digital storm

Chapter 368 Ambush Circle

Chapter 368 Ambush Circle

After leaving the headquarters, Lyons felt so happy for the first time, and he was also looking forward to the upcoming war.

Lin Wenfang is the main force of the Moon Sea Federation's mecha division, and Lin Wenfang will definitely participate in this war.Using Aleshchenk's mecha troops to wipe out his old enemy, Lyons felt this feeling, very cool!

For a long time, Lyons had a certain reputation in small and medium-sized countries like Aleshchenk, but the origin of this reputation was because he was one of the few who fought against Lin Wenfang many times without dying.For Lyons, who dreamed of surpassing Lin Wenfang, this kind of reputation was a shame!But now, an opportunity was in front of Lyons, an opportunity to wipe out Lin Wenfang and the mech division troops that Lin Wenfang was proud of, how could Lyons not be excited.

After returning to his residence, Lyons hadn't woken up from the excitement yet.He seemed to have seen the scene where Lin Wenfang died under his beast-shaped mecha.

"General Lyons, a call from China." When Lyons was excited, a Moya instructor hurried over and handed a mobile phone to Lyons.

Lyons answered the phone and asked suspiciously: "I'm Lyons, who is yours?" Before that, Lyons had already talked to Kane on the phone, so who will call at this time?
"General Lyons, I'm Carlette, I don't know if you have any impression." The voice on the other end of the phone made Lyons' expression darken instantly.

For Carlette, Lyons still has a certain impression.Moreover, the relationship between Lyons and Carlette is not good.Lyons is the executive officer of the totalitarian Hefner in the Republic of Moya, but Kane is Lyons' boss, and Carlette is the popular man in front of Kane.

One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, and Kane's emphasis on Carlette will naturally make Lyons feel very uncomfortable.

There was a cold light in his eyes, but Lyons' tone did not change, and he asked, "Lieutenant Colonel Carlette, what is the matter with you calling at this time? What I am executing now is a military secret. If the military secret is leaked Confidential, I wonder if Lieutenant Colonel Carlette can afford it?"

Lyons has a much higher military rank than Carlette, so naturally he will not be polite to Carlette.

"Your Excellency General, you will receive a document in a while. The password to decrypt the document is *************. This document was obtained by Mr. Kane with a lot of effort. I hope you Make full use of this document, and don't disappoint Mr. Kane's expectations." Carlette finished speaking tepidly and hung up the phone.

Not long after, a document was received in Lyons' computer.After entering the password that Carlette just said, and decrypting the document, Lyons suddenly found that the title of the document he had just received was: Detailed Operational Plan of the Lunar Sea Federal Mecha Division!
Seeing that document, Lyons was shocked violently.The combat plan of the Moon Sea Federation he obtained through his own channels was similar to the plan obtained by Gaius. He only knew that the attack target of the Moon Sea Federation was Uganda Province.Where did this document come from?Among the totalitarian Hefner, who can get such a detailed battle plan of the Moon Sea Federation?
Although Kai Wright said that it was sent by Kane, if Mr. Kane really obtained this document, why didn't Mr. Kane mention it when he talked to Mr. Kane beforehand?Lyons was skeptical of the document's origin.

After carefully looking at this battle plan, Lyons believed it almost immediately, this battle plan was true!It even details when and where the mecha master will arrive.

Holding this battle plan, Lyons thought: It seems that the battle plan needs to be changed.Lin Wenfang, let's see how you escape from my grasp this time!
Under the cover of the night sky, the transport plane of the Lunar Sea Federation flew towards the Kadeng Pass of Aleshchenk.

The mech divisions of the Moon Sea Federation were divided into five teams and approached the Kadeng Mountain Pass. After landing, the five teams will go to the meeting point according to the plan made in advance. Occupy, snipe Aleshchenk's troops sent to Uganda province.

There are five sub-units of the mech division, each with 60 people.Zhu Zhi led the first of the five teams, and Lin Wenfang's team was the second.The combat plan of the mecha division is very simple, that is, the combat troops are reloaded and airdropped, and after a stable landing field is established, the follow-up troops will deliver supplies, maintenance units and other arms.The characteristics of multi-tasking, high mobility, and especially good at special operations of mech divisions are fully utilized.However, the most characteristic feature of a mecha master is the habit of the commander in front.During the battle meeting, and even before the final transport plane took off, a group of senior officers, including Xu Fu, were still scratching their heads and thinking about how to get Lin Wenfang or Zhu Zhi to coordinate and command at the headquarters.But in the end, only the reluctant Hang Zhulong remained in the headquarters.

Amidst the dull vibrating sound of the propeller, Lin Wenfang looked down through the window of the transport plane.In the night, the mountains in Aleshchenk stood there quietly like monsters, waiting for the arrival of Lin Wenfang and others.

For some reason, after entering the territory of Aleshchenk, Lin Wenfang always felt something was wrong.As if something bad was about to happen.As a commander, the feeling of the battlefield needs to be cultivated, but there is no reason for it.Lin Wenfang doesn't think his feelings are necessarily right, but his reaction is: attach importance to any possibility.

Turning on the computer on his wrist, Lin Wenfang activated the program of "Huo Yu", and asked "Huo Yu", "Huo Yu, connect to the reconnaissance satellite, and check to see if there is any danger near the landing point." In addition to military satellites, Lin Wenfang can connect with Fosun Group's satellite group at any time. Although they are communication satellites in name, they actually contain several high-quality military satellites, loaded with high-precision lenses and synthetic aperture radars. , infrared and other detection devices.In order to put an end to more and more frequent battlefield fraud, Fosun Group is also preparing to launch a satellite with the latest mass-energy detection device recently.However, that thing probably won't be useful this time.

A faint blue light flickered on the screen of the wrist computer, and soon "Fire Feather" contacted the reconnaissance satellite launched by the Fuxing Group, and began to scan the Kadeng Pass and the transport plane along the way.

From the small screen of the computer, Lin Wenfang could see rows of data appearing continuously, and then forming a small picture.These pictures are the satellite maps formed by reconnaissance satellites scanning the ground.

According to the marks on the satellite map, the transport plane that Lin Wenfang was on had already arrived at Qingyan Mountain in Uganda Province.It only takes another ten minutes of flight to reach the vicinity of the Kadeng Pass.

Suddenly, a string of red dots flashed on the computer screen on Lin Wenfang's wrist.These red dots are not just optical signals, but abnormalities analyzed by the satellite through the synthesis of various detection devices.What abnormality can there be in the desolate mountain forest?Lin Wenfang understood at this moment: there was an ambush.

Lin Wenfang's face changed suddenly, and he roared into the communicator: "Attention all teams, an enemy ambush has been found in the center of Qingyan Mountain! The coordinates of the enemy's ambush are..." Lin Wenfang was about to send the coordinates to the responsible person. The escorting troops carried out a round of attack first, but at this moment, the enemy who seemed to have noticed a little abnormality attacked first.The tracer bullets fired by the anti-aircraft guns rose from different places at the same time. After disrupting the formation of the fleet, more than a dozen consecutive surface-to-air missiles fired at the escorting fighter planes and transport planes at the same time.The fighter jets, which had been slowing down to the speed of the transport plane, could only accelerate and climb, and the assault formation was instantly messed up.

Something that worried Lin Wenfang even more happened.A large number of air-to-air missiles appeared in the air ahead. This could only be because the opponent's fighter jets fired at low altitude, and then waited for them to meet them before turning on the radar guidance.This shows that the enemy has completely mastered their combat deployment.

As soon as the fighter jet appeared, a series of bullets shot towards the transport plane of the Moonsea Federation, punching several bullet holes in the cabin of the transport plane.

Compared with Aleshchenk's fighter jets, the transport planes used by the Lunar Sea Federation to transport mechs are many times larger, and their speed and flexibility cannot be compared with fighter jets.Although the transport aircraft is also loaded with combat weapons, but at high altitudes, the transport aircraft is definitely not an opponent of fighter jets.

Suddenly, in front of the transport plane where Lin Wenfang was, dazzling flames appeared from the two wings of a fighter jet.It's an air-to-air missile!With the defense capabilities of the transport plane, if it is hit by an air-to-air missile, the entire transport plane will turn into a big fireball, and Lin Wenfang and others in the transport plane will not be spared.

The pilot of the transport plane suddenly yelled: "Hold on to me!" Then, the speed of the transport plane suddenly increased, and it climbed up into the sky, dodging the air-to-air bomb launched by the fighter jets in time. missile.

The transport plane that Lin Wenfang was on escaped the attack of the fighter jets, but the transport plane behind it was not so lucky.Because the sight was blocked by the transport plane in front, the pilot of the transport plane behind found the air-to-air missile and it was over.

An air-to-air missile more than one meter long penetrated into the cabin of the transport plane with a strong flame, and immediately after that, the transport plane turned into a huge fireball, illuminating half of the sky extremely brightly.

Looking at the big fireball that was falling rapidly, Lin Wenfang was covered in cold sweat.Just a little bit, I will have the same fate as the people on that transport plane.

After evading the missile attack, the pilot of this transport plane did not dare to relax at all, and used his driving skills to the extreme. The transport plane flew around like a bird in the sky, avoiding Aleshchenk Fighter attack.

"Master, I won't be there for long! What should I do next?" The driver's face was already covered with fine beads of sweat, and some beads of sweat had already flowed into his eyes.Suppressing his sore eyes, the driver didn't dare to wipe them.At this time, as long as he was distracted, the transport plane might be hit by a missile, and all the personnel on this transport plane would not be able to survive.

Holding tightly to the fixed railing on the transport plane, Lin Wenfang pulled the communicator to his mouth, and shouted: "Attention all teams, the original launch area has changed, and all teams are free to find a safe place to land, and wait until they land. Subsequent orders!"

(End of this chapter)

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