digital storm

Chapter 234

Chapter 234
In a month and a half, the frenzy brought about by the virtual idol system swept across the entire Federation and spread to other countries.The virtual idol system has not launched other language versions, because Lin Wenfang himself is not very familiar with the subtle expressions in other languages, and it is impossible to use these languages ​​intelligently.

However, even with the current achievements, those domestic companies whose products are represented by software, games and intelligent engineering cannot sit still.Among them, the most nervous one may be Zhizhi Company. The "Humanity" game can flourish, and can achieve extremely high profits and great influence at a relatively low operating cost. Regardless of the game structure itself, the mastermind MARS has contributed a lot.A large number of automatic tasks are released to constantly balance the forces of all parties in the game, so that the game always maintains an atmosphere of fierce competition, and no party can completely override other forces.Because Zhice has such technology, it also allows them to reach out to other companies and gain a greater say in the field of online games.Not to mention that the mastermind itself is an extremely powerful mission line system, the automatic mission analysis and release system alone is enough to make other game companies surrender.A system can replace dozens of senior planners to do data balance and other work, and can even be directly used in the game development process to directly generate a large number of tasks related to plot clues.For game companies, it is cost-effective to obtain the right to use MARS from Smart Strategy.However, because of the cost-effectiveness, many game companies have to make concessions in other aspects in order to seek cooperation with Zhice Company.Smart Strategy is not short of money, and rarely compares with other game companies in terms of direct economic interests, but they can use this kind of cooperation to restrain other companies and gain a greater say in the industry.

For this alone, the artificial intelligence in Lin Wenfang's hands is a huge threat. If this artificial intelligence is not in the hands of Zhice, it means that those opponents and colleagues have another choice.What scares everyone in Zhizhi Company even more is that what you do when you recruit Lin Wenfang into the company is often not what he does when he leaves the company. The latter is often much more important.Smart Policy has experienced this deeply.They were afraid that Lin Wenfang's cooperation with other companies would produce some monsters, which would directly compete with "Humanity".Lin Wenfang has recently been recruiting people to participate in the development of the mech battle simulation program, which has long been rumored in the industry.This in itself is a hot topic that is extremely vague for military and civilian purposes.

The board of directors of Zhice Company quickly decided to file a lawsuit against Lin Wenfang, accusing Lin Wenfang of infringing all the intellectual property rights of Zhice Company on the MARS system and violating the confidentiality agreement that Lin Wenfang signed with Zhice Company...

The current president of Zhizhi Company, Yu Man, has been in office for less than half a year. The previous president was also the executive officer of Fosun Group, which is Fuxing Hefner. Now he is busy with more important things.Yu Man is also an important member of the Fosun Group. He has heard of Lin Wenfang and Geng Mang, and seems to have a good relationship with An Lian.Before filing the lawsuit, he also specially asked An Lian to see her opinion on this matter.

"Artificial intelligence." An Lian answered casually, laying down on the soft sofa, and began to consider whether to connive Yu Man's lawsuit against Lin Wenfang or not.

"Miss, I know that you have a very good relationship with Lin Wenfang. It is also because of your mediation that he left the Information Security Committee and returned to the Jijia Division, allowing some companies under our group to not have to face technology directly. The pressure to let go of the standard. However, even if you owe Lin Wenfang this favor, there is always a chance to repay it. As far as I know, Lin Wenfang will face many problems in the future. However, the current However, the development has encountered a bottleneck. For a long time, Wisdom Strategy and the online game "Humanity" have been projects that you value very much. The online game "Humanity" is very important for the group to build a social system experiment. We need to break through this barrier to obtain more More people, more types of players and users, extend their online time, and let them truly regard "Humanity" as a society rather than a game. The root cause of the industry's unshakable overlord. I hope you can support me." Yu Man said seriously and cautiously: "The scope of the lawsuit will not be expanded, as long as Lin Wenfang gives up research and development in the field of artificial intelligence, the company can No other coercive measures are required."

Yu Man miscalculated the relationship between Lin Wenfang and An Lian.No wonder, no one could guess what kind of agreement Lin Wenfang and An Lian had. Only Zhu Zhi heard them talk about getting along, cooperation and competition in the future when An Lian confessed to the inside story of Fosun Group .Everyone would think that the reason why Lin Wenfang gave up his leading position in the information security committee with a bright future and returned to the Jijia Division was because of An Lian's mediation. Together, and the efforts he put in for it, will be selectively ignored.Although the Federation is not a country where power is everything like Moya, power is still very attractive. In the face of power, not many people will take the so-called guarantee seriously. It is estimated that even the officers and soldiers of the mech division will treat Lin Wen Fang took the information security committee as a matter of course and would not have any complaints.Therefore, within the Fosun Group, almost everyone guessed wrong.

An Lian had no intention of explaining, she smiled.Yu Man's words certainly miscalculated their relationship, but they also revealed another meaning: the relationship between An Lian and Lin Wenfang may not be that pure.That's why he later promised that as long as Lin Wenfang gave up the research and development of artificial intelligence, he would not pursue it.An Lian admits that Lin Wenfang is an interesting person in all aspects, and also a person worthy of love, but being worthwhile and really wanting to do it are two different things.An Lian saw Zhu Zhi's depression in her eyes, so how could she get involved again?

However, Yu Man's words were also a reminder to An Lian.She is at the helm of the Fosun Group, and she needs to look at such and such issues objectively... She must not make people feel that she will harm the interests of the group because of her own feelings.Although the Fosun Group is powerful, it really cannot afford to be hurt.

She considered her words, and said slowly: "Well, I agree with you to file a lawsuit. However, you have to restrain your behavior and don't engage in too many outside tricks. Lin Wenfang is a well-behaved person, he should He will respond to the lawsuit dignifiedly, so let's see what he says when the time comes. If you make an out-of-the-box move, it's not that I think it's bad, but that you won't be able to win. Don't forget who is around him. Zhu Zhi, Guo Jiaheng, Zheng Taicheng...Although Lao Zheng is also one of us, he has to stand on his side. Geng Mang didn't think it was right for you to do this. He has mastered artificial intelligence technology and has been developing and researching everyone I knew it a long time ago, it was a tacit understanding before, so naturally he wouldn't say anything if he didn't use us. After all, he is a hero of the Federation, now, you can use your brain to make a fuss about it."

This was already a move for Yu Man, and when Yu Man heard it, it was true.If Lin Wenfang played outside tricks, a company really wouldn't be an opponent of the Mecha Masters.However, with An Lian's statement, it was enough for Man.

Although An Lian allowed Yu Man to file a lawsuit, she didn't take it seriously in her heart.The trial of this kind of intellectual property case is extremely complicated, and it is not known how many times it will be entangled just to determine whether it is an infringement.Whether Lin Wenfang is willing to hand over the source code, or whether he is willing to accept the review is still a matter of opinion.Even if he is willing to show the source code of the virtual idol platform to others, whether others can understand it is a problem.There has always been this kind of problem at the Mecha Research Institute.In addition to compiling the basic operating system for the mecha, Lin Wenfang also often adds some small modules to the mecha to facilitate the operation of the mecha, such as the mecha practice mode, the sniper optimized version and the assaulter optimized version attached to the shooting correction wait.Many programs were brought to the Jijia Research Institute, and Yao Lezai, who is very familiar with Lin Wenfang's habits and thinking, sometimes has a hard time understanding why Lin Wenfang's programs are written in this way.When everyone has studied thoroughly and said "Oh" suddenly, they will also admire his grasp of the program and the underlying principles of computers. He has already broken through the purely technical field and has risen to the height of philosophy and art.

Those traceable programs are so difficult to understand, could this virtual idol platform be simpler than those?An Lian deeply suspected that not many people in the entire Fosun Group could understand Lin Wenfang's procedures.Even if it took a few months to solve and analyze the program, so what?This kind of lawsuit will inevitably attract national attention, and it is impossible to drag it on for too long. The judge will not have the patience to wait for a few months.

However, even if it is to cause Lin Wenfang some trouble.An Lian thought maliciously, Lin Wenfang must have felt a headache, this kind of thing, no matter what she did right or wrong, she was always very upset.

However, the development of things is not as simple as everyone imagined.Some people still know about the relationship between Zhizhi Company and Fosun Group.It is precisely because Lin Wenfang has made good friends with the president and Fosun Group at the same time, that he can have both sides, and some people who don't like him dare not come casually.However, the sudden emergence of Smart Strategy Company to sue Lin Wenfang seems to have turned on a switch for everyone, and some people rushed forward immediately, wanting to reap their own benefits from it.

Just a few days after Zhizhi Company filed a lawsuit against Lin Wenfang, the Federal Audit Office filed an internal lawsuit against Lin Wenfang's Tianyao Information, Tianyao Manufacturing and Jijia Division: The Ministry of Public Security has reached a procurement agreement for the "Magic Eye". During the tenure of the deputy commander of the Mecha Division, it decided to use products made by Tianyao in the procurement of combat blades, which is seriously suspected of insider trading.However, the conviction goal of the Audit Office is not as gentle as that of Zhice Company. They requested a joint trial by the civil and military courts, which means that once convicted, Lin Wenfang will face at least ten years in prison and a huge fine. .

However, compared with the lawsuit of Smart Strategy Company, these ghosts and ghosts that jumped out of the Audit Office really cannot arouse the interest of others.This is obviously adding to Lin Wenfang's confusion, and it will not have any effect other than making Lin Wenfang feel a little troublesome.But Zhuge Lingfeng saw the bad limelight. He personally hung up the phone to Lin Wenfang and reminded him solemnly: "Don't underestimate these people. Although they are insignificant pawns, but, There is one thing that you must take into account in your calculations: the general election is not far away."

(End of this chapter)

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