tech refined combat.He is very familiar with Moya's various weapons and equipment, and he is very familiar with the high-tech combat thinking gradually formed by the Federation.Sakov, who had stayed in Tianyao Group long enough, mixed with a bunch of geeks, and finally formed his own very unique war thinking.His high-tech combat is different from the fully refined operation of the Federation, but uses programs and automatic command assistance systems to coordinate the operation of troops.He does not use the intelligent system to assist the command, but inputs his own combat determination into the system, telling the system when and where, and what troops he wants to use to do things.At the same time, what kind of policy instructions does he have for other troops.The system will give a specific coordination plan for each unit to ensure that the actions of each unit such as marching, attacking, covering, supplying, treating, and withdrawing can go hand in hand.Sakov then chooses one of several alternatives and sends it to each unit for execution.

The reason why this approach can be done in advance in the deduction is because all the troops are virtual, and all orders can be executed without compromise, even the equipment failure rate of the troops can be calculated.This is undoubtedly an ideal state. In reality, maybe this method of combat command will be difficult to move forward.But it was precisely during the deduction that this kind of weird tactics caused various chasing and annihilating troops to smash their heads.Under Sakov's command and coordination, Moya's troops advanced and retreated in an orderly manner, advancing or retreating in waves, and shifting, always able to form firepower and numerical superiority locally, and Sakov's use of firepower and support troops was very good. Fine, never wasteful, but always looking for the most critical point on the battlefield to launch an attack.Once Sakov discovers the key point, it will definitely be a violent attack that will never die.The federation's sensitivity to battlefield time, space, communication, and firepower, combined with Moya's ruthlessness, has become a very headache-inducing tactics.

The more Sakov played out, the more the generals who competed face to face with him scratched their heads.After simulating a week of deduction, Sakov annihilated 44 divisions of the Federation and severely damaged 29 divisions at the cost of losing 9 divisions... This is already close to a one-to-one battle loss ratio. In combat, this has never happened before.According to the internal statement of the Federal Defense Forces, when the Federation fights Moya, it is considered a failure if the battle loss ratio is less than 1:2. If it reaches 1:5, it can basically be regarded as the main combat division. Only when it reaches 1:8,1 or 10:[-] can it be called On the ace division.However, those who competed with Sakov were all the troops that were dispatched first according to the mobilization sequence of the Federal Defense Forces. Almost all of them had brilliant records and could be called ace divisions.This kind of battle loss ratio made everyone very embarrassed, and it also made the military completely dispel the contempt for Moya.

Sakov is indeed the trump card of Moya's younger generation, but he is not the only one in Moya.Ludwig will never be worse than Sakov, and Ludwig is now the commander-in-chief of Moya's army.Of course, Sakov’s experience is quite peculiar, allowing him to accumulate a lot of experience, knowledge and ideas that others do not have. The technical team behind him comes from Tianyao Group and Fosun Group, which is not the level that Mo Yajun can achieve .But as long as Moya's army can reach half of Sakov's current performance, the Federation will never dare to let the war enter a war of attrition.Everyone understands that once you limit what kind of warfare you can fight and what you can't, then you have tied your hands and feet, and you will unknowingly fall into a disadvantageous situation in combat.Open choices are extremely important for everyone.

The deduction has not yet entered the final stage, Xie Zhonglin and Zhu Zheng jointly issued an order, strictly prohibiting anyone from leaking the situation of this deduction. Such things as tactics are indeed a complicated system, but sometimes, they are just some simple ones. Thought, once the window paper is pierced, everything else is easy to solve.

Sakov may not have been valued by the federal military before, and he felt that he was willing to live in Tianyao Group as a security captain, and his ability should be average.But now, all of a sudden, his status in everyone's mind has been raised a lot.The military has begun inviting Sakov to participate in activities such as campaign seminars.At the same time, some people in the Fosun Group who might have doubted his ability had completely shut up.After the deduction, Sakov's right to speak in the joint force will definitely be guaranteed.This situation is naturally what Lin Wenfang and others are happy to see.

The big exercise lasted for nearly a month before it gradually died down.Repeated drills on some topics have allowed the military to accumulate a considerable amount of experience and ideas.The more specific modernized combat strategy proposed by Lin Wenfang and others has also received extensive attention.Those who want Lin Wenfang to look good may not be disappointed.The proposal put forward by the Garrison District received considerable attention, and the Destroyer integrated tank was built in Tianchi Mountain during the deduction period.This is also the first actual operation of Rapid Armory.While everyone expressed their astonishment at the process of only one week from drawings to real objects, they also began to recognize that arsenals that can quickly manufacture targeted weapons and equipment may very likely change the form of war and logistics.The advantages and disadvantages of the Destroyer tank are obvious. Lin Wenfang simulated two confrontations with the entire mecha unit and the staff officers of the garrison military area. Although he suffered a lot of losses, he was able to wipe out the Destroyer in the end. Tank troops, this kind of situation made the officers of the capital garrison somewhat depressed.

However, soon, everyone discovered that with the new situation, many depressions, worries, or other moods could no longer be taken care of.While the deduction was going on, the Moya Republic had a new round of actions.

Under the control of the totalitarian Hefner, the Republic of Moya has begun to prepare for a new round of attack on the Moon Sea Federation.However, this attack is not based on a full-scale war invasion, but a small army operation, sending special forces to sneak into the territory of the Moon Sea Federation and destroy the basic communication equipment of the Moon Sea Federation.

After destroying all the basic communication facilities of the Moon Sea Federation, the Moya Republic will take advantage of the chaos in the Moon Sea Federation and launch a swift blow to the Moon Sea Federation, trying to make the Moon Sea Federation lose its resistance in the shortest possible time.Even if the Moon Sea Federation cannot be captured in one fell swoop, at least the Moon Sea Federation will be seriously injured.

Under the cover of a large number of people coming in and out of the ports of the Moon Sea Federation, the agents of the Moya Republic quietly entered the territory of the Moon Sea Federation and hid in various cities.Naturally, the people of the Moya Republic thought this quietly. "Fire Feather" continuously monitored the entire Luna Sea Federation's network system, and found something abnormal.However, "Fire Feather" connected these Moya people's entry into the federation with Shadow Hefner, but they did not expect that this was the harbinger of a new war started by totalitarian Hefner.

After the agents of the Moya Republic sneaked into the Moon Sea Federation, they did not start attacking immediately. Instead, they spent a week finding out the locations of the communication transfer centers of the Moon Sea Federation in various places, and then formulated a detailed plan. The sabotage plan is to destroy as many communication transfer centers as possible in the shortest possible time.

In the General Staff of the Federal Army, Zhu Zheng looked at the report sent by his subordinates with some headaches.Three communication transfer centers have been destroyed by the Moya people. The destruction of the three communication transfer centers has not only caused a large amount of data loss, but more importantly, the daily communication of a large number of people has been affected.On the Internet, there are already many citizens complaining non-stop.

Those agents from Moya are very smart. The branches of the three communication transfer centers they destroyed were not regular at all. The first two destroyed communication transfer centers were distributed in Lingnan Province, and the most recently destroyed The communication transfer center is located in the northwest direction.Although wandering around the Moon Sea Federation in such an irregular way and destroying the communication transfer center wasted a lot of time for those agents, it was better to keep it secret.In view of this situation, the Moon Sea Federation really has no good way to find out these people.

After the communication transfer center was destroyed, the local government of the Moon Sea Federation immediately organized personnel to carry out emergency repairs, but no matter how fast the emergency repairs were, it could not keep up with the speed of other people's destruction.If those Moya people are allowed to run rampant in the federation, sooner or later, the communication transfer center of the entire federation will be completely destroyed.

(End of this chapter)

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