digital storm

Chapter 221 Concise Deployment

Chapter 221 Concise Deployment

Although Lin Wenfang's order did not conflict with Zhu Zhi's order, after all, he passed Zhu Zhi's order.If they were in other units, the division commander would probably have lost his temper a long time ago, but whether it was the soldiers who obeyed orders or Zhu Zhi herself, they all took it for granted that Lin Wenfang decided the tactics.

After Zhu Zhi thought about it, she added: "Huo Di, you rush forward to investigate. Instructor, you and Xiao Zhiqiang are responsible for the investigation and security of the left and right wings. It is good for Guan Huan to lag behind a little, and keep within sight of Lin Wenfang. Let me live if you get in touch."

Guan Huan wanted to say something, but Zhu Zhi stopped him with a smile, and said, "This is based on the mecha operation level and combat characteristics. I have cooperated with Lin Wenfang for a long time. In addition, my shooting results Much better than you, you are not as good as me in combat at a certain distance. Obey the order."

Vivienne watched them decide on deployment so simply, and glanced back at Lieutenant General Henkel.Henkel was also very surprised that the atmosphere of unity within the mecha division was stronger than what the intelligence department reported.And from top to bottom, although there are class distinctions, it seems that everyone's relationship is more like friends, which is extremely rare in the military.

"General, Mr. Wolf, Mr. Eisenstein, hurry up and get in the car. Time is running out." Lin Wenfang urged, and then climbed onto the mecha beside him.

He did not close the cockpit immediately, but carefully adjusted various data such as leg length and arm span, and checked the position of each button of the entire mech, as well as the system version number, update details, etc. according to his own habits.Mecha changes happen all the time, this time he drove a brand new mecha, and he found some differences.The design of this mecha has basically remained the same as before. It is still a template for a soldier, and it has been revised according to the revision suggestions put forward by the mecha master.However, this batch of products changed the material of the main bone of the mecha.Originally, it was a mixture of aviation aluminum and steel, but this time the version prepared for Lin Wenfang and his party is made of pure titanium bone structure.Just taking the mecha skeleton as an example, the cost has more than doubled.The armor plate of the mecha is also different from the large-scale models. The armors that mecha masters began to install are mainly made of metal materials, and a layer of synthetic material armor is laid on key parts. Everyone jokingly calls this the outer armor. It is different from inner armor.However, this special batch number of their line is actually an armor version made before Tianyao made it: each piece of armor is made of three layers of alloy armor sheet, composite material and carbon back plate. The original use of metal armor has reduced the weight by more than 80 kilograms. With the addition of the skeletal system, the overall weight loss has exceeded 200 kilograms.Moreover, both the skeleton and the external armor have enough bearing capacity to cope with greater pressure. With the titanium skeleton as the foundation, Lin Wenfang has less scruples when gathering strength, and it is very likely that he can surpass the original armor. number……

The weapon system has not changed much. Tianyao manufactures custom-made long blades, carefully adjusted assault rifles and sniper rifles... In terms of the caliber of 76mm sniper rifles for mechs, they are completely cannons.

Lin Wenfang did not choose a sniper rifle, but simply picked up an assault rifle. After a little inspection, he closed the cockpit and rushed out towards the rear.

The all-terrain vehicle set off soon, and the whole team surrounded the all-terrain vehicle to form a small protective circle.The tacit understanding between them is very good, but the necessary communication is still necessary. Simple communication can be guaranteed by relying on light signals, but is it impossible to use slightly more complicated signals?Lin Wenfang didn't think so, he quickly handed over a small software to Zhu Zhi, and it took less than a minute for everyone to send it hand to hand.After installing the software, they can chat through the light signal, directly input text on the keyboard, or record it by voice, and then automatically generate the light signal.Other people's light signals are also translated into words in this way.The communication signal rules in the Federal Army are unified, so there will be no misunderstandings.Even Lin Wenfang can ask everyone to activate software encryption and set a password to use this kind of light signal as long as they need it.

It's a bit weird for everyone to be able to come up with such software on the go.Lin Wenfang's ability to generate suitable software according to needs at any time is so strong that people doubt whether he is a personal programming machine.

Lin Wenfang himself would not feel too much.The distance between him and Zhu Zhi was far more than 300 meters, and the two kept in contact almost at the farthest distance that the light signal could communicate.Lin Wenfang quickly transferred the pictures taken by the satellite, and it seemed that Mo Ya had really taken action.It was already the middle of the night, but the barracks of several nearby troops were brightly lit, which in itself was a sign.

Moya's side has been a bit behind in hearing the news.Both Wolff and Eisenstein are the most important members of the presidential palace. Although Kane decides most of the things, after all, he still has to rely on the structure of the presidential palace to issue orders.In many opinions and decisions, Wolfe and Eisenstein may be more involved than the president. Wolfe said that he may be one of the busiest people in the country, and it is by no means aimless.The president seemed to know something, but he didn't intend to stop them. Instead, he covered them intentionally or unintentionally. As a result, the security personnel of the presidential palace found that the security guards around Wolfe and Eisenstein were subdued and tied up in the cellar. It's a little late.

From simple doubts at the beginning to being able to form a decision and send competent personnel to intercept, after all, it still takes time.In particular, Sertig has not been peaceful recently, and a large number of military, police and intelligence personnel have been devoted to the work of tracking down Sakov and his "remnants".All of a sudden, it was said that two important officials might have defected, and everyone couldn't turn the corner.But soon someone discovered that General Henkel's family was gone. Reminiscent of Lin Wenfang and Vivian's hot fight before, a feeling of sudden realization but helplessness immediately pervaded.If Lin Wenfang had nothing to do with this matter, no one would believe it now, right?
Kane locked himself in his office and came out after a few minutes.He quickly said to Humphrey, his right-hand man at that time: "Since Lin Wenfang is involved, I never believe that he will leave before the matter is settled. Contact the people in Hanjing to confirm whether Lin Wenfang has go back."

"Yes!" Humphrey nodded, added a note to his notes, and asked: "I have already mobilized the mech troops, Lyons yelled that it must be Lin Wenfang, and he strongly demanded to attack immediately Intercept."

"Well, he was right. Although he and Lin Wenfang are personal enemies, he is indeed the best candidate to deal with Lin Wenfang in terms of brains and other aspects. Get ready to attack... Besides, Salisbury What about people? Now he needs to come up with an analysis result."

Humphrey said with some embarrassment: "Salisbury is indeed a very powerful system analysis master, but he is not the kind of guy who is so quick in mind and action. He is still doing intelligence analysis and induction. He hasn't given any information yet. An accurate statement of what is possible."

Kane walked up and down the room a few times.This is his reception room, with a comfortable and large leather sofa, a shiny side table and a coffee table.There is also a vase of sunflowers on the side table.The sunflower was such a favorite plant among the totalitarian Hefner that they were almost ready to use it as the symbol of the organization.Toward the sun, how high is this obedience?They never miss, never get lost, never hesitate...and every sunflower can provide a lot of seeds, which can be squeezed out of oil.Obedient and useful, isn't this the ideal common people in totalitarian Hefner's mind?But a country cannot be ruled by such a person.In such an emergency, those elites who can come in handy, those guys with a storm brewing in their heads.

Salisbury is in charge of building Moya's digital intelligence surveillance network.His student is the guy who wrote the program for the intelligence station in Tianquan Port.This kind of program, Lin Wenfang was able to find out that it is extraordinary. Naturally, there are many discerning people in Moya. Based on this set of programs, a national-level data analysis center was soon established to monitor various network dynamics, analyze and sort out information, and provide Reference for those who need it.The people who are worth needing here naturally refer to the top executives of the totalitarian Hefner, including Kane, and some executives.God knows, a national-level data center, an important intelligence agency, is actually operated by a private company, and the totalitarian Hefner is naturally behind the company.

"Send the helicopter unit to search the border first, and the mecha unit to move north, the closer to the border the better, and stand by in the air. Also, give me a communication from the federal side immediately, and I want to talk to Zhuge Lingfeng." Kane pondered. After a moment: "Let Salisbury focus on the northern border..."

Thinking of this, as if something popped out of his mind, Kane pounced on the computer, opened the detailed map, pointed directly at the Mira Pass and said, " must be here! Let Lyons take Lead all the mecha troops to the Mira Pass! Helicopter troops, search for me, and find them out!"

It’s no wonder that Kane is going crazy. If Wolff and Eisenstein defect, Moya’s loss will be too great to imagine. He must organize them to arrive at the Federation and confide everything he knows to the Federation government.

Like all covert operations, there is an unreliable government behind it.At the moment, the federal government can provide little protection to Lin Wenfang. Moya's side aggressively questioned the federation that had just signed a contract to abduct Moya's senior officials, but Zhuge Lingfeng categorically denied it.But they would not give up on Lin Wenfang, Zhuge Lingfeng hung up the phone with Kane, and immediately rushed into Zhao Zhenduo's office, asking the troops on the border to do something to cover Lin Wenfang.

Even so, Lin Wenfang and the others could feel the breath of battle getting closer and closer, and the road ahead was getting more and more rugged.

 Cough, wake up late.Let's try to continue with the third update today... I owed you a lot a while ago, and I have some free time recently, so I can write as much as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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