digital storm

Chapter 387 The Best Cover Up

Chapter 387 The Best Cover Up
Going out of the cabin under such circumstances, only that fierce man Kolov dared to do so.Kolov also ran out to check after receiving the message from the staff on the bridge.

"The extension will be extended. Anyway, we have been delayed for a while. It is definitely impossible for the crew to repair the positioning system at this time. Let's put it aside for now and think of a way after the storm is over." Replied a few words casually, Flynn hung up the communicator.This issue is nothing to Flynn. The extension of the date of arrival in Tinkeltu is not a big deal to Flynn, and only the rigid muscular man of Kolov will pay attention to this.

In the violently oscillating hull, only those with strong bodies like Kolov and Lin Wenfang were able to fix their bodies. The other crew members and sailors rolled around in the cabin like sandbags.A few unlucky guys even got hurt a little bit.

After raging for more than an hour, the storm subsided, the dark clouds cleared, and the sea returned to its calm state.

Walking out of his room, the salty and humid sea breeze blew, which made Lin Wenfang's dizzy head sober after being shaken.

"Come out for those who are still alive, and clean up the boat." Flynn walked out of the cabin with a pale face, and yelled at the cabin.It seemed that Flynn hadn't had a great time this hour.Although they are used to life at sea, not everyone can encounter such a violent storm.Fortunately, the "Weiyuan" was strong enough, and the tonnage was large enough. It was replaced by a smaller ship. The storm just now was enough to sink that small ship.

Flynn was quite surprised to see Lin Wen walking out with a normal expression on his face.Smiling at Lin Wenfang, Flynn yelled at the sailors and crew members who had just stepped out: "Hurry up and clean up the ship, this mess is not what Weiyuan should be like."

"Captain, someone is hurt!" a crew member yelled.

Flynn's face scrunched up, which was not what he wanted to hear.Although this storm was indeed a little stronger than ordinary storms, as a sailor who often sails on the sea, especially on a ship of the size of "Weiyuan", it is not a glorious thing for a sailor to be injured.It seems that those injured sailors must have put too much trust in the "Weiyuan", so that when the storm came, they did not do a good job of basic defense, which ended up being injured.

The coming of this storm made Flynn's temper much worse.Just about to start cursing, Flynn closed his mouth again, and ordered a crew member: "Take me to see who is so unlucky."

The storm has passed and there is a lot to pack on board.However, these do not require Flynn to come forward. For sailors, cleaning up the mess after a storm is a common thing.There were only two matters on the ship that Flynn could personally ask about right now.One is the injury of the crew. As an approachable captain, it is necessary for Flynn to visit him.The other thing is the problem of the damage of the positioning system that Kolov said.

However, the damage to the positioning system cannot be dealt with in a short time. Now, it is more important to go and see those unlucky crew members and sailors first.

"Captain Flynn, how about taking me there?" Lin Wenfang walked to Flynn's side and said.

"Look at my brain." Flynn patted his forehead, and said a little embarrassedly: "I forgot that Mr. Greg is a physical therapist. Then please trouble Mr. Greg to come with me. "

"It's an honor to serve you."

None of the sailors had any major problems, but they didn't take basic defensive measures when the storm came, and they were driven by the hull to roll around in the small room, and they accidentally pulled their muscles.One unlucky guy had a broken leg.

These are all minor problems, Lin Wenfang took three shots and two shots to treat the injuries of the sailors.Although it is impossible for them to recover immediately, the basic mobility is not a serious problem.As for the guy with a broken calf, Lin Wenfang just straightened his bones and fixed them with wooden boards.There were not many specialized medical items on board, and that was all Lin Wenfang could do.

Seeing Lin Wenfang's skillful movements, Flynn paid more attention to Lin Wenfang in his heart.A thought popped up, and Flynn couldn't help asking: "Mr. Greg, do you have a solution to the problem with the positioning system?"

After saying this, Flynn himself felt a little embarrassed.Lin Wenfang just helped deal with the injuries of these wounded, how could he think of him for everything.

Lin Wenfang frowned. He knew his troubles, and he also knew that if people wanted to ignore him, they would never expect him to have anything related to Lin Wenfang's identity. It would definitely be a good way to show supernormal abilities in other fields.That's what he did in Moya.After thinking about it, he said: "If there is a problem with the hardware, I may still have some solutions. If there is a problem with the software, there is nothing I can do."

"Can it really be repaired?" Flynn's eyes widened.Originally, Flynn was just asking casually, but he didn't expect that Lin Wenfang really had a way.Flynn asked about it when he got out of the cabin. The damage to the positioning system was due to the burnt out of several components.Although there are spare parts on board, it is quite cumbersome to replace the parts of the positioning system, and there are no professional personnel on the "Weiyuan".When the weather is good, the ship can always receive stable and clear GPS signals and different radio beacons from various ports, navigation stations, and lighthouses along the way to help position and navigate.Navigators are very similar to radar systems, except that they rely entirely on passive reception of signals for positioning and do not emit any signals.Generally, only the captain and first officer need to master this thing, and other crew members don't even need to know about it, let alone know how to repair it.Speaking of which, navigating with this kind of thing is really in line with Flynn's sneaky behavior.

Looking at Lin Wenfang strangely, Flynn walked back and said, "Mr. Greg, come with me. I hope you can really fix the positioning system, otherwise we will have to wander on the sea for a while gone."

Shrugging, Lin Wenfang also knew that his performance was a bit outstanding.However, as long as he does not reveal his professional field, Lin Wenfang is not afraid of revealing his identity.On the contrary, the better Lin Wenfang performed in these aspects that Lin Wenfang deliberately highlighted, the more likely he was to break into the top ranks of the "Weiyuan".Ever since he knew that the "Weiyuan" had a certain relationship with the shadow Hefner, Lin Wenfang had become very interested in the so-called big men hiding on the "Weiyuan".

The external device of the positioning system on the "Weiyuan" is installed above the bridge.In fact, the external device of the positioning system is integrated with the radar. There was a problem with the positioning system, and the radar of "Weiyuan" was also greatly affected.Without the support of radar, "Weiyuan" cannot communicate with the outside world normally. Although the map of this sea area is stored in the computer, it can continue to sail, but it has lost its positioning and navigation system and contact with the outside world. It was a storm like before, and the "Weiyuan" could not get news in advance, let alone take defensive measures.

It is precisely because of the importance of the positioning system and radar in the ocean that Kolov was so anxious after learning of its damage that he even ran to the bridge to check it at the risk of being blown into the ocean.

When Flynn and Lin Wenfang arrived at the bridge, Korov had already taken two technicians there to conduct inspections.Judging from the expressions of the three of them, it was obvious that they couldn't fix the positioning system.Those two technicians are usually only responsible for maintaining the equipment on the "Weiyuan", and they don't have the confidence to complete the task of replacing key components.

Seeing Flynn and Lin Wenfang coming, Kolov just nodded as a greeting, and continued to study the positioning system.With the relationship between Kolov and Flynn, there is no point in currying favor with Flynn.

"Koloff, let Mr. Greg take a look, maybe Mr. Greg can fix it." Flynn smiled at Lin Wenfang, and joked: "Mr. Greg, you must fix it. Ah, or we shall delay your return home."

Under the suspicious eyes of Kolov and the other two technicians, Lin Wenfang went directly to the external device that was not much different from the radar and began to check.

After a little inspection, Lin Wenfang gained confidence in his heart.It's not a big problem, it's just that the protection work was not done well before the storm.After being flooded with a lot of rainwater and soaked for a long time, some of the wires of this external device were short-circuited to varying degrees, causing several key small parts to be burned.The transmission, wires and circuit boards are pasted together, which looks very troublesome, but in fact, as long as you understand the basic principles, you can understand it, and the problem is not big.

"Mr. Greg, how are you doing?" Seeing Lin Wenfang skillfully inspecting various equipment, Flynn suddenly felt that maybe this mysterious temporary sailor could really repair the positioning system.

"There should be no problem. Captain Flynn, bring the spare parts. As long as the parts are replaced, the positioning system should be able to be repaired." Lin Wenfang said confidently.It was a little troublesome to just replace some parts, but it was not a problem for Lin Wenfang.

"Captain, the components in the positioning system are very precise. If someone who doesn't understand anything messes around, it may cause the complete damage of the positioning system. It's nothing if only one positioning system is damaged. This kid's recklessness caused the entire radar system to collapse, and we are really helpless." A technician looked at Lin Wenfang disdainfully and said suspiciously.

As technicians, the status of these two people on the "Weiyuan" is higher than that of ordinary crew members.In their hearts, temporary hired sailors like Lin Wenfang were not at the same level as them.None of them have the confidence to solve the problem. How could a temporary sailor have a solution?This sailor is just pretending.

After hearing what the technician said, Flynn hesitated a bit.The positioning system is definitely not working.If even the radar system is broken, this is not good news.On the vast sea, even with a map and no external guidance, the possibility of getting lost is still very high.

Lin Wenfang didn't speak, but narrowed his eyes, quietly waiting for Flynn's decision.As for the technician, Lin Wenfang directly ignored him.A clown who is jumping on the beam, still can't get into Lin Wenfang's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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