digital storm

Chapter 277 A sensational conference

Chapter 277 A sensational conference
From the second day on, Ke Yonghua had the right to say what he said in the third research room.This made the staff of Red Wing Technology very excited. Although Ke Yonghua did not overtly help them, the role played by the staff of Chi Wing Technology in the next research progress was obviously much more important than before.Just because of familiarity and trust, Ke Yonghua can let them play the best role in these competent positions.

Carrera understood Ke Yonghua's methods very clearly. He did not delay the progress of the research. The few people promoted were all qualified for the post, and to what extent they could do it was another matter.Other researchers may have opinions on this, but Ke Yonghua just said: Come up with reasons that allow me to trust you.He was recruited by Red Wing Technology in poverty, and it would be absolutely fine to help them, and everyone felt that it should be taken for granted.Ke Yonghua used this method openly and aboveboard to forcefully demand confession from those researchers who had not dealt with him very much before, or who were just doing business.In less than two days, the work of the laboratory has taken on a new look.

Based on the previous power dogs, Ke Yonghua divided the research room into three parts: the basic group of standard-sized power dogs, the basic group of large-sized power dogs, and the weapon equipment group.The standard group immediately started the weaponized design work, but under the guidance of Ke Yonghua, they did not directly start to mount the weapon, but carried out a dynamic test of the counterweight on the power dog to understand how much weight each part could carry. There is a perfect balance between mobility and firepower.At the same time, he proposed to call out information on all types of electric motors and small arms that Moya could get in batches.

When he got the data effortlessly, Lin Wenfang felt a little ironic.These materials are all related to the design and production of mechs, but because there are too many companies and technical projects involved, almost all over Moya, involving dozens of major military manufacturers, the federal intelligence agencies have never really understood the whole list.However, now that Lin Wenfang gave some instructions, a few assistants helped him understand the list, and it was all the latest information.Although Moya does not have a complete parts database, the communication between various departments is pretty good.

He did this counterweight dynamic test mainly to delay time, but in the eyes of others in the institute, this is a very important design idea.The counterweight test is very complicated and complicated. It is necessary to repeatedly adjust the weight of each part, and factors such as weight changes must also be taken into account.In Tianyao Information, due to the accumulation of a lot of data, whether it is Xiaotian, Yuzhuo, or the ongoing design project of fighting dogs, all of them can use computers to simulate these counterweight power tests, and the results obtained are slightly simulated in kind Test to check the reliability of the data on it.But in Moya, all these data must be started from scratch, which is indeed a process that must be experienced.Another reason why Lin Wenfang did not use computer simulation is that the programmers in the 9903 Research Institute are not qualified enough.

By the sixth day, Lin Wenfang had come up with a battle equipment plan for a standard-sized fighting dog.It was also on this day that the military officially confirmed the design code of the combat version of the small stepping device "Cerberus", and determined the design number of the stepping combat device as FDC-1.This code name made Cech a little excited. In Moya, the code name No. 1 always has some special meaning, which means the beginning of a series of products, and means that as long as "Cerberus" can be finalized and produced, he will have no suspense To become the father of stepping combat devices... Of course, only within the scope of Moya.Cech thought that the Federation should already have something similar.

The standard body version of "Cerberus" does not use too much heavy firepower, only two light machine guns that can be retracted into the body are installed on the back.The use of a rotatable gun mount allows the light machine gun to have a 60-degree rotation range and a 35-degree pitch angle. Although this is not a very sufficient angle, because the "Cerberus" itself is very mobile, it can be used at any time. Adjusting the posture of the body, the two light machine guns can easily shoot from all angles.The machine gun uses a very lightweight synthetic material belt, with a total of 220 rounds of ammunition.This is already the load limit of the standard body version, and a lot of ceramic armor pieces have been sacrificed...

Regarding Ke Yonghua's proposal to use ceramic armor pieces, the expressions of everyone in the research institute are complicated.They also know that this thing is good, light in weight, high in hardness, and easy to replace after damage.Ke Yonghua should have used this kind of thing a lot when he was in Dresden before, so he probably developed this bad habit.In Moya, the output of high-tech ceramic materials is not enough. At present, they mainly supply human-shaped and animal-shaped mecha research and development projects. With Cech's face, it is no problem to change a little for testing experiments, but considering Due to the production needs at the time of official installation, it is basically impossible to use ceramic materials at that time.Another problem is that the ceramic armor plates are basically die-cast directly in the manufacturer according to the needs, and then the final hardening process is carried out. The armor plates required for the standard version of "Cerberus" are relatively small, and the accuracy required for installation is low. High, manufacturers have no way to supply enough, and the scrap rate will be very high.

Finally, under Cech's mediation, Ke Yonghua agreed to use metal armor pieces.However, the processing of the metal armor pieces was also very tangled. In the end, Ke Yonghua had to do it himself. After programming for a whole day on a high-precision CNC machine tool, the problem of continuous production was roughly solved.It takes about a full day to make a complete set of armor pieces and install them on the skeleton of "Cerberus".

The metal armor pieces made "Cerberus" a little overweight. In the end, Ke Yonghua had to make another compromise, changing the six thermal optical smoke grenade ejectors originally installed on the rear legs to four, and canceling the two front ones. The solid copper-cast shoulder thorns on the shoulders have been changed to light armor and sharper barbs.This change made the entire research institute very dissatisfied. The copper-cast shoulder thorns are a very important means of attack for the highly mobile "Cerberus".From the perspective of the structure of a standard-sized power dog, impacting with the head is likely to damage the optics and other observation devices. Moreover, the structure of the cervical spine is very complicated. If the impact deforms this part of the joint system, the power dog Head movement is affected almost immediately.

However, both shoulders of the power dog are on the overall backbone bone structure, and the kinetic energy generated by the impact can quickly be dispersed throughout the body, digested quickly, and the shoulder spines have been canceled helplessly, because those two extremely powerful parts, It's just too heavy.But this is not without countermeasures. The laboratory has already understood the structure of the entire "Cerberus". Under the cover of Carrera, several researchers have created an all-metal jacket and installed it. A full melee version of Cerberus with shoulder stabs, backstabs, and head horns.This Cerberus looks extremely powerful and majestic, with a very mechanical beauty.

But just when everyone was making great strides and preparing to produce the large version of Cerberus, a new product launch by Tianyao Group in Hanjing shocked almost all the research institutions and companies related to stepping and intelligence in Moya. A basin of cold water.

Lin Wenfang watched the live TV broadcast at the research institute.Yue Yuyin did not show up, and the three virtual idols of the company presided over the press conference. The three-dimensional projection of the characters has already achieved a very high degree of realism, and even in the bright and bright venue, there is a sense of reality.As for the details of actions and language, there is no need to worry. The expressions of the three virtual idols are much richer and more natural than when they were just launched.The emotional experience database accumulated over a long period of time plays a huge role. According to Huo Yu, many emotional judgments are now very direct and natural, without the jerky and constant need to analyze and choose. , The fusion performance of multiple emotions is also quite accurate, unlike at the beginning, the expression of a single emotion will be more or less blunt in the game.

Tianyao Group released a family pet product this time: King Kong.The name is King Kong, but in fact, the appearance of this smart pet is made according to the template of the golden monkey. If the tail is not counted, the overall height of standing is only 55 cm, and the height of the most frequent squatting position is only 31 cm.As soon as King Kong appeared on the stage, all the audiences on the scene and in front of the TV were stunned.It was not served by the staff, but got out of the cardboard box by itself, stuck out half of its head, and timidly looked at the surrounding environment and everyone present with curious big eyes.Since the hosts are all virtual, a very beautiful little girl was found from the scene when demonstrating King Kong.King Kong ran and jumped around the little girl, and even climbed onto the little girl's shoulders intimately, hugged the little girl's head and made a gesture of kissing her hair. The cuteness of the little girl made the little girl reluctant to let go.

To the uninitiated, it looks like a fun toy.But for researchers struggling in the field of stepping and intelligence, this is a blow to the head.King Kong's movements are too dexterous and meticulous, his eyes are agile, his observation skills are strong, and his judgment of distance and space is extremely accurate.When King Kong and the little girl shook hands, kissed, and hugged, it could be seen that King Kong's movements were extremely delicate, and his power control was extremely precise, and he would never hurt anyone.When pulling the clothes on the little girl, using her body arc, stepping on the shoulders and waist to exert force, in addition to force control, it also reflects the artificial intelligence behind the material, space, strength, etc. understanding.There is no need to mention the level of intelligence. In fact, if the entire screen is PS below, it is estimated that not many people will be able to see that it is an intelligent creation.

At the press conference, Tianyao Group played a video to demonstrate how King Kong would behave in family life.The entire video was filmed by actors, without any traces of digital image processing.But in this video, King Kong jumps up and down, plays with the little master, helps the master with things, and even helps the hostess cook. It is absolutely no problem to help. If you are interested in training, King Kong will soon You can learn to cook.According to Tianyao Group's explanation, this is of course possible. King Kong's learning ability far exceeds that of ordinary golden monkeys and the like, but the learning mechanism is still relatively similar, and trivial things like cooking are nothing.However, considering that the skin-like silicone skin does not respond well to things like oil fumes, it is better not to let King Kong stay in the kitchen for too long.

Considering the problem of storage space, King Kong adopts a relatively vague stress-based learning and storage method, which is similar to the conditioned reflex learning and strengthening mode. It still needs repeated education to make it remember something.Due to the limited storage space and the part that is not strengthened enough, he will choose to forget it first. If it is strengthened enough, he can remember it forever.King Kong has no language module and can only make simple sounds.But it has a pretty good emotional judgment response, and can capture the owner's true intentions from language and demeanor...

This is definitely an epoch-making smart product, subverting many people's understanding of smart, but when the reporter asked why Tianyao Group designed such a product, it acted as a representative of the R&D department at the press conference and wore a white coat from the research institute. Xing Xiang said carelessly: "No reason, because we can. Moreover, I guess you will like it and sell it."

(End of this chapter)

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