digital storm

Chapter 260 Looking for a Breakthrough

Chapter 260 Looking for a Breakthrough
Seeing everyone's doubts, An Lian smiled and said, "This action is very critical. I remember I talked with you back then, why Fosun Group attaches so much importance to artificial intelligence. This is just a kind of sincerity." An Lian's voice was gentle and kind, as if she was a little relaxed: "Is this matter just exposed today?"

"Probably." Lin Wenfang didn't intend to delve into it.An Lian is a friend, and although Bao Hairong has a high status in the Fosun Group, in the final analysis, his temper is very technical, and he is not used to politicians or conspirators. It is quite pleasant to get along with .

After reaching an understanding with An Lian, Yue Yuyin heaved a sigh of relief.She said regretfully: "However, without Ling Qingjun's leadership, we have lost a good sales director. It's hard to imagine that we can find such a strong director. What a pity."

"It's fine. If Lin Wenfang doesn't object, I can continue to stay here. Do you really think that Fosun Group can do without me?" An Lian said happily.Lin Wenfang and Yue Yuyin shrugged tacitly together, noncommittal.

Fosun Group has grown so large that it is absolutely impossible for one or two people to fully control it. Usually, An Lian really doesn’t have much to do. Most of the group’s headquarters is to interpret various materials, guide its subsidiaries in the general direction, and occasionally make moves for mergers and acquisitions. Waiting for business.An Lian's team is extremely strong, and they have a very precise grasp of her mind and style, allowing her to handle several identities and jobs with ease.If it weren't for this, An Lian wouldn't be able to take care of the Shadow Demon Troop's affairs.

However, even so, Lin Wenfang and Yue Yuyin would not be so naive as to think that An Lian was just that free.Fosun Group doesn't care, but is so interested in Tianyao Group.She must have other reasons, perhaps because she wants to further evaluate Lin Wenfang's ability and the value of the technical system in hand, or perhaps because her involvement in Shadow Hefner far exceeds what she has shown now I am worried that with Lin Wenfang acting together, many of her thoughts and actions may be made easier.Perhaps, it is because the Fosun Group's space in the Federation has almost reached its limit. An Lian is very quiet and wants to take advantage of the ups and downs of the world environment during this period to find new development points for the entire group...

Lin Wenfang had no way of guessing, but just made an appointment with An Lian to discuss further arrangements.They are all very active people. Now that they have decided to run Moya once, they will never wait for a long time.However, whether it is for their own safety or to have the strength to carry out various actions, the two of them will not be the only ones going to Moya this time, and it is imperative to bring an elite team there.At least they will bring a few mechas. What a mecha team can do is completely different from that of a special forces team, and the safety factor in operations has increased exponentially.

However, Yue Yuyin still noticed something different.Lin Wenfang seemed too enthused about this outing, which was likely to last for quite a long time.It seemed that he was discussing a sabotage operation with An Lian, and by the way, had a look at the current artificial intelligence level of several parties and made a comprehensive assessment, but Lin Wenfang didn't really think so.It is true that he wants to interfere with the progress of the opponent's artificial intelligence, but other things are really uncertain.Yue Yuyin's understanding of Lin Wenfang is unmatched by others. From the details of his speech, even the tone and pauses, one can know whether Lin Wenfang is telling the truth...

As soon as An Lian left, Yue Yuyin couldn't help asking: "A Lin, are you really going to Moya? It's too dangerous..."

"You don't really want to persuade me, do you?" Lin Wenfang caught the doubt in Yue Yuyin's eyes, and said heartily, "I'm not going to hide it from you. I do have other ideas about leaving the Federation this time."

"Oh? What do you think?" Yue Yuyin sat next to Lin Wenfang and covered Lin Wenfang's with his hand.

"Probably, there are too many things that have happened recently, and there are too many things to consider, which makes me a little uncertain." Lin Wenfang's voice sank: "There are several things that I can't find my way to .First, what is the future of Huoyu? The two of us know this matter best. Huoyu is far superior to those other artificial intelligences. Self-awareness alone is a hurdle that is not easy for anyone to break through. But what is the level of intelligence? Self-awareness is not directly related to the development of emotional judgment we are doing now. Do you know how nervous I was when I asked Fire Feather to take action but failed to destroy Moya's artificial intelligence, and didn't even have a plan? ?The fire feather can split into many sub-intelligences. For example, my 'Jade Claw' directly uses a fairly high-end intelligence. It basically does not require me to perform any operations, and it can naturally cooperate with me to carry out a series of actions. However, these are not the development of Huo Yu itself. Although the robot Moya is developing is relatively primitive, it can be regarded as a technical system. I think that if Huo Yu can have more human characteristics, human Ability, what will happen? I want to learn about Moya's recent development and find a reference for myself. This kind of thing is cool to say, but it's too difficult, and the technology involved is so much that it makes people scared what."

"The Federation's technology is much higher than that of Moya, why go to Moya?" Yue Yuyin said dissatisfied.

She understands Lin Wenfang's mood, neither of them regards Huo Yu as a tool, their way of getting along is more like an assistant at work, and a friend... Perhaps, sometimes, they even treat Huo Yu as a tool Zuo is a child and junior who deserves to be taken care of, and they will answer her various questions very seriously. During this time, the three intelligent cores separated by Huo Yu are supporting the three virtual idols, and they are constantly communicating with various people. , Huo Yu also had many doubts.Many problems could no longer be explained logically or rationally. Lin Wenfang and Yue Yuyin communicated with Huo Yu as if they were chatting with friends, gradually turning explanations into descriptions and feelings.In this process, Huo Yu became more and more like a person, a person who could know everything but still depended on them.

"In the federation, I'm not free to do anything." Lin Wenfang said regretfully, "Besides, once the fighting stops, the current situation will be even more unfree."

Yue Yuyin remained silent.They are rarely constrained in what they do now. Everyone understands the value of Lin Wenfang, knows the power of Tianyao's information, and is surrounded by many heroic auras. Almost everything is given a green light all the way. However, they have received too much attention up.Although there are no paparazzi reporting in detail on what they eat, drink, where they go, but these contents are not unconcerned. The federal intelligence agencies pay close attention to Lin Wenfang almost everywhere. They usually communicate with Huoyu. He had to be a little more careful when communicating, so as not to reveal Huo Yu's true level.If it weren't for Huo Yu's own strong ability to guard the 1000-meter security circle extremely tightly, they wouldn't even dare to speak casually.In this case, it is really impossible to try new technologies and new ideas.

"In addition, the current situation of the Federation is not clear. My relationship is with the military, but the military is also subject to many restrictions, and there are also various forces operating and infiltrating. Zhu Zhi has been working hard to keep the mecha division from being more concerned about by the outside world. But it is also very difficult. There are all kinds of entanglements in the mech division. There are people from other factions in the army and outside. Before, I left the information security committee and applied to fight on the front line. It is indeed because I I can’t let go of my fellow mecha masters, but I also wanted to escape the entanglement with different faction forces. At that time, it seemed to be very successful. But the situation is different now. Although I still have the rank of colonel, political problems They will find you naturally. Zhao Zhenduo and Zhuge Lingfeng are too busy to take care of themselves. This time, it is very likely that the position of president will fall into the hands of the so-called "Minsheng faction". I don't know their intentions, but I am sure they don't like me , You can’t feel that you are in charge of the work of Tianyao Group. It is due to my previous actions and the help of several partners to maintain it. Of course it is no problem now, but what about in the future? No president will let the public security and intelligence go. The department is close to any party. I am worried that there will be problems in the cooperation in this area. Now the people of the "Minsheng faction" are constantly using our affairs to make use of them. I go out to avoid too many conflicts in this area. Once I Leaving in the name of a mission, if they still dare to talk nonsense, hehe, then the military department has a reason to do it."

Lin Wenfang didn't explain this aspect thoroughly. He is not a complicated person, and he doesn't like to entangle with various forces. It is extremely difficult to find a balance between various lines.But now, after suffering the loss of not having his own powerful team, he finally began to make up his mind to build up his own power, but in the process, no matter whether it was the relationship between Zhao Zhenduo and Zhuge Lingfeng, or the military or the Ministry of Public Security He has used all of his relationships, and these are all favors that must be paid back.At the same time, the cooperation with the Mecha Research Institute is still in progress. He and An Lian, Geng Mang, Zheng Taicheng, and Guan Huan are all very congenial friends. He also needs to rely on Fosun Group... these balances Lin Wenfang was a little out of breath because of the entanglement with him. He felt that nothing seemed right about what he was doing.Moya's side is probably a bit dangerous, but it shouldn't be more annoying than the current situation.A little dangerous stimulation may free him from this tangled and embarrassing situation.Perhaps, when he leaves, this situation will change by itself, just like the current headache election...

After leaving for a period of time, maybe when I come back, I will receive less attention on myself, and I can do what I want to do in a more down-to-earth manner, without being stared at by all parties all day long.

That's what Lin Wenfang thought - he couldn't be sucked into the vortex, he had to jump out.

(End of this chapter)

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