digital storm

Chapter 225

Chapter 225
Zhu Zhi thought for a while, started the team meeting mode, and said to everyone: "We still have a little more than a third of the ammunition left, and less than half. The 76mm sniper ammunition is basically used up, and there are still 12 rounds left. The 20mm ammunition at hand is relatively sufficient, but it is still difficult to form a suppression. The opponent has weapons of various calibers, and the opponent has supplies. It is meaningless to bet on whether they will catch up. The situation is worse than we imagined. Zhu Zhi said calmly: "Comparatively speaking, we are not very afraid of the enemy's mecha troops. Therefore, I suggest that we take another road that only mechas can pass, and go straighter and closer. .”

"Only mechs can go?" Zheng Taicheng looked at the digital map, his eyes stopped at one place: "You mean, we turn over here from Daqingling?"

"Yes, Daqingling is a rock climbing area. Although it is in a wild state, some outdoor sports enthusiasts have slightly modified the terrain. There are four continuous rock walls over there. Relying on the movement performance of the mech, we can go over there. Among those soldiers, there may be some who are proficient in rock climbing, and a few of them can pass, but I think that should not pose a threat to us." Zhu Zhi said: "As for those armored vehicles, there is no need to mention them."

"What about those people?" Xiao Zhiqiang asked.

"There are hooks on the mecha, so it can't fall off. Although it's cold in the mountains, we can greatly increase our speed. It's better than being caught up and dying," Huo Di said.

"Let's go and ask for their opinions." Lin Wenfang said very calmly.If he wants to continue running all the way in the original way, he has no objection, and he will naturally formulate tactics based on this method and try to do it.If he wants to change the route, he will have a corresponding method.Especially what Zhu Zhi proposed is indeed a good idea.Abandoning the all-terrain vehicles, they can at least double the speed. Although six mechas have to carry 11 people including Tang Yumen, it is indeed more difficult and a bit cramped. Sin, but they can live. "If there is no objection, we can come here like this. Let's collect some Moya's combat uniforms. Although the quality is not good, they are better than the ones they wear."

Heinkel, Wolf, and Eisenstein took the lead in agreeing.Lin Wenfang couldn't help but speculate maliciously that they probably felt that the bumps and frights of riding an all-terrain vehicle were not much worse than those of hanging on a mech.When Tang Yumen drove, he didn't care about the feelings of the people in the car. No matter it was screams or exclamations, he turned a deaf ear to them. He often drove the car under his hands at its theoretical limit performance.A 60-degree roll is a trivial matter.But for those people who are used to sitting in luxury cars, seeing the abyss below from the window, this feeling is not to mention how terrifying.They wished they could faint.

Although it is more difficult to hang on the mecha, or more civilized to say, let the mecha carry it on its back, it is definitely more difficult than this, but there is a good saying: long-term pain is worse than short-term pain.

After the three most important people agreed, everyone started to make arrangements.Although the mecha cockpit is for one person, there is still some room left.Especially the warrior mecha, the space is more generous than the hunter mecha.The cockpit is designed so that people with a height of 2 meters can ride in it, and it is adjusted so that everyone can drive more comfortably, and one person can squeeze in.There is even more space in the cockpit by throwing away the various things in the net pocket behind the seat, which is just enough for one person.

Since Lin Wenfang and Zhu Zhi are mainly in charge of combat, they can only fit one person in the cockpit.At this time, everyone should be allocated according to the actual situation. The weaker women and the older ones sit in the cockpit.As for the subordinates of General Eisenstein and Heinkel, they can only hang out.When everyone was discussing how to allocate, everyone inadvertently saw Vivienne standing quietly and somewhat awkwardly beside Lin Wenfang, looking up at Lin Wenfang from time to time, looking at a loss .Seeing Vivienne's expression, everyone felt a little relieved, and some ambiguous imaginations grew in their hearts.In this regard, although Lin Shizuo was not proactive, judging from the actual situation, he was really lucky.

"Senior Lin, Vivienne is yours." Zhu Zhi said angrily.

Lin Wenfang nodded, and then felt a little dull that Zhu Zhi's temper was not quite right. "Why? Is there any doubt about this assignment?"

Zhu Zhi coughed and said subtly: "The overload of maneuvers you can do is the highest. Vivienne is young, in good health, and her coordination should be the best among these people. She probably won't spit it out in the cockpit. That's all. That's all."

Lin Wenfang rolled his eyes, said "oh" and then didn't say another word.Wolf's wife was taken by Zhu Zhi, who concentrated all the 76mm sniper bullets on her body, ready to provide support for Lin Wenfang in a thorough long-distance combat.Although it is slightly inconvenient to bring an old woman by my side, it is acceptable.Except for Huo Dihui, who will be the leader of the team, and Kaze, who is in relatively good physical condition and can fight with light weapons when necessary, is stuffed in the cockpit, and the other 8 people are carried by three mechas.In a few minutes, they tossed the straps, and the safety lock ensured that no one would fall off.After putting on the combat uniform and helmet, you don't have to pay too much attention to minor bumps and scratches.Anyway, this high-altitude mountain trip for these people will not be comfortable.

After disguising the all-terrain vehicle, installing the detonating device and arranging it as a large booby trap, everyone set off.The mountain pass they were going to cross was a full 12 kilometers away from their current location.But without the burden of the all-terrain vehicle, Lin Wenfang immediately exploded with his super driving ability. The armored armor galloped through the mountains at a cross-country speed of more than 50 kilometers per hour, jumping from one boulder to another, Even if it slips occasionally because the surface may not be as expected, Lin Wenfang still has many ways to adjust.And every step, every landing point, and the entire route will be synchronized for his team members as a reference.

"Ahem, why is Lintou so fast...does he have to rush to the field first to gain some time?" Guan Huan said without hesitation.Then he felt someone hit him on the head from behind.Only then did he realize that it was bad, Lieutenant General Henkel was sitting behind him, and he forgot about it almost immediately.Talking about someone else's daughter in front of her father is self-inflicted.

Guan Huan touched his nose helplessly, and followed closely behind in the mecha.

Sitting in Lin Wenfang's cockpit, Vivian felt that everything was new.Due to the need for somatosensory layout in the mecha cockpit, there is no wide seat. The seat is just a simple support structure. Vivian can also see Lin Wenfang's vision, at least most of it.There was a green patch on the light curtain, which was the field of vision of the night vision goggles, but Vivian didn't know what the various complicated lines on it were. A series of numbers flashed across the screen, and she didn't see much of them. I felt a little dizzy within minutes. I really don't know how Lin Wenfang persisted.But these lines and numbers are an indispensable reference for Lin Wenfang.

Vivienne could understand the continuous voice prompts in the cockpit.It was a female voice, the voice was nice, but the tone seemed to never change, and it seemed a little cold.Electronically synthesized voices are already very good, and Vivienne is no stranger to the field of voices.

Vivienne didn't feel too bumpy while jumping along the way, nor did she feel that her vision was shaking too much.Considering that there was someone in the cockpit, Lin Wenfang was merciful after all, and paid attention to the smoothness of driving.He also felt that with more people, the temperature in the cockpit was much higher than before.Vivienne was a little nervous. She leaned against Lin Wenfang's back, holding the belt on Lin Wenfang's combat uniform with both hands.Although he felt a little uncomfortable, he didn't complain.It is rare for a little girl to have such courage and composure.If it weren't for her courage and intelligence, the escort would never have gone so smoothly.

"By the way, I see that you have almost no luggage. Why, when you arrive in the Federation, there will be many things you are not used to." Lin Wenfang said in a reassuring tone.

"I'm not a spoiled little girl!" Vivian protested.She giggled and said, "I was going to travel all the time, and I have already sent all kinds of luggage and commemorative things to the Republic of Dresden. There is a performance company I have cooperated with. I called them later, and they sent them to me. Father... and other people, some of them did the same thing. Mr. and Mrs. Wolfe really didn't bring anything, just a memory card , which are full of photos. Mr. Wolfe said that their most precious thing is their memories. Originally, I wanted to say that they don’t even need to bring a memory card when uploading to an online hard drive. But, I just say no Export."

Vivian's tone was not relaxed.What will be the fate of their group, no one really knows.She sighed and said: "Actually, I don't need anything else except myself. In the final analysis, I am an actor, and my greatest capital is myself. In the Commonwealth, if there is freedom, I can continue to win my I want it. If I can’t, it would be too impractical, naive and extravagant for me to do this or that.”

Lin Wenfang sighed and said, "Don't think too much... just close your eyes, it's going to be a roller coaster ride."

"Eh?" Vivian was taken aback, but she immediately knew what a roller coaster was.Lin Wenfang jumped up, grabbed a sharp rock that protruded in midair, exerted strength with his hand, the toe of the mech touched the rock wall, and the whole person rushed up in a whizzing manner.If someone who is good at rock climbing sees Lin Wenfang's movements at this moment, he will probably collapse in fright. His leap, in less than 3 seconds, climbed up to the level that ordinary rock climbers can take several minutes or even longer. Up to the distance.

And this is just the beginning...

(End of this chapter)

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