digital storm

Chapter 365 A Difficult Start

Chapter 365 A Difficult Start

Speaking of this, Lu Yuru and others also understood what Lin Wenfang meant.Obviously, the emergence of this report has pushed the federation into an awkward position.The arrow is on the string and has to be fired.Because of the emergence of this report, Aleshchenk may prepare for war in advance, and the Moya Republic will not let go of this opportunity to form an alliance with Aleshchenk.

Lu Yuru and the others are not deadbeats, and they are able to achieve this position, so there is naturally something extraordinary about them.Lin Wenfang just pointed it out, and they figured out the key point.

"It seems that this is the only way to go. Prepare for the war first. As soon as there is news of the alliance between Aleshchenk and the Moya Republic, we will immediately launch a war against Aleshchenk!" Finally, Lu Yuru finally made a decision.

Aleshchenk has been paying attention to the development of the Moon Sea Federation, and the mobilization of the Moon Sea Federation's troops naturally did not hide it from them.Immediately after receiving the mobilization of the federal army, Irgo decided to accept the alliance contract and officially formed an alliance with the Moya Republic.

From the assassination of the members of the Federal Investigation Team and the appearance of the investigation report by the people of the Moonsea Federation, the situation in the two countries has been out of control, and they can only follow this direction.

The public opinion survey report in the Federation aroused Aleshchenk's wariness, and at the same time, the Federation had to guard against Aleshchenk's alliance with the Moya Republic, so it could only mobilize the army to prepare for war in advance.And the mobilization of the Moon Sea Federation's troops in turn affected Aleshchenk, making Aleshchenk truly form an alliance with the Moya Republic while being afraid.

Although some people from the Moon Sea Federation and Aleshchenk have seen through this point, they cannot affect the final formation of this result.

On the second day after the federal army was mobilized, the Republic of Moya and Aleshchenk held a press conference at the same time, announcing the formation of an alliance between the two countries.The Republic of Moya will provide Aleshchenk with food and military assistance, and help Aleshchenk build a mecha team.Aleshchenk sent troops to assist the Moya Republic when the Moya Republic was under attack.

The press conference held by the Republic of Moya and Aleshchenk caused a great shock internationally.The hostile relationship between the Moya Republic and the Moon Sea Federation is open, and now Aleshchenk has joined.Although Aleshchenk's national strength is not very strong, these two countries are neighbors of the Moon Sea Federation. In a two-front battle, the Moon Sea Federation must be at a disadvantage.

After the Moya Republic formed an alliance with Aleshchenk, the Moon Sea Federation also held a press conference with Dresden at the same time, announcing that the two countries had formed an alliance to fight the enemy together.Neither country mentioned this enemy, but everyone knew who it was referring to.

The emergence of the two alliances marks the further expansion of the war between the Moya Republic and the Moon Sea Federation, gradually developing towards a world war.

Two major alliances were formed, neither of which started the war first.Both the Moon Sea Federation and the Moya Republic are waiting for an opportunity. Whichever camp is ready will initiate this war.

In the second week after the announcement of the alliance between the Republic of Moya and Aleshchenk, Lyons brought several instructors to Aleshink.

As one of the conditions for forming an alliance with Aleshchenk, the Republic of Moya will provide Aleshchenk with military assistance, and helping Aleshchenk to establish a mech unit is part of it.

As the executive officer of the totalitarian Hefner in the Moya Republic, Lyons' status is still very high.When the order to lead the team to Aleshchenk came down, Lyons was still at a loss.

With Lyons' status in the totalitarian Hefner and the Moya Republic, even if the Moya Republic wants to help Aleshchenk build a mecha unit, it is enough to send a few middle-level instructors.Sending myself here revealed a strange feeling.For some reason, Lyons felt a little uneasy, as if someone wanted to leave the Moya Republic by himself.

The person who received Lyons and his party was Aleshchenk's Lieutenant General Gaius, who was also the head of Aleshchenk's mech unit.

Gaius showed enough enthusiasm for Lyons and his party.

Due to many reasons such as technical aspects, Aleshchenk is still in its infancy in the construction of mecha units, and there is still a big gap compared with the Republic of Moya.Gaius was very happy that the Republic of Moya could send Lyons to help Aleshchenk build a mech unit.

More than one country has seen that the modernization reform of the army is basically the same as mechization. Fast and agile mecha units can replace most infantry and light armored units. With the assistance of heavy armored units and artillery groups, it can basically cover All ground combat needs, and can minimize the loss of front-line personnel.For a country like Aleshchenk that only has local defense missions, mechization can maintain basic combat power while greatly reducing the number of army personnel.Due to the multi-tasking nature of mechs, the army units are greatly merged, which can save a lot of money in logistics alone.Of course, these are all under the premise of not fighting.

Aleshchenk had tried to form a small-scale mech unit before.In the current international arms market, the Federation's mechs are the most highly rated, but they are relatively expensive.Dresden's mechas are relatively mediocre, but they are reliable in all aspects. Moya's mechas are almost impossible to buy, so it is impossible to evaluate them.The main reason is that the production system of the Federation and Dresden itself is relatively strong, which can supply a small amount of the international market, but most of the production capacity still needs to be refitted for the country, or provided to allies.Moya's mechs have hardly been seen for sale by the outside world. Even the style of the beast-shaped mechas is actually very popular in some countries.

Aleshchenk had purchased some mechas for testing before, but in the end the mecha unit project was shelved.Whether it is the purchase of equipment or training programs, it is not easy for a small country like them to come up with it.In the previous negotiations with the Federation and Dresden, everyone said that at least half a year later it would be possible to have armor production capacity and rich instructors.

For Aleshchenk now, no matter how you look at it, it seems too late.But this time Lyons came to Dresden in person, which was a pleasant surprise for them.Lyons had a very high reputation in the field of mechs. He was one of the few guys who survived several battles with Lin Wenfang, and he was also one of the top leaders of Moya's mech unit.At this juncture, what is more important is his research on the Federation's mecha technology and tactics. Perhaps, these research results are the biggest key to Aleishink's ability to escape the Federation's military retaliation.The place Aleshchenko chose to train the mech troops is located in a military base on the outskirts of Aleshchenk's capital, Macedonia.When Lyons and others arrived, thousands of elites from various troops had gathered in the military base.It is indeed impossible to have so many pilots in the mech unit, but these people have to count positions such as logistics, maintenance, maintenance, command, etc., and there are also a large number of coordinators with other arms, and they must go through steering training.The scale of thousands of people can only be regarded as barely enough.In Lyons' view, the mech troops should have had at least a 2:1 screening rate, but Aleshchenk only gave them a 1.2:1 screening rate for these thousands of people.In this regard, Lyons can only express helplessness.

Aleshchenk attaches great importance to this mecha unit, and these thousands of elites are all selected from Aleshchenk's troops after careful screening.However, limited to the size of Aleshchenk's own army, it is naturally impossible to have too many people.However, Lyons quickly discovered an advantage: Aleshchenk's climate is not good, and the Aleshchenk people who grew up in this cold climate are relatively strong.Judging from the average physical fitness, the physical fitness of the Aleshchenks is much better than that of the Moonsea Federation.Although Aleshchenk is a country that focuses on agriculture and attaches great importance to food production, they are based on the development of high-yield crops suitable for the characteristics of the cold climate in the north. In addition, they have always implemented the strategy of large-scale farm production. Almost everyone of these fighters understands some basic mechanical repairs.They used to be able to repair tractors, so now it's not difficult to repair mechas.To be honest, after understanding the structure of the mecha, the mechanical characteristics of this thing itself are not too mysterious.

After entering Aleshchenk's military base, Lyons did not immediately conduct mecha training, but had a lot of communication with Aleshchenk's military training instructors. According to Aleshchenk's physical condition, Developed a detailed training plan.

A week after Lyons arrived in Aleshchenk with those mecha training instructors, the first conflict broke out between the instructors of the Moya Republic and the Aleshink fighters.

Lyons was finalizing the training plan with Perkins, a senior instructor of Aleshchenk, in his office. A Moya Republic pilot training instructor who followed Lyons stumbled in and rushed Lyons shouted: "General, there is a fight outside!"

Smiling apologetically at Perkins, Lyons asked with a stern face: "What's going on?" Just got beaten up.The green camouflage uniform on his body was also crooked. He didn't look like a soldier at all, but rather like a street hooligan who had just gotten into a fight.

Under Lyons' stern gaze, the old instructor blushed, straightened his clothes, and said, "Report to the general, it's Rand. Rand and Aleshchenk's men fought."

As soon as the instructor's words came out, the expressions of Lyons and Perkins changed at the same time.Without asking any more questions, Lyons and Perkins followed the Moya Republic instructor and hurried out to the training ground.

The middle of the training ground was already surrounded by a group of Aleshchenk soldiers, and from time to time a few swear words came out from the mouths of these soldiers: "Kill him! Let him dare to underestimate our Aleshchenk soldiers. "

"Yes, let this Moya have a taste of our power!"

Lyons and Perkins don't need to say anything more to know what happened.Because in the middle of this group of soldiers, the pilot training instructor sent by the Republic of Moya was being beaten by four or five people.

(End of this chapter)

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