digital storm

Chapter 216

Chapter 216
On the way to the next goal, Sakov remained silent.Killing Corradilo with his own hands was a major concern for him.My family has been fragmented since the assassination of President Freud. I have searched for the facts for a long time, and the names that I have stripped out will now die one after another. There may be a moment of joy, but the revenge is generally successful. He has a sense of peace.

Lin Wenfang was still flipping through those notes, especially the records about various things that happened to Moya in the recent period.Corradilo also mentioned mechas, but unlike those guys who only believed in weapons, Corradilo quickly realized the major changes caused by mechas in tactics and other aspects. He realized that the reason why mechas can change War is not because of firepower, but because of flexibility and speed.But he is not very optimistic about Moya's own development of mechas, because Moya's guiding ideology of large corps, great firepower, and great depth is not suitable for mecha combat at all, unless the next generation of commanders can quickly prepare.But the lack of actual mech corps command experience is basically difficult.

At the same time, Corradilo has his own unique views on the peace talks, the establishment of Moya's technical system, and so on.Concentrating a large number of scientists to tackle key problems allowed Moya to quickly make breakthroughs in many basic theories, which do not involve specific manufacturing technologies and do not require much verification.Corradilo's idea is that if he can concentrate on maintaining a high theoretical investment for 20 to 30 years, and closely follow the international advanced manufacturing technology, and use new theoretical principles to develop new weapons in the future, he will be more careful at every step. It is good and economical to follow in the footsteps of countries such as the Federation.But the whole world will not give Moya such a long time to wait for their generation to grow up like this.

Corradilo is indeed an all-rounder. In almost all the fields he is involved in, the content written in this notebook can be meaningful, covering all aspects of a country and even the world.Lin Wenfang was quite moved by the political thoughts shown in these notes.Especially as a politician of the older generation who once ruled the totalitarian Hefner and briefly controlled such a behemoth as Moya, his analysis of the three major systems of the Hefner Society is detailed.

Although Shadow Hefner rarely gets on the road, those who are familiar with their acting style can always catch their action clues through various events.In fact, when Shadow Hefner showed his flaws, it was mostly when they failed to get things done and started to retreat.For so many years, neither the totalitarian Hefner nor the revival Hefner have actually been able to have direct contact with the shadow Hefner, and only have a rough idea of ​​their movements.Over the years, Shadow Hefner has focused on two aspects, one is to place personnel in various countries, major organizations and associations, and the other is to try every means to seize various resources and property.

Many actions of Shadow Hefner are very weird, but indirect evidence shows that they also have their own business and scientific research institutions, but their development direction is very different from totalitarian Hefner and revived Hefner.Regardless of whether it is the revival of Hefner or the totalitarian Hefner, the technology research and development is based on large-scale industrial technology. Following the technological development map formulated by Mr. Hefner back then, it is being enriched and improved little by little, and the progress may be different. But the goals are broadly the same.In terms of business operations, due to Fuxing Hefner's technological commanding heights, totalitarian Hefner's electronics, machinery and other enterprises have been suppressed. Totalitarian Hefner is dominated by mining, agricultural and other enterprises, avoiding and Revive direct competition from Hefner's businesses.However, the correlation between the technology research and development of these two factions and business operations is very high.Only the shadow of Hefner, their research institutes almost don't know what they are doing secretly, once it is exposed to the eyes of the world, it will be some kind of accident, and then the people and equipment will disappear in the blink of an eye.Their business seems to have nothing to do with research and development. In fact, Shadow Hefner's business is not based on manufacturing at all.

Now, Lin Wenfang is already a thorn in the side of the totalitarian Hefner. If it wasn't because of the relationship with the mission, because everyone needs peace, how could he come to Sertig?After he assisted Lieutenant General Heinkel and a series of people to escape, the totalitarian Hefner's hatred for him might increase to a higher level, right?

Seeing Sakov's gloomy expression, Lin Wenfang consoled him instead: "What are you thinking? Are you still thinking about the Hefner Society?"

Sakov shrugged and said, "President Floyd would have been a bit iconoclastic if he was really being manipulated by Shadow Hefner. I wonder if... he knew Shadow Hefner in the first place. Na, totalitarian Hefner, what kind of position is that? Sure enough, you can’t think too much about this kind of problem, and you suddenly feel that the world is a lot darker.”

Lin Wenfang laughed loudly and said: "If this kind of words appear in the mouths of children in their teens and 20s who have just stepped into the society, I think it's quite funny. When you say such things, the atmosphere is not right. "

Laughter dilutes the gloomy atmosphere in some cars.Sakov said: "If I have the chance, I would like to try to find out the shadow Hefner. I didn't know these things before, but now that I know, I know how to look for clues. But, as I said, you have to first Let’s talk about it after you survive. After doing something like today, maybe you can get away with it. Anyway, you don’t really care about Moya’s pursuit, but I’m in the army. Even if I survive, I won’t know how to proceed."

"Follow me." Lin Wenfang said without hesitation: "Anyway, so many people have gone to the Federation, I shouldn't care if you are one more. The relationship between me and Fuxing Hefner is also complicated. Although there are many cooperations project, but I am independent, and the current development needs the help of capable people more and more. Do you think about it?"

Sakov smiled and said, "Okay, I'll think about it."

Lin Wenfang gathered his own personnel in the urban area, and bid farewell to Sakov with Zheng Taicheng.Sakov still has two goals in the afternoon, one of which is the base currently controlled by the Federation, but before that, he also wanted to destroy the Moya National Founding Memorial Hall... Now, the National Founding Memorial Hall has completely become a place for the totalitarian Hefner to control the country Decades of results show, a land of flattery and praise through and through.For the National Founding Memorial Hall, this is nothing less than a kind of tarnish.

The reception points in the urban area have already sent a large number of people to the base today.These people hid in the cars that delivered food, drinking water and various daily consumables, and they were still a little nervous.But today it is clear that all parties in Moya are not interested in doing more inspections of the Federation's vehicles.Usually, the inspection of the Federation's vehicles is loose enough. After all, you have already allowed the whole army to bring weapons and equipment to Sertig, so there is no need to conduct any complicated inspections.But today, the Moya people are a little overwhelmed.Sakov made a lot of trouble, many important people were assassinated, the parliament building was bombed, and then there was the Qianshan Manor...they didn't care about the federal government's real manipulations.

The mission's negotiations were not interrupted, but Zhuge Lingfeng cautiously expressed his concerns about Sertig's safety to Moya's side during lunch.Concerns were expressed about the safety of the speaker and the federal business delegation that will arrive at Sertig tonight.He also euphemistically stated that if necessary, some of the Federation's mech troops could be dispatched to assist Moya in suppressing Sakov and his rebellion.God knows how happy Zhuge Lingfeng was when he said these words. Lin Wenfang's planned action was really a blockbuster if he didn't make any noise. Using the riots in the entire Sertig to cover the escape of some people is really a genius idea.Moreover, this also gave the federal mission an invisible upper hand in momentum.

Several Moya officials who had lunch with Zhuge Lingfeng turned pale, and firmly stated that this is Moya's internal affairs, and there is absolutely no need for the Federation to intervene, not at all!

Although Zhuge Lingfeng knew about Lin Wenfang's actions, he didn't interfere at all. Anyway, he had authorized Lin Wenfang to mobilize all his forces, so he just waited and watched the show.

Lin Wenfang followed the vehicle carrying the last batch of responders back to the base, and then quietly returned to the mecha during the break after lunch.He took a long breath and asked, "Is there anything I need to remember this morning?"

"Yes," Huo Yu said lightly: "During the training in the morning, I used your mecha to demonstrate assault shooting, and set a best mobile shooting result in the whole division. Don't forget. In addition, the screen It shows the training courses in the morning, as well as the content of conversations between 'you' and all the officers and soldiers, you can probably get the idea after reading it."

Lin Wenfang nodded.Huo Yu is very relieved when he does things.Then, Huo Yu began to report on various other preparations. A total of 92 people on the list, if all goes well tonight, only 9 people including Henkel, Old Morgan, and Vivienne will remain in Sertig .Old Morgan has made it clear that he does not need support from the federal side, and he will report to Hanjing at the appointed time and place.That's actually the Henkel family, and the guy behind the scenes.Heinkel said the number was 10 in total.Lin Wenfang breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "Continue training in the afternoon. Then, be prepared. Although there will be a firefight, there should be no real casualties. This kind of acting where one's own people beat one's own people is also prone to problems. of."

Huo Yu called up the firepower layout and asked Lin Wenfang to look at it.Then, Lin Wenfang sent the deployment map to Sakov.

(End of this chapter)

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