digital storm

Chapter 242

Chapter 242
Sending letters to so many departments at the same time is almost the same as directly holding a press conference.The director of the Audit Office knew the news, and he wanted to kill those subordinates.

Among the projects listed by Lin Wenfang, which one can be stopped without causing any backlash?Now everything is going to be sent to his name, the scapegoat is too big to imagine.

Lin Wenfang appeared in the office of the Internal Affairs Department of the Military Department early the next morning, and under the embarrassing gaze of the director, he took off the gun, epaulettes, collar badges, and medals—he took all the medals with him. It took a few minutes to pick off the medal, and then the general cap, together with these, were neatly stacked on the desk of the chief of the internal affairs department.

The Director knew what was going on... Although he had no quarrel with Lin Wenfang, it was the work of those bastards from the Audit Office, but he would inevitably be talked about by some bigwigs in the army.The Internal Affairs Department is not a good office, he already knew it, and he didn't really care about it, but this, how depressing it is.The director was thinking at the time, wondering if the grandsons of the Audit Office had any relatives who served in the army or something, so he went to check them all later to vent his anger!

However, facing Lin Wenfang and seeing this situation, he now had no choice but to say to his assistant very depressedly: "Follow the procedures, arrange Colonel Lin in... Building No. Execution. Although it is one of our own, and it is an injustice, a program is a program, alas, it can't be too special."

The deputy replied with a smile, but he was slandering in his heart: "This is not special." Building No. 3 looks simple, but that small building was confiscated from a certain chaebol. Behind the low-key simplicity is endless luxury. Nothing in the whole building is cheap.As for the special class II standard, it is an unlimited standard, okay?As long as Lin Wenfang has any request, the Internal Affairs Department will do it!Where is the isolation review standard?In the past, this standard was used for temporary refuge and convalescence for those big figures who obviously encountered inexplicable troubles... However, thinking about the hints in it, and thinking about the director's gesture of goodwill to Lin Wenfang, it is self-evident .

"This Lin so unreasonable." Zhao Zhenduo and Zhuge Lingfeng smiled wryly at Lin Wenfang's recent series of big moves.It's not easy for them to come forward in this matter, so they can only watch Lin Wenfang dodge himself, but they didn't expect Lin Wenfang to do so vigorously.The media, procedures, various internal and external regulations, laws, technologies, and even one's own status and influence have all been utilized to the extreme.Lin Wenfang is very busy, but he may not always pay attention to many things. He just checks the situation every once in a while and makes some adjustments and guidance.But as soon as he said it was all over, everyone went crazy: it couldn't work without him.

Although the Mecha Research Institute is the territory of Fosun Group, the mecha research is indeed related to the great cause of national security. Lin Wenfang's cooperation, or even the cooperation situation is very important.The progress of important projects such as the fire detection unit and the stepping supply vehicle got stuck at once.Lin Wenfang's younger brother, Yao Le, immediately handed in his resignation letter, sick leave form, and annual leave form after Lin Wenfang expressed his opinion, and asked Geng Mang to choose one at random... The meaning of Lin Wenfang's resolute resignation was very clear.Geng Mang had no choice but to appease Yao Le, and gave him 7 days of paid leave, letting him go wherever he wanted and spend whatever amount he wanted, and the company would pay for it!Assure Yao Le that Lin Wenfang will be fine.But looking back, Geng Mang's phone call went to the presidential palace and the military department and started cursing.You know, without Lin Wenfang and Yao Le, it is probably not difficult to find a strong programmer, but it will really help to enter the mecha project, at least two months, and now everyone is working on the next 60 months. How can it be two months behind the overall preparations for the next war?
The mech master is a soldier anyway, so he can't mess around like this, but he also sent a letter asking the military to suspend the dispatch of further mecha trainees to the mecha master——Lin Wenfang is not here, so Zhu Zhi and Tai Qingyuan have to be in charge of the mecha master The internal technical training has no time to deal with the advanced students.There are only a few people in mech tactics and technology, and one less person will be a big trouble, which is not an excuse at all.

The Tianchi Mountain Base, the Ministry of Information Industry and other institutions that have cooperated with Lin Wenfang also expressed various complaints.

Originally, after entering the isolation procedure, there should be a period of time for the Internal Affairs Department to collect and sort out various evidences. Fang rested for a day, and began to enter the interrogation process early in the morning of the third day.Moreover, due to the attention of the outside world, although the inquiry and trial are conducted internally, various reports, conclusions and evidence must be released to the public.Interrogation has always started from a small point, and traced back to the detailed process of the parties involved in various tasks and dealings with various people, but when everyone wrote the report, they found that they were not interrogating a suspect. The whole report looked wonderful. An incomparable military thriller with astonishing ups and downs.

With Lin Wenfang's character and behavior, everyone didn't think there was any problem at all.But the people in the Audit Office are not calm anymore. If there is no problem at all this time, the entire Audit Office will inevitably face a reshuffle.The few people who initiated this inquiry will undoubtedly come forward to take responsibility and bear the anger of various departments.However, even though the representatives of the Audit Office were maliciously trying to lure and deceive confessions, Lin Wenfang did not hesitate to say what he had to say, explaining the various decisions he had made at various times.

"I don't believe it. Lin Wenfang is a goddamn saint. He can't catch any mistakes or omissions." Feng Yao, the chief of the Military Investigation Section of the Audit Office, was a little annoyed, but he didn't want to take the blame at all.But as a joint question to Lin Wenfang this time, for him who wants to make a good impression on a certain boss, if there is no result at all, then his 10 years of hard work in his official career will be over.He will be kicked out, and that boss won't even look at him more.

"It is true that there are many things he does that are not in accordance with the rules, but those things are beyond our control. Who would have thought that Tianyao Information's profit margin is only 1.2% for the battle blade business. There is also the 'magic eye', safe The bureau has made a sound, saying that it has nothing to do with us." Zhuo Xinyuan, who proposed with Feng Yao, said with a wry smile: "Where else can you use your brains? This is a comprehensive inquiry, which is more complicated than what we originally proposed. Careful. If you can't find any problems, then Lin Wenfang's reputation will be for nothing...Of course he is not bad for this reputation, but I don't want to be a stepping stone, I don't want to be cannon fodder."

Feng Yao gritted his teeth and said: "There is absolutely no such thing as a saint. There are no big mistakes, but there are always small mistakes, right? As long as you can find a reason to come out, even if it is completely irrelevant, as long as you prove Lin Wen Fang is not a saint, and he is indeed capable of making mistakes. At best, we can only say that we did not fully understand the situation, but we cannot say that we made a false accusation... The name of false accusation should not be attached to it anyway."

Zhuo Xinyuan nodded, and said, "We're going to change our thinking, and we'll make a breakthrough by grasping the details little by little. You can continue to inquire tomorrow, and I'll do the data collection outside!"

Feng Yao said viciously: "Okay, let's do it like this."

Zhuo Xinyuan was not sure, so he said goodbye to Feng Yao. He left the office with a sigh, and found a bar to relax.The TV in the bar was broadcasting the news, and when he saw the flashing face in the news, Zhuo Xinyuan suddenly thought of something.He had this guy's phone, this magical guy who seemed to be able to fix anything.It's just that this guy collected money too badly, but now, being able to solve it with money is already a blessing in misfortune.Zhuo Xinyuan took out his mobile phone, found out the number of this person and called him directly.

"Old Du? I'm Zhuo Xinyuan from the Audit Office, do you remember me?" Zhuo Xinyuan asked nervously.

"It doesn't matter if you don't remember, a lot of things have been mentioned about you recently... Are you that burnt-out Zhuo Xinyuan?"

The ridicule from the other end of the phone made Zhuo Xinyuan a little embarrassed, and he said angrily, "Old Du, I'm here to ask you for help."

"Come to have an interview. I'll send you the address." Old Du said indifferently.He knew that a good business was destined to come to his door.

Lin Wenfang's glamorous, fearless demeanor reassured Yue Yuyin. Although Tianyao Information had been temporarily on vacation for the past few days, she hadn't fully rested. She rented a studio and set up motion capture The system is recording a solo dance by Vivian.The company's next plan is to create a series of short plays centered around three virtual idols. In the play, the character Yuqing is set to be a star performer of a ballet troupe and has a lot of solo dances.Seeing the script of this segment, Vivienne, who hadn't performed for a long time, volunteered to record the entire dance movement, which is better than the technical personnel repeatedly debugging and adjusting with the movement database.With such a good thing, Yue Yuyin naturally agreed immediately.

Lin Wenfang was in the "quarantine review", and Huo Yu's leadership was naturally handed over to Yue Yuyin. She simply handed over all computer operations to Huo Yu, and let her decide the process of recording actions.Yue Yuyin herself was fascinated by Vivian's dance.

The clothing used with the motion capture system is really difficult to look good on the body. The black tights that completely eliminate reflections are covered with little silver reflective pieces everywhere, which are the benchmarks for motion capture.The music can't be said to be gorgeous, but it's just a demo clip recorded by the composer on the computer keyboard, but under such crude conditions, when Vivienne dances to the music, she seems to be transformed into an elf, and she seems to be stepping on the ground. Yue Yuyin, who was originally a fan of Vivian's movie, was enveloped by experience, fascination and emotion almost instantly...

Until the whole solo dance ended, the lights came on, and Huo Yu gently read out the results of the admission: after the admission, the highest efficiency of the movement combination was 117.22%, and the lowest efficiency was 93.79%.Do you need to read it again?
Vivian didn't recognize Huo Yu's voice at first, and asked timidly: "What is the efficiency of movement? Why haven't I heard of it?"

(End of this chapter)

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