digital storm

Chapter 208

Chapter 208
"What if Sakov's actions affect your evacuation?" Lin Wenfang said bluntly.He can't care about the other party's political ideas now, he can only care about whether his duties can be successfully completed.

Henkel said confidently: "No. Sakov is famous for his big picture. He knows that we are cooperating with you in the deployment. Besides, although he 'disappeared' in Moya's intelligence department In view, but I can still contact him. Necessary contact can still be made. In addition, I don’t think Sakov will be alone. He has many capable people under him and has his own team. If What do you think, maybe it’s not a bad thing to communicate with him.”

Lin Wenfang sighed and said: "I understand. If the federal side has the possibility of exposing you to the Moya government, then you...will follow him to evacuate, right?"

General Henkel did not deny it. He nodded and said, "Once it is detected, it is probably the best result to be able to escape."

Although he has a certain understanding of Moya's situation, and after learning about the role of totalitarian Hefner in it, Lin Wenfang may have thought more seriously, but he is not from Moya after all, so he can't understand it at all. The group of people who have grown up in Moya for so many years can't understand what kind of emotion they have for the current Moya from what they have seen and experienced.

Whether it is Henkel or Sakov, at least from what they have learned so far, they are not like ordinary traitors at all.They have very low requirements for material and power after they arrive in the Federation. Most people's requirements are to live safely without too many restrictions and constraints.It can be said that once in the federation, these people who have abandoned almost everything, even economically, the federation can form a strong grip on them.All they care about is safety and peace.From Henkel's simple words, Lin Wenfang could feel his deep love and fear for Moya.

He has experienced Moya's best era, but now he gradually feels the dark and bloody power, a totalitarian power, that has infiltrated into Moya's government.

This kind of power does not seem to affect the lives of ordinary people in Moya. Sertig is still so prosperous, and the production efficiency of various industrial and mining enterprises in various places has even been greatly improved compared to before.A large number of professional talents gathered together to exert greater strength than before. Although science and technology cannot catch up with the Moon Sea Federation in a short period of time, in some key areas, relying on domestic concentrated research and joint development with other countries, it has also made great achievements. made great progress.If not, it would be a delusion to even digest part of the Federation's technology and create mechas this time.

"We didn't want to leave here for anything... just to leave. You are not us, and you probably can't understand the fear in our hearts." Lieutenant General Henkel sighed and said: "Unknowingly Suddenly, a force ruled the country's economic and scientific circles, and used this as the cornerstone to infiltrate all walks of life. They are authoritarian and tyrannical, but they can always get things done. In the beginning, the military supported them, and these There is no fixed organization for people. It seems that they are just a group of people gathered in an elite salon, and their energy suddenly burst out. Their style is very similar to that of soldiers. Marshal Kahn is their biggest supporter... It should be Still."

"However, the means of the military should not be used in too many other areas. When they monopolize the media and other industries a little bit, start to exercise stricter control, and start to infiltrate education and other fields, many military and civilian People were against it. Some people died... We were not surprised by this method. President Floyd should have died at their hands. Then, gradually, all the opposition voices disappeared Until now. Although everyone still complains sometimes, most of the time, they will never say it again. It’s just a complaint. The military has Marshal Kahn who supports the current ruler, and some people oppose it, but everyone ultimately We still try our best to compromise with each other and maintain the stability of the army. Only when the army is stable can the country have a future, even if our equipment is lagging behind. But as long as we don’t take the initiative to attack, maintaining a defensive posture is enough. After all, Moya inherited the Most of the big and powerful countries in the Mori Empire have fought a long-term defensive war of attrition, and dare not say anything else. Even if the Federation attacks with all its strength, it will not be a problem to drag down your economic development achievements for several years. However, military adventures are finally still Happened...and failed."

Heinkel checked his pockets, but there were no cigarettes.He looked at Lin Wenfang for help, but Lin Wenfang was not a smoker, so he shook his head helplessly.Seeing her father's miserable expression, Vivienne couldn't bear it, so she stood up and said, "I'll go get it."

Henkel waved his hand and said, "Forget it. Anyway, I have quit for a long time."

He looked at Lin Wenfang and said, "Of course, if it's just like this, maybe we won't have to flee. However, there is reliable news that after the negotiations with the Federation are over, many...many things have been decided. Domestic politics Institutional reform and the modernization and rebuilding of the military are about to begin."

"You mean... the rulers are going to start a large-scale purge?" Lin Wenfang's heart trembled.This is extremely important news. The determination of the totalitarian Hefner organization in these matters shocked Lin Wenfang.If such purges are really carried out, it doesn’t matter whether the totalitarian Hefner is on the foreground. They obviously don’t care what the name of the country is, because although their actions are different, their long-term goals are aimed at, After all, it is not the limited power on this planet, but the infinite starry sky in the future... Then, the totalitarian Hefner, who has Moya's huge resources and can extend his tentacles to various fields, will inevitably stand behind and only control With the renaissance of standards in technology and other fields, Hefner forms the repressive...

"Yes," Heinkel said with a wry smile, "it's the purge... We don't know whether we will be on the purge list. However, I probably can't do without it. Although Marshal Kahn is strict, he is still an honorable man in the final analysis." An old soldier, an elder. However, his student Ludwig is an out-and-out two-faced person, a dangerous and crazy person. In the entire army, I probably have the worst relationship with him, if not Marshal Kahn has mediated several times, and I’m afraid I’ve already been punished. You should also understand...the front line is defeated, and the rear is responsible for the logistics. This kind of thing happens too often. Moya’s armament technology research and development and armament production, but They are all under my jurisdiction... Our department has never completely satisfied the Moya Army." Henkel glanced at Lin Wenfang and sighed: "Especially compared with the Federation."

Lin Wenfang smiled wryly. He knew that the Federation had held countless meetings and disputes over armaments.It's just that outsiders can't see it, and Henkel can only understand that the military technology of the Federation is far ahead of Moya.However, these equipments are all to be eliminated.As far as Lin Wenfang knew, less than one-third of the weapons currently equipped would remain in the next few years, and the rest would at least be modernized.

From Lin Wenfang's wry smile, Henkel read something, and said: "I know, the Federation may not be as good as we imagined. But at least we all have a chance to survive."

Lin Wenfang nodded.After thinking about it, he asked: "It would be great if our deployment can echo Sakov. I want to know how much power Sakov has, what he wants to do, and what he can do." What. In the early stage, we can provide him with a little support...if he is willing."

Henkel laughed and said, "Anyway, it's Moya he's tossing, you guys are happy to see the mess here, right?"

Lin Wenfang shrugged and did not deny it.After all, he is a federal officer. Of course, there is no need to think too much about Moya's position at this time.

Henkel said: "I went back and contacted Sakov. I thought that although he didn't think it was a good thing to get your help, he would not refuse it. But what can you offer?"

"Funds, munitions, some safe hiding places, vehicles... Occasionally, they can help Sakov take cover. Although in Moya, it is difficult for our people to have high-level agents lurking because of their different races, but we must It is not difficult to do some things. In addition, if Sakov has any troublesome ideas, I can provide all remote technical support at the base. To put it bluntly, except for your military network, Moya’s civilian network Its technology is really... too backward." Lin Wenfang curled his lips with a look of disdain: "Basically, I can attack wherever I want. It is only a little bit to control cameras and traffic lights in a piece. It's just difficult. After all, on Moya's side, I have to take it easy and not use a lot of server resources recklessly."

Henkel lifted his spirits and said, "You mean... you can temporarily disable all the monitoring equipment around you while Sakov is in action?"

"Is it difficult?" Lin Wenfang said confidently.

"I figured he'd at least need that," Heinkel said.

"The appearance of Sakov has increased the safety factor for you, but it is not necessarily beneficial to our operation. We must speed up the progress. I need your list, the number of people, and the total weight of the things you will carry. Since With such a thing about Sakov, I must take advantage of Sakov to attract enough attention and have enough flexibility to end this matter. I have a plan, and I will implement it. You What we have to do is to gather people together in various ways in the shortest possible time. Those who go abroad must be quick, and those who have never had no reason to come to Sertig should also give me a list. We don’t have much time.”

(End of this chapter)

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