digital storm

Chapter 330 Appropriately make a fuss out of a molehill

Chapter 330 Appropriately make a fuss out of a molehill

The system support that Xing Xiang, Wen Yi, and Tianshun can provide is beyond the imagination of others, but if these attacks are carried out purely according to the predetermined procedures, it is still easy for people to see the clues, at least it may not be so simple in the future. Way to do something similarly shady.As a senior system security master, Lin Wenfang understands better than others that flexible strategies and tactics are better than absolute speed and program advantages.In the world of computers and networks, no one person, let alone any program, is invincible.

It was precisely because of this consideration that when Lin Wenfang entered the Republic of Dresden, he brought in a system maintenance service vehicle that seemed to be completely fine through the branch of Tianyao Group in Dresden.It seems that this is a regular van that provides after-sales service for many physical products launched by Tianyao Group, and transports technicians and spare parts. Tianyao Group has already introduced several vehicles one after another, and it has not aroused any suspicion at all.

However, this car is special.The surface-mounted set worked fine, but when activated in another mode, the "service vehicle" became an extremely advanced electronic warfare command vehicle.Through the satellite antenna on the roof, the car can obtain enough bandwidth to connect to any network, can distribute and execute its own instructions through local or other network systems, and can simultaneously monitor multi-channel information and perform intelligent filtering to filter out relevant content Let the commander refer to and quickly execute the predetermined program according to the commander's decision, or execute the new program entered by the commander, etc.There are only six such electronic warfare command vehicles in the world, two of which are in the Jijia Division, one is in the security force of Fosun Group, and one is in the security force of Tianyao Group. Except for the one they are using, the last One is being further improved in the research institute of Tianyao Group.The carrier of each command vehicle is different. The two vehicles in the mecha division use light armored vehicles as their vehicles, but in essence, the equipment and procedures are almost exactly the same.Now this electronic warfare command system is still in the testing and evaluation stage. If it weren't for the crucial operation this time, Lin Wenfang would really be reluctant to take it out now.

As a senior intelligence officer, Zhou Yongda couldn't move when he saw this system.This system also uses the system developed by Lin Wenfang to adjust the system information filtering method according to the operator's attention depth. Lin Wenfang now likes to use this system.But in terms of operation, this electronic warfare command system uses all-virtual gesture operations, which is very sci-fi.When running, a special swivel chair will be installed in the middle of the compartment behind the van, surrounded by a total of six physical light curtains to provide fixed, constantly updated information.But more information is virtual projected through the visual light curtain worn on the head, which can virtualize and digitize the surrounding scenery, buildings, etc., and can also switch and zoom in at any time. It can track specific targets, You can also query the surrounding information at any time, and the voice and gesture control methods make the system very efficient.The system will also automatically evaluate the weight and relevance of relevant information, and submit the parts that have an impact on the main target tasks being performed to the operator for reference.This kind of large-scale program with a self-learning system can be applied after a considerable period of study, but Lin Wenfang, as a master of ergonomics, was able to borrow his previous experience in electronic countermeasures and using the magic eye system several times. Experience, transplant those experience libraries into this system.Zhou Yongda sat on the operating chair and tried a little bit, tried to switch between several nearby monitor screens, and at the same time paid attention to the target's actions on the electronic [-]D map, and fell in love with this simple but extremely practical system .Although it is said to be designed for electronic countermeasure command, it is also useful for commanding agents in field operations.

Seeing Zhou Yongda's expression, Lin Wenfang knew that he would probably be ripped off again.He said helplessly: "Try it first, and I will rely on you for support later. If you like it, I will give you this set of things through the cooperation between the military and the intelligence system. It's made with hardware, there isn't any new hardware, it's just a little bit different in software design."

Zhou Yongda smiled and said: "It's a good feeling. The intelligence system has a lot of field activities now, and this is a good thing. However, it is better to use it for domestic counter-espionage. If it is used outside, it will suffer if it falls into the hands of others." gone."

"Do you think I haven't considered doing system protection? How can anyone use it?" Lin Wenfang smiled lightly and said, "My self-protection program can be cracked without being discovered by me at all. I'm afraid no one will be able to."

Zhou Yongda said approvingly: "Sure enough, he is a master who does not leak water. By the way, do you really want to do the infiltration yourself? Although you are good at mechs and have good physical fitness, infiltration is also a professional job."

"Except for me, no one can handle it in this short amount of time. I can't just crack the system of the Dresdeners." Lin Wenfang said helplessly.Now Lin Wenfang is still wearing a set of orange overalls, which is the uniform of Tianyao Group's technical service personnel.Under the tooling is a complete set of tactical uniforms.

"Are you really going to make such a big deal?" Zhou Yongda was not sure yet.The intelligence front has always been quiet, even if it is actually a very intense life-and-death fight and a grand operation deployment that involves all aspects, it may not attract anyone's attention while it is going on.Many major events even happened under the eyes of unknowing pedestrians.Zhou Yongda is used to such operations, and he is a little uneasy about Lin Wenfang's actions to mobilize the entire city of Bern.

"Things happening in the material world are big enough to make the sudden increase in the amount of information unnoticed for a period of time. My original intention in designing such an action is the same as yours." Lin Wenfang explained patiently: "If only If you want to plant a Trojan horse program in the computer room to destroy it, then it’s not that troublesome, and I don’t even use it here. But to make this computer room a part of the entire monitoring network, you have to unconsciously, at least Carry out two system connections with the local communication system and monitoring system. This data flow will be very strange, and if there is no cover, it will not be concealed at all. After the system connection is completed, all relevant information will be automatically sorted out here and submitted to the monitoring system. Center, and then get various update packages from the monitoring center, then the traffic will not be noticeable at all. Don’t worry, Dresden is an ally after all, I know it well, I won’t overplay it, I won’t There were some casualties."

Zhou Yongda smiled, he believed that Lin Wenfang would not be so naive in politics and diplomacy.It is precisely because Dresden is an important ally of the Lunar Sea Federation that the intelligence agencies will pay special attention to what is happening here and understand the distribution of various physical and virtual resources in Dresden.Otherwise, Lin Wenfang would not be invited to participate in the action this time.Zhou Yongda really didn't have any psychological burden if he really wanted to plan some big scene in Dresden and make it bloody.

"I understand when you say that. It's a pleasant cooperation. In the future, the information monitoring of the intelligence department will rely more on you." Zhou Yongda shrugged and said nonchalantly.After completing this operation, he will return to the country and become the second in command of the federal foreign intelligence system. At that time, there will be opportunities to cooperate with Lin Wenfang.For Lin Wenfang, who has gradually completed the system deployment, this is not a big problem. It is nothing more than adding some keywords and names needed by the intelligence department to the retrieval system. But with Zhou Yongda's cooperation, it means that the entire monitoring system It will not be exposed for a long time, which is too important to Lin Wenfang.

"Let's get started." Lin Wenfang smiled, then opened the car door, carried a tool bag and walked into a nearby residential building.Through the specially reserved passage under the elevator in the residential building, he will enter the emergency drainage system built by the city of Berne with a huge investment, and then enter the underground subway system of the city of Berne.In the busy subway system, he has to go through four tunnels one after another without being noticed by anyone, and then enter the Ledson Industrial Building, which is a full 4 kilometers away from the residential building he is currently in. Where to go to the computer room.The Ledson Industrial Building is heavily guarded. Considering that there are many important institutions in it, and from time to time, leaders from various departments come to hold related meetings. There is an emergency small railway underground leading to the main subway road.Lin Wenfang will enter the building through this entrance, and then wait for an opportunity to invade the No. 10 computer room on the fourth basement floor.There are four computer rooms in the building. No. [-] computer room is not the largest one, but it is the data exchange center that connects all the networks, and is the most important one.There, Lin Wenfang will break through the defense mechanism of the entire system step by step, and then let the entire system become a considerable percentage of the flow of information that he controls.According to the initial calculation, it took only three and a half hours from the time Lin Wenfang entered the underground passage to the time he withdrew after completing his mission.And the most critical of them may be that it took less than [-] minutes for him to enter the computer room until he withdrew.

After Lin Wenfang left, Zhou Yongda turned on the electronic warfare command system, and said calmly, "Attention everyone: let's get started."

First of all, the full-scale launch was carried out one after another from early in the morning, just to pave the way for this moment. The various firepower points scattered all over the world suddenly increased the attack intensity, and broke through Germany in less than 20 minutes. The dispatching command system of the railway bureau in Reston.It happened for a reason, and it was an activity initiated by hackers in Dresden themselves, in order to prevent two trains full of high-precision machine tools and various precious technical materials from entering the port of Kiel and shipping them to Yingtai.For some politicians in Dresden, this is an action to diversify risks in the political and diplomatic fields, but it means that 1000 technical jobs in high-precision machining will be lost and the machining technology that Dresden depends on for survival diffusion.There have been countless demonstrations and protests in Dresden against the actions of politicians. This time, domestic hackers gathered colleagues scattered all over the world to act together, which is considered a bit extreme.

The breach of this system immediately disrupted the operation of the railways in Dresden nationwide.Fortunately, the railway system reacted quickly, immediately suspended the entire line, and cut off the operation of all trains manually.In less than an hour, the entire system switched to the backup line, started self-checking, and gradually returned to normal.But at this moment, several railway officials were horrified to discover that a train loaded with 1100 tons of chemicals rushed towards the city of Bern at full speed without a driver.If there is no miracle, the train will get out of control and overturn in the chicane area after entering the city of Bern...

The city of Berne immediately entered a state of emergency, and all public service systems in the entire city were activated to the maximum.Prepare for the worst possible scenario.When the flow of various contacts and information exchanges in the city continued to rise, Lin Wenfang was already approaching the underground passage of the Ledson Industrial Building.

(End of this chapter)

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