digital storm

Chapter 346 Worry

Chapter 346 Worry
A few short words left Fettis speechless.Lin Wenfang hadn't made a move yet, just an attack from some unknown force from the Moon Sea Federation made them feel overwhelmed. When Lin Wenfang made a move, what ability would they have to counterattack?Naturally, they also have their trump card, which is the artificial intelligence "Prince".But after activating the "Prince", the situation will completely get out of control, which is obviously not what they want.

No one can predict what the final result will be, but they all know one thing, this result is absolutely unbearable for them.In the Republic of Moya, such a huge disaster has been triggered, and it is already a good ending to be destroyed humanely.

Guessing Fettis's mood at the moment, Lyons strikes while the iron is hot: "Believe me, you will have this opportunity to return the shame that the Moon Sea Federation imposed on you in the future, but not now. That time will not be long. After finishing speaking, Lyons hung up the phone.He had already done everything he had to do, and based on Lyons' understanding of Fettes, Fettes was also very clear about the consequences of doing so.He only needs to pull Fettes back when Fettes is crazy, and Fettes knows what he should do for the rest.

A little disheartened, Fettis left the phone on the table, his face was ashen.For an avid techie, this is definitely a hard hit.Weakly issued a few orders to his subordinates, Fettis left his office. The "Blood Moon" attack was basically blocked, and the technicians in the information technology department could do the rest of the work even without his presence.

"Haha! Hahaha! We succeeded!" Fan Jiuqing laughed like no one else at the headquarters of Tianhua Group.After Fetis canceled the counterattack on the "Blood Moon", a delicate balance was formed between the Federation and Moya. "Blood Moon" captured a small part of the network system of the military base, and fought against Moya in the military base.After Fettis left, Moya also put the defense of the remaining network system in the first place according to Fettis's explanation, temporarily stopped the attack on "Blood Moon", and regained another part of the network control war for power.

For Fan Jiuqing, this was enough.Although the network control right of the military base is not completely in the hands of Tianhua Group, this part of the network control right is enough to show that "Blood Moon" also has a strong combat power when facing the network defense system of the Moya military. .This was a gamble between interests, and it was also a gamble between life and death. Obviously, Fan Jiuqing won the gamble.

The tense nerves suddenly relaxed after the "Blood Moon" took control of this part of the network. Fan Jiuqing felt an unstoppable exhaustion. With a crazy smile on his face, Fan Jiuqing fell asleep just like that.

Moya maintains this delicate state with Tianhua Group, and the technicians of Tianhua Group can finally take a breath and take a little rest.A network information war temporarily suspended.

"What's all this?" At this point, it was Lin Wenfang and Zhao Qian who were muttering.Zhao Qian has a lot of opinions on Tianhua Group's attack tactics that have almost no further operations after releasing the Blood Moon.From his point of view, such an attack is not only too rough, but also very easy to expose one's true strength.The opponent's technicians may have learned about the "Blood Moon"'s ability limit through various changes in attack load.

Zhao Qian's description made Lin Wenfang sigh.More than that?The exchange of information between the two countries has a considerable impact on the entire network.Since the network speed, transmission rate of online data packets, security information verification and other services are greatly affected, the bill exchange business between banks and merchants caused by the lack of these core services has to be suspended, and a more conservative approach For verification, private online shopping behavior has also been greatly affected.Parts of Commonwealth and Moya also experienced sudden drops in internet speed.Although the common people of the Federation are slightly stronger than those Moya people whose computers were inexplicably burned during the attack, the feeling of being involved in such a thing is really not good.Lin Wenfang estimated that billions of dollars in various losses were caused just because this experiment basically failed to prove any key issues, which is really not worth it.However, there are people in the Tianhua Group, so what can be done about it?

After a good night's sleep after the constant tension, Fan Jiuqing felt refreshed after waking up.Naturally, what made him feel most comfortable was the increasingly brilliant achievements of "Blood Moon".However, this relaxation did not last long. After Fan Jiu woke up, people from the Minsheng faction called Fan Jiuqing and asked Fan Jiuqing to continue to carry out cyber attacks on Moya. Take it down.

From this network weapon experiment, the people of the Minsheng faction have a strong sense of opportunity. This is a very good opportunity to expand the influence of the Minsheng faction.If the "Blood Moon" can cause heavy damage to Moya's military network system in one fell swoop, the influence of the Minsheng faction will expand dramatically, and it is not impossible to extend this influence to the military.Extending the tentacles of power into the military has always been the goal of the Minsheng faction. Now that there is such a good opportunity, it is impossible for the people of the Minsheng faction not to grasp it.

Fan Jiuqing also had his own considerations. The military base controlling Moya was about to reach the limit of the "Blood Moon". If he rashly launched another attack, Fan Jiuqing didn't know whether the "Blood Moon" would succeed.If he fails and leads to an all-out war between the Moon Sea Federation and the Moya Republic, he will become a sinner in history.Tianhua Group is largely controlled by the Minsheng faction, and Fan Jiuqing's achievements today are also inseparable from the Minsheng faction.Now the Minsheng faction is still the ruling party. If the Minsheng faction is offended, the Tianhua Group will have no good fruit to eat.Under such pressure, Fan Jiuqing hesitated.

In order to impress Fan Jiuqing, people from the Minsheng faction once again dropped a heavy bomb!After this offensive is over, people from the Minsheng faction will fully support the Tianhua Group, and after the end of this government's term, they will support Fan Jiuqing's entry into politics!Stepping into politics was something Fan Jiuqing had never thought about before, not because he didn't want to, but because he didn't have the qualifications.Anyone who is eligible for such an election has the support of a political party behind him, and in the Federation, the role of the political party is particularly important.Without the support of the Minsheng faction, it would be impossible for Lu Yuru to climb to the presidency in this general election.What if the Minsheng faction fully supports themselves?Fan Jiuqing began to ponder in his heart. After the "Blood Moon" plan was overfulfilled, Fan Jiuqing's self-confidence was extremely inflated. He felt that if he had the support of the Minsheng faction, he might not be able to become the next president!

A businessman, no matter how high his achievements are, can only rule the roost among the people, but what about a president?There is simply no comparison between the two!Thinking of the scene where he will stand on the pinnacle of this country one day in the future and the people will cheer, Fan Jiuqing's heart is burning.A desire called "ambition" slowly grew in Fan Jiuqing's heart.

The Minsheng faction naturally has its own considerations.If their plan is really successful, the Tianhua Group, which shined brilliantly in this network weapon experiment, will definitely attract the attention of all the people, and Fan Jiuqing, the president of the Tianhua Group, will also become the hero of the Moon Sea Federation.If done properly, with the support of the Minsheng faction, it is not impossible for Fan Jiuqing to ascend to the presidency.Moreover, compared to Zhao Zhenduo and Lu Yuru, who are so talented and broad-minded, Fan Jiuqing is just a vase.If this vase-like person ascends to the presidency, then the Minsheng faction is actually in power.As a political party, the Minsheng faction is naturally unwilling to be kicked out after a person is promoted to the presidency. Their goal is to control the power of the most powerful country in the world!

In the end, Fan Jiuqing still couldn't resist the temptation of power, and agreed to the request of the Minsheng faction.Attacking the military base of the Republic of Moya was a gamble. Betting once is a gamble, and betting twice is a gamble. Why can't you gamble one more time?Moreover, this second gamble can also bring him unimaginable benefits.

As the person in charge of the "Blood Moon" project, Du Yuecheng also received such a call, but compared to Fan Jiuqing, Du Yuecheng was obviously much more rational.As a technician, Du Yuecheng knew very well that the "Blood Moon" had reached its limit at this point. If he recklessly attacked Moya's military base, what awaited Tianhua Group would be a disastrous defeat!

A technical geek is a creature that coexists with fanaticism and rationality. Compared with Fan Jiuqing, Du Yuecheng is better able to grasp the hidden things behind this matter.It's good to succeed, he and Fan Jiuqing can get huge benefits, if it fails, the Minsheng faction may directly push the two of them to the front as scapegoats.Du Yuecheng is very satisfied with his current life, especially the overfulfillment of the "Blood Moon" plan, which can make his career a higher level, and he is unwilling to take any risks.

Twenty hours after breaking through part of the defense system of the Moya military base, the technicians of Tianhua Group gathered together again.Fan Jiuqing finally made a decision to continue attacking Moya's military base and expand the scale of cyber weapon experiments.

"I oppose! I firmly oppose!" Tianhua Group's R&D center, Du Yuecheng yelled in front of Fan Jiuqing for the first time: "Mr. Fan, you are gambling with the hard work of our group! This joke is not funny, I hope You can think again!" As the general manager of the "Blood Moon" project, Du Yuecheng regards "Blood Moon" as his own child, and he doesn't want to see his child achieve great success because of another person's desire. And ambition died young.

Fan Jiuqing stared at Du Yuecheng for a while, knowing that it was impossible to change Du Yuecheng's attitude, turned his head and ignored Du Yuecheng, and directly ordered the technicians of Tianhua Group: "Check all kinds of data, and launch the attack in half an hour." Du Yuecheng It's not bad to be the chief person in charge of the "Blood Moon" project, but that was when the "Blood Moon" was being developed. After the "Blood Moon" was completed, the entire offensive plan would not be greatly affected by Du Yuecheng's participation.For his future career, Fan Jiuqing had already decided to exclude Du Yuecheng from this plan.

Looking straight at Fan Jiuqing, Du Yuecheng also understood that Fan Jiuqing's mind had been made up and there was nothing he could do, so he left Tianhua Group after saying "Mr. Fan, I hope you won't regret today's decision."

Looking at Du Yuecheng's leaving back, Fan Jiuqing's eyes flickered.A staff member came to Fan Jiuqing's side and asked in a low voice: "Mr. Fan, look..." Fan Jiuqing gave the staff member a cold look, and said indifferently, "The plan remains the same, continue to implement it!"

(End of this chapter)

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