digital storm

Chapter 245 The Blessing of Prison

Chapter 245 The Blessing of Prison
Feng Yao and Zhuo Xinyuan finally succeeded in sending Lin Wenfang to prison, even if it was only for a month, but after all, they "found" something, and it was not entirely groundless.Sending Lin Wenfang to prison in this way can only incur greater hatred for himself, most of which are not from Lin Wenfang but all the people related to Lin Wenfang.These people are not in prison.

In fact, all the "crimes" proposed by Feng Yao and Zhuo Xinyuan before have been proven to be false.

The procurement of Moyan is very formal. Although there is no product evaluation and bidding process, it is carried out in the way that the Ministry of Public Security issues a mission statement and Tianyao Information submits a product and service price package that meets the requirements, thereby completing the offer. In terms of technology, price, follow-up training, etc., Tianyao Information has done much better than the contract.I have made a lot of money, that’s for sure, but basically as long as you cooperate with government departments, the profits will not be low, as long as you can indeed provide what they need. The "Magic Eye" was indeed led by the Ministry of Public Security, but later the Security Bureau also stepped in, providing part of the funds and obtaining a considerable part of the "Magic Eye's" power.They want Lin Wenfang to step up research on the next generation of products and prepare to establish a "magic eye" network that can roughly cover the whole country as soon as possible. Although this move is suspected of violating personal privacy, it is difficult for the parliament to pass it.But now that parliament has given up, out of national security concerns, several departments are working together to advance the matter.

Some people may say that multiple suppliers should be able to compete, but Tianyao Information has not said anything yet. The Security Bureau and the Ministry of Public Security have organized a group of experts and politicians to visit and test the monitoring center of Hanjing.In almost all indicators, especially in the two most critical functions of identification and tracking, "Magic Eye" is not 01:30 points ahead of any other product.The products of a well-known domestic information manufacturer recommended by a minister are often embarrassing, but the "magic eye" followed the testers from the empty alleys to the crowded squares, and kept a firm eye on them. You know At that time, even the agents on the scene were lost... Another example is that the target enters an environment with monitoring equipment from an environment without monitoring equipment. The detection probability of "Magic Eye" exceeds 85%, but other software systems do not exceed 50%. , which can no longer be described with adjectives such as leading and surpassing.Compared with "Magic Eye", others are scum-this is the common feeling of everyone.

After a period of investigation and traceback for the Mecha Master's combat blade project, Lin Wenfang also understood for the first time what was going on.It turns out that the combat blade is just a by-product of Tianyao's manufacturing and research of replaceable composite armor for mechas.The performance of the new type of armor has been verified. It is lighter than the standard metal armor plate provided by the military, but its protection performance has been greatly improved, and the cost is naturally much higher.At the time of testing, Tianyao Manufacturing took the lead in proposing the concept of mecha combat protection, and proposed collision tests for blunt and sharp objects.They actually manufactured a series of simulated large-scale weapons for testing, but manufacturing these large-scale weapons in Tianyao, which has always been striving for perfection in everything, has become an important and fascinating project in itself.

From the very beginning, sharp weapons were considered unsuitable for mecha combat, because it is not difficult to sharpen the blade very sharply, but it is very troublesome to maintain, and, during the transportation and handling of the mecha, it is easy to get injured. to Auxiliary Sgt.After the sharp edge is opened, the metal of the large blade is in direct contact with the air, and it is not suitable for surface treatments such as dulling, bluishing, and sandblasting. Due to the large size of the combat blade, the contact area between the blade and the air is also relatively large, and the oxidation speed is very slow. Depressed, but the blunt test results are very good.But the people who made Tianyao were not reconciled. The weight of blunt weapons is high, and the ratio of the corresponding destructive power to weight is not good. The combat blade that was finalized later is almost an intermediate product between blunt weapons and sharp weapons. It is full of destructive power. Reasonable weight and easy maintenance.Lin Wenfang was only using a combat blade at the time, and never asked how it came out.

The investigators of the Internal Affairs Department were all fascinated by the atmosphere created by Tianyao. They didn't care about the investigation at all, and they didn't care about the materials such as crafts for people to read. They directly set the permissions on the computer and put a A group of four investigators checked the materials.He also told them that he couldn't take care of them when he was busy here, so he ordered takeaway when he was hungry... The investigators were all dumbfounded when they were treated like this.But soon they understood what it was that they had no time to talk to them.I really don’t have time, even though it is called a stoppage inspection, Tianyao Manufacturing and the group turned this short rest period into a period of learning and communication with each other. Several research groups introduced their achievements during this period, explaining The latest technological trends in your field and your own preparations, etc.A few guys who were purely craftsmen performed their unique skills on the spot. The three-axis and four-axis machine tools were incredibly flexible under the operation of these people.Combining the vision, experience and judgment of a master with the precision of the machine, Tianyao Manufacturing can now achieve the ultimate processing precision in China. Even if you count the few research institutes of the military, it can definitely be ranked in the top five.But their equipment is basically the product of the previous generation, and they really want to change it... But before the war, civilian companies like them couldn't get quotas.Now, it is finally time for them to say goodbye to civilian products and challenge military precision.

Tianyao Manufacturing is currently finalizing a new type of individual self-defense weapon.Most of the original individual self-defense weapons are light submachine guns or similar things. Although they are light, they dangle on the body after all. Said, after all, it is not very convenient, and they also lack strict training in this area. If they really want to use it, they really don't know whether they are hitting their own people or the enemy in a chaotic scene.

Tianyao Manufacturing understands this situation very well.According to them, these technical geeks have never been very sure about their own bodies and combat power. They are only sure about technology, and they are sure about using technology to make up for the shortcomings of their bodies.They devised a very strange combined device.A set of simple mechanisms is usually stored in a flat box less than an inch thick. Once unfolded, it becomes a shooting point that pops up from the shoulder. An auto-adjusting adaptive tripod supports the shooting point. scattered on the body.Shooting and aiming relies on strict control devices, which can track eye movements for focus and aiming, and the shooting point changes continuously with eye movements. This is a simplified version of the helmet sight of an armed helicopter pilot.The monsters made by Tianyao keep reducing the weight, reducing the total weight of the basic version of this system to 800 grams, and the eye control device weighs only 140 grams, but it not only provides aiming, but also assists in the identification of friend and foe, and can be synchronized with the battlefield information instrument , to display related battlefield information.Even so, Tianyao Manufacturing did not give up on further improvements. Considering that the shooting point is near the ear, they originally used caseless ammunition, which greatly reduced the noise and increased the ammunition capacity, but this was not enough. They quickly launched There is a version that uses high-pressure air to shoot poisonous needle bombs and an enhanced version for guys who don't care about noise... The most exaggerated set of the enhanced version looks like a common Steadicam motion photography device in a movie studio. A 30mm grenade launcher is installed.Relying on the bracket and the auxiliary aiming system, this set of gadgets allows for the first time a physical assaulter to carry out fire suppression on the move, and does not need to shoot blindly while in motion.It is also possible to replace it with machine guns, submachine guns, etc., but there is no supporting program group for the time being, and no shooting data measurement of these firearms has been done.

Combined with the composite armor made by Tianyao, a brand new individual protection and self-defense system was born.Usually, this thing looks like an ordinary tactical vest, except that the front armor plate looks to outline the chest muscles, making it more powerful.But once something happens, the user puts on the eye control device, and in less than 5 seconds, it turns into a shoulder-fired melee firearm.Compared with hanging more than one kilogram around the neck, it is close to a 2kg submachine gun or something.It is not troublesome to replace the bracket and use "heavy firepower". All of them are modular design. It takes less than 3 minutes to change the status from light to heavy or reverse.

This thing is too easy to use for those technical arms.Although it was only a first appearance, the military immediately took a fancy to this thing and ordered Tianyao Manufacturing to complete the prototype design as soon as possible and submit it to the military for testing. As long as it can pass, the military will place the first batch of orders for no less than 10 sets.But those who are more enthusiastic about this kind of thing are the airborne troops, and they have begun to clamor for priority equipment.This kind of single-soldier shoulder firepower allows paratroopers to shoot in the air, instead of waiting for luck as before.Accurate fire suppression on the move is a great boon for almost all light infantry units that emphasize mobility.

The special warfare system also requires ordering a large number of models equipped with poisonous needle bomb shooting devices, which are very useful for parachute penetration at night.It is conceivable that once this thing is finalized, it will inevitably be another blockbuster product manufactured by Tianyao.

It is very good for a general enterprise to have one or two key products, which are enough to break into the global market.If a blockbuster product can be expanded into a product series, it will definitely have the opportunity to become a large international group.But now, none of Tianyao's technologies is not core, and none is without potential.This is the case with the self-adaptive bracket technology. In fact, it can be expanded and used on mechas soon. It depends on how Lin Wenfang coordinates with the Mecha Research Institute.In any case, looking back at the design and manufacture of the new mecha, the full support of Lin Wenfang and Tianyao is indispensable.

After careful investigation and visits, all aspects show that Tianyao Information is an enterprise organization with unlimited potential developed at the core of technology, and several major cooperation projects are completely fine.But why was Lin Wenfang sent to prison at this time?

The situation that day can be described as a turn of events.

In the end, these incidents of Lin Wenfang were indeed investigated and tried by the civil court and the military court at the same time, but only some people were allowed to observe internally, and the information was not disclosed publicly.On the same day, the final conclusions of each investigation are being submitted, and the two courts will make a joint judgment and come up with the final opinion.In fact, everything is fine, there is no need for them to provide any judgments, and they all dismiss the lawsuits of Feng Yao and Zhuo Xinyuan.

Just when the judge asked lazily and boredly, "It seems that it's almost over, is this over?", Feng Yao suddenly stood up and said, "No, I have to add another claim."

The judge said annoyedly: "Add this time? Are you making trouble?"

The presiding judge of the military court was a lieutenant colonel judge from the Internal Affairs Department, and said helplessly: "No way, this is also in line with the procedure. The joint trial of the military court and the civil court has always been the most troublesome, and it is a common practice. Listen to what he has to say."

Lin Wenfang shrugged noncommittally, and looked at Feng Yao and Zhuo Xinyuan, wanting to see what kind of moth they had come up with.

Feng Yao cleared his throat and said, "This is a complete civil court case. As an independent investigator of the Moon Sea Federal Government, I am suing Lin Wenfang for armed robbery."

"Armed robbery?" The judge raised his eyes, looked at Lin Wenfang, and then asked Feng Yao, "What's going on? Where's the evidence?"

"Oh, the evidence is here." Feng Yao took out a USB flash drive from his pocket and played the video inside.

The picture was taken by a surveillance camera in a convenience store, and the time code below the screen is marked as January 2111, 1... That was the day when Lin Wenfang first came into everyone's sight.

In the picture, Lin Wenfang rushed into the convenience store with an assault rifle in his hand, and after a glance, there was no one in the store.He looked at the camera, showing his face clearly.Lin Wenfang took out two cans of Coke directly from the refrigerator, and took some bread from the shelf.He reached into his pocket and took out the money. He scratched his head and left the convenience store...

On that day, Lin Wenfang single-handedly ran across the entire Shenhai City, rushed into the Shenhai Central Hospital, forced Moya's occupation forces to retreat, and let him leave, and finally got the federal special forces to pick up and leave in the park Well, following the federal military's promotion of Lin Wenfang, almost everyone knew about it. On that day, it was a legend for Lin Wenfang and for the entire Federation.This simple little thing can only be regarded as a tidbit at best.However, now Feng Yao and the others have brought it up to speak out, what is going on?
"Colonel Lin Wenfang, is that you on the monitor?" the judge asked.

"It's me. I can't deny that." Lin Wenfang said with a wry smile.

"Armed robbery is a criminal offense. When the victim cannot file a lawsuit by himself, all departments of the federal government have the right to file a public prosecution based on direct evidence and conduct investigation and evidence collection. Is this evidence sufficient?" Although Feng Yao said so, he did not There is no sense of elation.In fact, he also had a hard time getting such a thing from Lao Du, and he could only ask for a minimum conviction to save the situation.

"Why didn't the shopkeeper sue himself?" asked the judge.

"4 days ago, the owner died in a car accident. He has no family and is still running a convenience store. The only clerk found this video when he was sorting out his belongings. The owner's intention to keep this evidence is obvious. The clerk passed some kind of The channel handed over this video to me. According to the federal "Public Security Law", "Criminal Law" and "Procedural Law", I can only file this lawsuit because the case is still in the retrospective period. Since Colonel Lin Wenfang is aware of this matter Confession is straightforward...then...this should be a conviction, right?" Feng Yao explained convincingly, although he was still a little guilty, but he had said everything, so he had no choice but to stand up.

4 days?car accident?Everyone's heart is cold, this can't be a coincidence.At this time, the evidence was sent to Feng Yao's hands, and the only person who had the right not to file a lawsuit died, there must be something wrong with it.The eyes of everyone looking at Feng Yao changed immediately. This guy actually has the determination to kill someone?He hated Lin Wenfang to this extent?

Lin Wenfang himself was also puzzled, he didn't remember wrongly, he had nothing to do with Feng Yao and Zhuo Xinyuan before, so there wasn't any hatred, but the other party actually killed someone for this?Involving innocent people, Lin Wenfang would never allow such a thing to happen, let alone let Feng Yao go.The store owner kept this video, not to preserve evidence, he must have recognized Lin Wenfang, and thought this kind of tidbits were amusing.Unexpectedly... two cans of coke and a few breads turned out to be irrefutable evidence for Lin Wenfang.

"I have nothing to say about this accusation. But the owner's car accident, I will investigate to the end." Lin Wenfang threw out this sentence forcefully, and then waited silently for the judge's verdict.

The judge snorted and said, "Guess guilty. In accordance with the Criminal Law, Lin Wenfang is sentenced to one month's imprisonment. The specific implementation terms will be coordinated with the Internal Affairs Department of the Military Ministry. Feng Yao, Zhuo Xinyuan, you can get out!" "

The judge was also very angry when he said such a thing in court.But Feng Yao and Zhuo Xinyuan knew that they had caused serious trouble this time, so they silently left with their briefcases.

No one said anything, and the matter came to an end in an extremely silent and weird atmosphere.

This was an ending that everyone did not expect. Everyone was very dissatisfied with Lin Wenfang's inability to return to work in a short time.But the law is the law after all, and all relevant departments can only work hard to minimize the impact of this matter.Of course, the military department will not impose additional punishment on Lin Wenfang, but will instruct the Supervision Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security to make proper arrangements.The Ministry of Public Security was also depressed, and simply arranged for Lin Wenfang to execute this month's sentence in the Huafeng Supervision Center, which has the lowest level of supervision in the entire federal government.Cell boss?There is absolutely no such thing there. The Huafeng Supervision Center has an unwritten rule: You are free to speak up if you need anything.

All the detainees there are criminals with high IQs in the fields of economics and technology.Two of the world's top ten hackers are locked inside, and there are four of the world's top ten biochemical crimes. There are also countless experts and scholars. It is said that the discussion atmosphere is strong... Everyone is very nerdy, although the place of the nerd is not right, But it seems that everyone doesn't care too much.

Lin Wenfang smiled bitterly and said to Yue Yuyin who had packed his luggage and was about to send him to "check in": "I'm here for further study. You know, there are a lot of big prizes in there. I couldn't find anyone before. I didn't expect It's all locked up there."

Yue Yuyin knew that Lin Wenfang wouldn't be able to endure hardships there, but after all, this matter was too weird, so she said helplessly, "Whatever, just treat it as a long vacation. I'll come to see you every now and then."

(End of this chapter)

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