digital storm

Chapter 336 The President's Counterattack

Chapter 336 The President's Counterattack

Now Lin Wenfang has a fairly strong staff team that can give him political advice. After Lu Yuru interviewed him, he immediately found Eisenstein and explained the situation like this.Eisenstein said very calmly: "Your Excellency, the President, is very dissatisfied with the current situation. However, it is not aimed at you...or at least not completely aimed at you."

Eisenstein looked helpless at Lin Wenfang's bewildered look.Eisenstein's current position in Akari is no longer a member of Moya's delegation to the Federation. He is now a director and senior consultant of a company that seems to have a deep connection with Moya.But the company mainly engaged in textiles was actually an institution established by Fosun Group in Moya in the early years. Later, it gradually developed into an international leading basic textile trader, and has great political influence on some countries based on agriculture and basic manufacturing. force.In general, it fits well with Eisenstein's identity.However, in fact, all wages and other income, as well as arrangements for life and personal safety, etc., are operated by Tianyao Group.Although General Henkel did not hold a position in Tianyao Group, he used his daughter's authority to operate these arrangements in private.At that time, the Moya people who came to the Federation one after another, except for some who entered the intelligence agencies of the Federation or were placed by the intelligence agencies and the military, almost everyone else kept in touch through this channel to ensure their own safety.In a sense, it is not an exaggeration to say that Lin Wenfang is his mastermind.Lin Wenfang was probably the guy who was the least willing to understand politics among the several bosses Eisenstein worked for.Lin Wenfang is very keen when he wants to figure out or plan something, but other times he is too lazy to spend his brain on it.In this regard, Yue Yuyin may be more sensitive.Usually, Yue Yuyin consulted Eisenstein and others much more frequently than Lin Wenfang.

Eisenstein said succinctly: "Of course, this thing should be used as a basis for decision-making. When evaluating information technology and enterprises, there are only a few aspects that are most troublesome: monopoly, obsolete technology, and excessive investment. Since Zhao Zhenduo cannot solve the problem of monopoly , Lu Yuru should not raise it rashly now, especially now that it is still in the preparation stage, and the military's equipment suppliers are all monopoly companies, there is no doubt. As for the old technology, it depends on how it is used. Most of them are old The technology has not reached the point where it must be updated. At most, it can solve some things that are too outrageous and have potential safety hazards. In this regard, you may wish to evaluate it in a business-like manner. I think Lu Yuru wants to start with the problem of repeated investment... Overall , This is a reorganization of the entire industry and a reallocation of resources. I want to use limited resources to achieve optimization. But... think about it carefully, this measure is very conducive to preparing for war, and it is also convenient for you to access broader information In the field of technology, it will surely be recognized by everyone soon, but where does the biggest obstacle come from? Think about the consortiums, enterprises and other forces of the Minsheng faction. Lu Yuru is targeting these enterprises..."

"Why? Although the Minsheng faction is not weak politically, its financial resources are far behind that of Lao Zhao and the others. Isn't this self-destructing the city wall?"

"It depends on how you look at it." Eisenstein said inscrutablely: "Lu Yuru is indeed the candidate recommended by the Minsheng faction, but he is now the president. Now the people of the Minsheng faction are still trying to continue to influence his various decisions. For him, it was unbearable. He is a president who is likely to serve two terms, not because of talent or character, but because once we go to war with Moya, there is an absolute need for stability and continuity of policy. Then After the victory of the war, as a politician, he can enjoy the dividends of the war. Then, he needs at least the support of the military and Zhao Zhenduo, even if it is reluctant. This move is his throwing stones to ask for directions. By attacking some small and medium-sized consortiums, he expresses his attitude: he is the president, and he needs to become a powerful and powerful president, not a puppet of the Minsheng faction. He can express a little dissatisfaction, and he can also make targeted attacks within the faction. Weaken the power of some people, even just a little bit. As a statement, this is enough. After that, it will be up to him to deal with them further according to the reaction of those people. This is also an opportunity for you: You figured out what Lu Yuru meant. According to a report, some people from the Minsheng faction will hate you to the bone, but... their attitude is not very good, so it is not a loss to you. But in exchange, it is actually the president's acquiescence to your access to information technology Regardless of whether you are willing to leave the army or not, I am afraid he will give you greater decision-making power and influence in the future. Or, at least turn a blind eye to some of the things you do."

"Do you think Lu Yuru knows that I'm building an information filter?" Lin Wenfang understood Eisenstein's implication.

"He is the president of the Moon Sea Federation. No matter what everyone thinks of him, he cannot be completely ignored. The political system of the Federation determines this, whether it is the Secret Service, the Ministry of Public Security and other departments that can be partially used , no matter what, it is impossible for him to have much less information than you. So, I think this is very possible."

Lin Wenfang nodded.His feelings are very complicated. The current Federation has unknowingly become a very strange existence.The confrontation between the factions caused internal friction, but it also allowed some people to emerge.Whether Lu Yuru is really thinking about the future of the country or for his own power, if he really wants to weaken the constraints of the Minsheng faction, then he will definitely give him full help.For what?Generally speaking, it is still for the sake of the country, for victory, and for the uninterrupted development of the world's technological and economic levels that have advanced to the present.Although there are politicians and scholars in the Minsheng faction who are concerned about the country and the people, and worry about the disparity between the rich and the poor, more of them are hypocrites who clamor for wealth redistribution but secretly think of themselves.Compared with Zhao Zhenduo and others who are clearly pursuing interests, pursuing reasonable distribution, pursuing talent, linking contribution and income, and constantly flattening the government, country and social classes to promote orderly politics, the statement of the Minsheng faction is indeed very deceptive. people, especially those who are struggling with life right now.However, for a country now on the brink of war, this strategy does little good.

Lin Wenfang really doesn't care about taking responsibility or being hated by some people.After carefully discussing the possible preparations with Eisenstein, Lin Wenfang ordered Huoyu to prepare the report on his own, writing it as simple as possible so that the politicians could not understand it at all.Lin Wenfang himself went to the laboratory of Tianyao Group and continued to perfect some interesting technologies with Yue Yuyin.

Tianyao Group has not been too intensive in product releases during this period, and the previous smart pets have gradually opened up the situation.Smart guide dogs have already begun to change the lives of many blind people.Indeed, this kind of thing that can fully understand the owner's mind probably cannot be used as a pet, but more of a tool that can make the life of the blind infinitely close to that of a normal person. It is difficult for you to really pour your emotions into such a tool superior.But with such a tool, there will be a richer life, and it may not be necessary to pour emotion into such things.On the other hand, other smart pets have won the love of many families. The modules that simulate animal understanding and intelligence are very sophisticated, and the design of the understanding curve is very good. It will not be so smart that you think it is a robot, nor so stupid that you think it Kick out.As each smart pet gets along with family members, it will better interact with each member and better understand the owner's intentions.When encountering unexpected situations, smart pets will definitely block knives and bullets for the owner without hesitation, and sometimes they can reverse the whole situation.This kind of incident happened all over the world, and it was continuously brought to Tianyao Group, but the group did not intend to make more publicity.

Tianyao Group is now focusing on the construction of several production lines, and military manufacturing is naturally a very important aspect.Information security products are lucrative, and now they have gradually become an indispensable part of the operation of Tianyao Group.Both capacities are constantly expanding.But more important is the new computing chip jointly developed by Lin Wenfang and Zhao Qian: "Impulse".The biggest difference from the previous central processing unit is that the "impulse" chip highly simulates the characteristics of human thinking. It does not divide the calculation into countless sub-links, but first splits the data to be processed into several relatively independent pieces through the surrounding chips. The calculation lines are then partitioned and processed within the chip according to the lines.There are 16 processing areas in each of the four divisions of emotion, intelligence, language, knowledge, and common sense. As long as they are not completely piled up in one area to deal with similar problems, "impulse" can actually solve problems more efficiently than conventional central processing units. Let language, emotion and purely rational knowledge inquiry go hand in hand.At the same time, due to some problems dealt with by artificial intelligence, especially when assisting operators in creative problems with a high degree of emotional and intellectual coordination, the "impulse" chip can even be highly overloaded without burning out, which is why this chip is named . The "impulse" chip will greatly improve the performance of all current artificial intelligence products, making more humane products possible.Moreover, after the "impulse" chip is further improved, it will be able to get closer to the emotions and intelligence performance of human beings, making simulation experiments in psychology and sociology more realistic and feasible.If it can go one step further... Lin Wenfang really hopes to add simulated self-awareness to it, then, in fact, a new form of artificial intelligence will be produced.

(End of this chapter)

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