digital storm

Chapter 268 Sensation

Chapter 268 Sensation
Although the staffing of 9903 Research Institute has not been fully implemented, the hardware facilities are good.Although the new main building is not newly built, the work of renovation and decoration is not much cheaper than building a new building, it just saves time.The installation and commissioning of a large number of brand new equipment has been roughly completed, and now it can be regarded as an advanced and important research institute.Since the main direction of attack is small and medium-sized stepping devices, the 9903 Research Institute does not have a large-scale test field, but has transformed a column-free factory building as a test field.Various monitoring equipment and signal receivers are hung on the beams of the test site. On both sides of the test site, waist-high parapet walls are built with reinforced concrete, and a one-meter-high transparent glass fiber reinforced plastic shield is installed on top of it.Except for a few openings that allow access to the central area of ​​the site, the entire parapet is in a U-shape as a whole.On the other side, there are two extremely huge reinforced concrete parapets with a height of two meters. They are mainly used to hang targets, and they will be used for weapon testing when necessary in the future.

Entering this test field, both Jurgen and Rostock were very nervous.People from several companies also came up to chat and chat. Gradually, representatives of these small and medium-sized enterprises gathered together.On the other side of the manufacturer's representative area, several representatives from several major companies squinted at the crowd who were discussing business management experience enthusiastically and ridiculing each other from time to time.For those large groups, these small and medium-sized enterprises are really not worth paying too much attention to. In most cases, they are here to set off the identity and connections of these large groups.

"Jorgen, what fun things did you come up with this time?" Dot Thures and Jorgen Sling, the bosses of Thresher Power Electronics Co., Ltd., are old friends, and they are also the owners of Chiyi Technology's electric motors. most important supplier.As Moya's leading electric motor company, he has also heard a little about the things that Chiyi Technology has been working hard to tackle during this period.He paused and said, "A few days ago, when representatives of the Holy Sword Group came to the company, they mentioned you. It's not easy to be remembered by them."

The Holy Sword Group is Moya's second-ranked arms giant, but it is also on the same starting line as them in this project.Although the technology accumulation of the large group is relatively rich, it is also limited to the field of traditional arms. On this small stepping device, the Holy Sword Group has zero foundation like everyone else.

When Jorgen heard this, he smiled wryly and said, "I don't know what's going on. The Holy Sword Group shouldn't have any commercial espionage in a small company like mine. God knows what's going on. But anyway, it's already gone Now that we’re here, it’s useless to use external tactics. Our test supplies are all in the hands of 9903.”

"Haha, you're really shaking. Would the Holy Sword Group be interested in your small company? Don't be kidding. They might take your brother out of the arms industry by just taking over the research and development of drones, or Buy Red Wing and just kick you out of the arms industry." Standing next to Serres was Ryan Giggs, the boss of Romeo Engineering Technology.This guy has always been known for his poisonous tongue, but he is a very good person.Although Jorgen and Ryan Giggs have known each other for a long time, and they can be regarded as friends who help each other, but when Giggs said this, they still couldn't hold back.

"Hmph, who knows. We won't know until the test results come out." Jurgen said viciously.

"Oh?" Serres was stunned for a moment, and quickly asked: "Are you really so confident in what your company has produced?"

Before Jurgen said anything, Rostock fidgeted and asked for instructions: "Boss, let me go to the preparation room to have a look."

Jorgen nodded.Everyone can see that Jurgen is indeed very confident in what Chiyi Technology has produced this time, otherwise he would not have such a performance.

The group of people with the representative of the Holy Sword Group discussed a completely different topic.Representatives of Holy Sword Group, Rost Group, and Soros Group are really discussing Chiyi Technology.Compared with those small and medium-sized groups, these large groups that occupy an important position in Moya's arms field have very extensive sources of information. In their opinion, in the report submitted by Chiyi Technology, many data are too large. Incredible.

"Let's see how they end up at that time. Small companies are really not reserved these days. If you want to show off to this extent, tsk tsk, they will watch it if they make a fool of themselves at the public exhibition."

"Haha, there are many ways to avoid making a fool of yourself. For example, circuit failure, water entry, and falling when moving it. Anyway, as long as it doesn't move, it won't be embarrassing."

"Hey, buddy, you are very skilled in business."

"Thank you for the prize, I have participated in countless test sessions, and I have seen a lot. On this occasion, only this kind of thing is the most fun."

"Well, that's right."


Although a few people lowered their voices, they didn't hide their contemptuous attitude, and naturally they weren't too shy about letting others hear it.In such a small place as the exhibition area, it is quite difficult to be completely inaudible.If it was before, Jurgen might have turned pale and complained angrily, but now, there is only a sneer on his face.He waited to see the expressions of these people, and he wanted to know what their faces could look like.

The 9903 Research Institute soon began showing.Due to the presence of the test report and the relatively tight schedule, the test only carried out the two most important links: obstacle crossing on a designed site, and a set of action combinations selected by each company including avoiding projectiles from various objects. The 9903 Research Institute has not obtained a complete sample of artificial intelligence. Of course, it is impossible to distribute the intelligent control components. program to lead.

This kind of test has always been arranged from small companies to large companies, especially when there are companies that are scheduled to win the bid, it is to reserve the most outstanding opportunities for large groups.Red Wing Technology was the sixth one to appear in this test. Among the total 14 companies, this is already considered a good sequence.In the past, Jorgen thought that this order was pretty good, not too shameful, but today he thought that there must be no mistakes today, and today he wanted to see the expressions of the representatives of the companies behind .

The first one to appear is Lumen Technology, a small local company in Sidney. Their specialty is the optical system. It was opened by a classmate of the deputy director of the 9903 Research Institute. It was only entered into the list of partners as a supplier of the observation system. , but I don't know what their boss thinks, he just won a place for himself to participate in this test.The performance is full of loopholes, and the power dogs they made can barely run, let alone roll, dodge, and turn quickly.However, Lumen Technology made the atmosphere of the whole testing field suddenly relaxed.

The boss of Lumen Technology, Drucker, laughed and ridiculed his company's power dog with everyone. Anyway, he was focusing on participation, and he didn't really take it seriously at all.

With the excellent performance of his own company's products, Jorgen was not nervous at all when he saw the appearance of these companies. Instead, he discussed the gains and losses of various designs with the bosses and technical directors of these companies in a steady manner.For such a small company, the boss and the technical director must be knowledgeable people. Everyone listened and found that Jurgen was indeed on the point. The advantages and disadvantages of the plans he pointed out were to the point. Clearly a lot of thinking about this.

For the obstacle-crossing test, the completion times of the first five appearances were 2 minutes 29 seconds, 1 minute 45 seconds, 1 minute 49 seconds, 1 minute 11 seconds, and 1 minute 07 seconds.Looking at this row of numbers, a confident smile appeared on Jorgen's face.

The test of Red Wing Technology has started.Unlike several other companies where employees carry test products to the starting point, the people from Chiyi Technology did not enter the testing field at all, and stood directly in the safe area beside the field, controlling the power dog and trotting all the way to the starting point.All the people present were experts. Seeing this scene, the entire test field fell into a brief silence. Many people, including those from the 9903 Research Institute, stood up and cast their eyes on the field with concern: the power dog of Chiyi Technology His running movements are very free, with smooth and elastic footsteps, which are very similar to the running movements of real dogs. Compared with the previous testers, it is so good that we don't know where to go.

Jurgen suppressed his excitement, trying to be calm and confident.Just this trot, he is already in the limelight today, the figure of the federal-born mechanic appeared in his mind... Ke Yonghua, this guy is really amazing, Moya's mechanical design and manufacturing technology is far better than that of Dele Ston, is it really that far away compared to the Moon Sea Federation?How far can this Ke Yonghua push Chiyi Technology?

As the researchers of the 9903 Research Institute indicated that it was time to start, Chiyi Technology's power dog kicked its legs and rushed out.It's not a trot, and it's not the staggering walk of the previous test products, but a real sprint.Everyone's eyes were firmly attracted by the power dog of Red Wing Technology, watching him jump up lightly, go through a ring suspended in mid-air, and then retract his front paws a little, buffering and landing firmly. The tester on the side looked at the readings and couldn't believe it. At one moment, the power dog actually broke through the speed of 70 kilometers per hour. Although it was only a moment, it was also a very remarkable achievement. up.When the power dog nimbly made a high-speed continuous change of direction around the pile, the whole test field boiled's amazing!

22 seconds!This is the test result of Chiyi Technology. It has maintained a very high speed throughout the whole process without stopping, and all technical movements are very precise and complete.This result even exceeded the best result expected by the 9903 Research Institute.Jorgen chuckled, and cast a provocative look at the representatives of the big companies sitting not far away.

(End of this chapter)

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