digital storm

Chapter 286 Chains

Chapter 286 Chains ([-])

Glad and Sorrento Raymond were discussing various topics about how to deal with the 9903 Research Institute.Sorrento Raymond actually didn't think that Grad's position was wrong. The purpose of letting Grad bring the group's intelligence team here was to influence Moya's equipment research and other matters, but Grad was young after all. Sheng, has never been wronged, and the arrogant habit formed for a long time just pops up even in places that are not suitable for it.Sorrento Raymond knew that keeping Grad here now might only add to the chaos and cause bad feelings on the part of the institute, so he had no choice but to find a way to arrange another place for Grad to take care of.On Moya's side, although Raymond Brothers pays attention to it, there are not many executives who can send it, and it is helpless for Glad to come to experience it.In fact, Sorrento has another idea, which is to take him to see the real behind-the-scenes figures, so that Grad does not think that he is a big shot behind Moya. How they are, but the things they discuss are often the military and political situation of each country.Unlike ordinary people who want to show their enthusiasm for participating in politics or show that they are still a person with a political stance, those people discuss these topics because they can really influence, influence, and turn a country upside down in an instant.

Sorrento has participated in such conversations twice, one was at a secret meeting of the top board members of the group to agree to reach an all-round cooperation agreement with Moya, and the other was six months after that, to discuss Staged gains and losses of business development.Being able to become a behind-the-scenes supporter of a country with the guidance and assistance of some people, to be able to faintly influence the development of a superpower like Moya, and even to become their reliance in some way, this sense of accomplishment is ecstatic.But it is precisely because he has participated in these two meetings with certain people that Sorento will not be complacent, but will always remain calm and keep a low profile in a series of talks and exchanges, because he knows that in the big situation of others, his own It's just a chess piece that can be discarded at any time.He vaguely felt that it was only a blink of an eye that the other party wanted to throw away Raymond Brothers.

"What happened outside?" Sorrento's hints and reminders made Grad very impatient, but facing this uncle, he knew the relationship between the other party and his family, and knew the other party's prestige in the land of Moya. Grad didn't dare to make a mistake, and promised to take the group's intelligence team to the Computing Institute of Moya Central Academy of Sciences after a few days of rest to participate in the construction of Moya's central intelligent computer room.That is almost the most core and ambitious project that the group's intelligence team can participate in.This arrangement let Gerard know that he was not being refrigerated, but that kind of rigid and uninteresting project was not his favorite.When he heard movement in the corridor, he immediately changed the subject, trying to escape from Sorrento's chatter.

But Sorrento just glanced in the direction of the window, then turned his head dissatisfied, looked at Grad and said, "You should concentrate."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a series of bullet holes on the two beautiful and thick teak doors of the suite, sawdust flying, and two burly men rushed in with assault rifles, the black muzzles pointed at them.

"Who are you?" Sorrento was frightened, but still mustered up the courage to ask.

"Come with us, don't talk nonsense." Sakov shook his gun and said impatiently: "We are running out of time."

"Anything is negotiable, who asked you to come? We can afford any price." Grad seemed very calm at this time.

Sakov pouted and fired.The bullet grazed Glad's arm with uncanny precision, drawing a long bloody streak across his right arm.Gerard screamed, the severe pain and fear made him collapse almost instantly.

"Come with us. As I said, we don't have much time. If I wasn't afraid of burdening myself, I should have shot you in the knee." Sakov said calmly.

Berner looked at Sakov in disbelief, that he shot before anything happened. "Didn't you say you want to catch them alive?"

"He's still alive." Sakov said disapprovingly.

Knowing that the two guys in front of them are so tough and unreasonable, Grad and Sorrento cooperated exceptionally, letting the two walk out with guns pointed.The bodyguards in the aisle looked at each other. The two moved too fast just now, they broke through the window and broke in in a split second, and rushed into their boss's room.The movement outside must have something to do with them, but the timing is too accurate.

Looking at the row of black gun muzzles, Sakov and Berna didn't feel much. They escorted them and walked forward step by step.

"Don't mess around, don't mess around, be careful with your guns!" Grad shouted loudly, half as a reminder, usually because he was in too much pain and needed to shout something loudly to distract a little.The wound on the arm was really nothing, he knew it wasn't too noticeable, but the bullet just grazed the arm, tearing off a layer of skin and revealing the flesh and blood inside, what kind of precision should this be.This middle-aged Moya man is definitely a terrifying character, and what's even more terrifying is that he obviously doesn't care about the general norms at all.

Grad and Sorrento's panic intensified again. Behind the yelling bodyguards, a person suddenly flashed out and pulled the trigger at the group of bodyguards: the person did not release the trigger, but the bullets kept changing directions. , biting bodyguards one after another with long eyes.No need to be reminded, everyone can see that the control of the gun in this hand alone is amazing, and it is definitely not something ordinary people can play. This group of people dared to kidnap the two of them with only three people. Words are enough.However, this miraculous gunman wore stockings extremely ecstasy, and it looked a bit weird with his head covered.At least as far as taste is concerned, it seems to be a little bit worse.

"There is a problem under the elevator. There are not many floors anyway. Let's take the stairs." Ash tore off his stockings and said with a smile.

"Does it feel good to carry that thing?" Sakov nodded, pushed Grad in front of him, and they trotted towards the stairwell together.As he passed Ash, he asked.

"It's boring. I know I'm your soldier, and you won't let me go on missions after you leave. I'm used to playing terrorists during confrontation exercises." Ash shrugged and said indifferently. "You hurt someone? Tsk tsk, boss, let's see how you explain to the higher ups."

"I'm scratching my tongue, not my face, so what if I get hurt? Take a few more breaths, or consider leaving room for the future to extract a confession." Sakov said nonchalantly.His cold tone made Gerard and Sorrento even more frightened.

Of course, Sorrento and Grad knew their importance, knew that they held countless secrets, and knew that revealing these secrets would bring endless disasters to themselves and their families.However, listening to the words of these lawless people, they have no confidence to keep those secrets at all.

Sorrento asked tremblingly, "Who are you serving?"

Sakov glanced at him, said nothing, and shot Gerard with a gun, telling him to go faster.They reached the ground floor of the hotel in less than 2 minutes, and the metal doors leading to the kitchen opened in a flash.There was no fighting in the kitchen, but everyone was lying on the ground. A black-haired federal soldier took off his gas mask with a smile and said, "Hurry up, wait for you all to have a minute."

This spot in the kitchen is actually pretty busy, with calls constantly coming in to make all sorts of room service food for delivery.This point can also be regarded as the peak time for supper.But Huo Yu took over the communication and simulated a situation where he encountered a little trouble and asked all room service delivery to explain the situation, and was delayed by 5 to 10 minutes.The chef went into a rage on the phone, leaving the service staff in a shuddering silence.In the hotel's administrative level, the status of the executive chef is quite high, almost the fourth in command of the hotel, and they don't have the guts to challenge him.

Seeing the person who came to respond, Grad seemed to suddenly realize: "Are you serving the Federation? You traitors..."

Sorrento wished he could stop Grad's mouth, and anger these people at this time, is he a fool?Maybe he really is...

Sakov is no stranger to such a title, nor does he reject it at all.He knows that he has been called this countless times, and those who have fled to work under Lin Wenfang: Eisenstein, Wolf, Heinkel... Maybe they feel pain in the heart of such a title, feel that Sad, after all, he is the country they have served for many years and wanted to dedicate and sacrifice for it with beautiful ideals, but they have family members and concerns, and there is still a little idealism and concern.They will think, and that's the most important thing.However, the current Moya and the Moya they hope to serve have drifted apart.

"I don't know who you are serving. But anyway, it's not Moya." Sakov said lightly, "I will figure it out. Both of you are citizens of the Principality of Eaton, let alone you are very good at Eaton. "

Without looking back, the federal soldier rushed into the alley behind the kitchen and opened the door of a car.It was obviously a pizza delivery car. Looking at the board inside the car, there were many notes with pins on them, all of which were addresses.The incubator on the side seemed to be full, and there were two plastic incubators lying on the floor of the car, the kind that keep pizza warm for up to 20 minutes.

"It's so thoughtful, we have supper." Ash grinned, and after seeing Sorrento and Grad sat down obediently in the car, he got into the car, casually took out the pizza and began to chew .

"Let me find a car wherever I want, so I'll just find it." The federal soldier said with a smile, "I'm staying nearby. It's so convenient that this car can be delivered to your door by phone."

(End of this chapter)

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