digital storm

Chapter 211 TV Sermons

Chapter 211: TV Talk
Lin Wenfang shook his head and said, "I didn't come here to ask you to send me a good person card. I have a plan...a plan that requires your full cooperation. It is precisely because even if you continue to resist the rule of these people, But everyone believes that you love this country deeply, so this plan is possible."

"Oh? What?" Sakov asked.

"Four days later, I need you to attack the base where our mission is stationed. At that time, a plane will land... and then take off again because of the bad situation. You know my style. In this plan, I can make this There is a window of 27 seconds for a large airliner. A group of people can just go away. In fact, except Lieutenant General Heinkel, Vivienne, and those who Lieutenant General Heinkel has been refusing to let me know , everyone else can leave. make more noise in Sertig in the past four days, maybe you will have more time to react."

A gleam flashed in Sakov's eyes. "I need weapons, and I need a lot of ammunition. It's better to have someone to cooperate with me... Although my subordinates are loyal, they are too few."

Lin Wenfang smiled and said: "No problem. I will personally provide you with technical support. Although I can't tell you the list, all the latent forces of the Federation in Sertig can cooperate with you. Of course, it is in my Under command. I can do a lot of things besides the mech. We need to put it together."

After listening to it for a while, Vivienne, who felt bored, took out the book and sat aside to read.She didn't plug in the earphones, and from time to time, she could still hear the voices of Lin Wenfang and Sakov discussing in a low voice.Some funny words, some stifled laughter and banter were good, but that was all she could understand.She didn't quite understand those delicate subordinates.It wasn't until she went home at night and talked to Lieutenant General Heinkel about what happened today that she suddenly realized that the discussion she missed might be a precious opportunity that countless high-level and middle-level commanders in the military would not be able to obtain.Both Lin Wenfang and Sakov are well-known tacticians and commanders. Sakov is resolute and brave, good at finding opportunities in danger, and dares to deploy and implement extremely risky actions.Lin Wenfang has his own unique insights in calculation, planning and control, especially for the time and space of the battlefield, and is very good at deploying and using various internal and external conditions. The commanders who have formed a unique tactical style, their discussions will inevitably show their best sides as much as possible, and everyone will learn from each other to form an almost impeccable plan.Just imagining the cooperation of these two partners is fascinating.

A day later, Heinkel got an evacuation plan for the people in Sertig.The time was three days later.

There are several locations listed in the plan, and the Federation will prepare some cover measures as much as possible, but due to lack of sufficient understanding of Sertig, Lin Wenfang frankly proposed that they need to prepare some cover measures themselves, as long as they do not interfere with them subordinates, there is no need to notify him specifically.The several locations he provided have prepared suitable means of transportation. Although there will be a slight twist and turn, they will all drive into the military base that is now under the control of the Federation.When he arrived at the base, Lin Wenfang had countless ways to send these people away.Now, the entire Sertig needs to be sent away in this way, and there are only less than 20 people, which is not too much pressure for Lin Wenfang.

Sakov has not stopped his efforts to be a qualified "terrorist" in the past few days, but due to the strict defense of all parties in Sertig, he finally missed once.When he attacked Zenit, the secretary-general of the Moya Association, which provided arms and financial support for the assassination of President Freud, he sniped twice in a row from a long distance, all because of the light and wind direction. The relationship was lost, and the opponent's counterattack came extremely quickly.If it wasn't for the fact that when the bodyguard of the other party entered the building where Sakov was lurking, there was a small problem with the elevator, allowing Sakov to escape at the last moment, the possibility of him being blocked in the building was extremely high.But with such a miss, the information that everyone caught Sakov was inflated.

This is the first collaboration between Lin Wenfang and Sakov.On the other side of the elevator, it was naturally Lin Wenfang who made a move, but because he was cooperating with Sakov, he didn't use all his abilities.It is too simple for him to completely rely on software and network to crack, and it is easy to arouse the suspicion of others, but he has provided Sakov with a complete solution, as long as a small controller is installed on the main line of the building , he can remotely interfere with the operation of various links in the building.The controller would later be discovered, serving as evidence that Sakov had a technical team to back it up.But no matter in terms of design style or working principle, this controller will not draw clues to Lin Wenfang.

On the one hand, there are peaceful negotiations where the people of the whole country are looking forward to the results. Sertig needs to maintain a peaceful, prosperous, safe, and stable appearance, so as not to be ashamed in front of the federal missions and journalists and diplomats from various countries.On the other side, it was Sakov who made waves unscrupulously, making Moya's high-level executives furious and unable to step down, but had to use more strength to track down the whereabouts of Sakov and his accomplices.The two sides make do together, and the atmosphere of the whole Sertig is extremely weird.

Some government officials and business executives who have nothing important to do have left Sertig for various reasons, preparing to avoid the limelight.Naturally, there are defectors mixed in among them.They will "arrive" in some resorts and other places, and then quietly follow the federal arrangement to be sent to the base.These people are more or less well-known, and they should not be seen by the people in the mission too early. For the time being, they can only be concentrated in a corner of the underground equipment warehouse of the mecha masters, and they will make do with the beds, temporary bathrooms and kitchens behind the machine room. A few days of eating and drinking Lazard and other problems.However, this is already much better than the conditions expected by those who have made psychological preparations in advance.Defecting has always been a high-risk, low-enjoyment job. There are countless cases of hiding in the trunk or even curling up in places such as fuel tanks and luggage. Can sleep well.

The scheduled day finally arrived.Early in the morning, when Moya's morning rush hour came again, a situation that made Moya's government panicked appeared.

There are TVs in the windows on both sides of the shoulder-to-shoulder streets, and there are TVs on the outer walls of large shopping malls. Mobile phones, mobile computers, and office computers in the company are full of devices that can receive TV signals.On this day, when the whole city was in a hurry, or watching the TV screen unfocused on the vehicle to pass the time on the road, all the screens suddenly went dark, and then Sakov's handsome, A determined face appeared on the screen.

The background is a dull concrete wall without any signs.But Sakov seemed a little unaccustomed to facing the camera, but he still started to speak firmly.

"Citizens of Moya, I am Sakov. In the past few days, no matter where you are in Sertig, no matter what you think about the news, explanations, and rumors you have seen, I I can only tell you: This is all about me. I am here to make trouble, but I love this country. Three generations of my grandparents have served in the army, and I have always adhered to the most primitive and basic oath of the army, doing my best Yes. Thanks to the universal military service system that has been criticized for a long time, everyone understands this sentence: freedom and glory!"

"It's getting worse and worse, I don't know where our glory is going, we are defeated, yes, we are defeated. No matter how much the government paints Moya's glory throughout most of the war, we are defeated. … Federation soldiers stand on our land and even come to our capital city Sertig to reward us with a peace. They will take a lot of things, maybe land, maybe money, maybe supplies or something else , perhaps our women, children, our lovers or idols..."

Sakov's words are too specific, and even Lin Wenfang and a few of his subordinates are very clear that this is Sakov's use of the topic to make use of the problem to close his relationship with the Federation, or at least the current relationship with Lin Wenfang. Putting aside, creating a hostile mood, inevitably brought a playful smile on his face.The fact that Lin Wenfang and that Vivienne had a room in the hotel has already been known to the whole world. Although Lin Wenfang has already explained that it is a meeting with Sakov, it is no wonder that others believe it...even if it is the Federation side Lin Wenfang's subordinates are also more willing to accept another kind of explanation.

"Then, all the losses will be borne by you. Citizens, please think about it, how has your life changed in these years? Do you need to fill out more and more forms? Need to pay more Taxes? Do you need to face the country again and again in the name of righteousness and ask you to make sacrifices and concessions? Has someone around you disappeared and never appeared again? Do you feel that the news is getting more and more strange and more and more different to you? Do you ever feel as if everything is preordained and you just have to live that way? Have you ever passionately believed in something, only to end up disappointed by the things that are supposed to stand What about your people who abandoned you? Yes... We all have, we have all experienced this. Because this country is no longer founded by those idealists who shouted 'freedom or nothing' The country is no longer a free country rebuilt on the ruins of the Carson Empire with everyone's painstaking efforts, but a country ruled by a huge and terrifying monster who doesn't care whether anyone lives or dies. If we say , what is there to be gratified about, that is, you, us, everyone is valuable. You will die only when your value in death is greater than the value in your life. That's all..."

(End of this chapter)

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