digital storm

Chapter 199 The Arrival of the Mission

Chapter 199 The Arrival of the Mission
The federal mission came to Sertig in a mighty manner and landed directly at the military base on the outskirts of the city without passing through the Sertig International Airport.Although it was above Sertig, the federal army still put on a posture of battlefield projection. On the one hand, no matter how "peaceful" it is, it has not been agreed. Although the front line has ceased fire, the two countries are still at war in name State, Sertig is an out-and-out confidant of the enemy country, no matter how vigilant you are, there are many elites of the Federation including Vice President Zhuge Lingfeng in the mission; There is a better opportunity to show off their force. With a mission of thousands of people and almost the same size of guard troops, Moya also specially allocated two full armies to station and monitor near the base. Since it is inevitable to Combat power is exposed in front of the enemy, so we might as well let everyone see it clearly.

24 fighter jets first occupied the airspace, guiding the high-speed airborne early warning aircraft modified by Qingluan V into the airspace, followed by four Qingluan V-type heavy transport aircraft, hovering at low altitude at the base, and 24 mechas landed on the ground through ziplines, belonging to Lin Wenfang, who had been waiting on the ground in a mecha early, seized the four corners and commanding heights of the base first.

Afterwards, two heavy transport planes landed on the runway of the base. When the hatch of the heavy transport plane opened, all the onlookers from Moya were stunned.A total of 172 mechas were slowly loaded into the two heavy transport planes. The soldiers were already on standby in the cockpit. After running down from the heavy transport planes, they directly followed the mission information synchronously given to them by Lin Wenfang, and began to garrison the main points of the base. For further security checks, a total of three patrol and search lines were established inside and outside, and the buildings used by the most important personnel of the mission were vacated, and a special security area in the base was established.

In addition, a group of technicians entered the tower, took over the communication and air control system that had been laid, established a direct connection with the military satellite, and began to guide subsequent aircraft to land on the ground one by one.

Immediately following the mech troops was the federal air defense force. This time, in order to ensure the safety of the base, all the air defense battalions dispatched from the capital's garrison military area came, equipped with an all-airspace anti-aircraft artillery system.As a result of testing on the battlefield, the previous generation of this system has never been escaped when two missiles lock onto a Moya plane at the same time. Although sometimes the opponent is lucky and only wounds, But a 100% damage rate is still an extremely shocking statistic.The new generation of products deployed this time has improved by 4% to 17% compared with the previous generation in almost all data such as air alert range, response speed and power, and the reliability under harsh conditions has increased by 26%.The capabilities of two air defense battalions are worth one-third of Sertig's air defense force.Of course, Moya will never know this.

Afterwards, various security personnel and equipment arrived in four passenger planes.Compared with the soldiers, they looked amiable, wearing suits and ties, and looked harmless to humans and animals, but these security personnel were from the security forces of several major military regions, the Central Security Bureau, and the relevant departments of the National Security Bureau. Selected, almost everyone is an expert in some field.It can be said that such a strong security lineup has never appeared in the federal territory.

When these people descended from the boarding ladder, the equipment boxes were also unloaded from the luggage compartment one by one, and the whole process was extremely smooth.These security personnel also murmured how great it would be if the airport could have this kind of efficiency in normal times.And Sarah, who has been accompanying in the base and watching the arrangement of the Federation, is very surprised. How strong management ability is needed to implement the arrangement to such a fine point?After almost every group of security personnel landed and assembled, the mecha division personnel immediately brought their equipment and luggage to the front, and a car immediately came over to send them to resettle or make further security preparations.Almost no one waited in place for more than 2 minutes. There were hundreds of people, but they were all arranged in less than an hour. The core security area in the base had also been checked repeatedly by these people.

Next is the life service personnel, administrative staff and the work team. The arrangement of a large number of materials and equipment is also meticulous and maintains extremely high efficiency.

Sara couldn't help looking at Lin Wenfang who was commanding calmly on the top of a building between the airport runway and the main building complex of the base.To what extent does a person have to be able to handle such a complicated matter with such ease?Sarah also understood that the goal of the Federation's show of force had been fully achieved.Although it is just a normal arrangement of the mission, they have demonstrated a series of operations from maintaining air supremacy to the airdrop of ground troops.The living service standards and security standards of the mission are naturally different. Just calculating the delivery volume in less than half a day, you can find that the Federation is completely prepared according to the standards of division-level mechanized infantry. If it is wartime, the entire Speeding up the process by three to five times is not a problem at all.The reason why it lasted for almost half a day was that Lin Wenfang decided to pay attention and let Moya take a look up and down to know how far behind the Federation in terms of rapid deployment capabilities.

Probably shocked by this move of the Federation.At the beginning, the live program of Moya Central Television, which set up high-precision telephoto camera equipment and sent helicopters to spy in the air, was cut off after less than an hour because of the sudden serial highway crash in the south of Moya.Zhuge Lingfeng's plane was originally going to land at the base, but it was changed to land at Sertig International Airport because of the last invitation from the Moya government. Moya held a grand welcome ceremony... Of course, there is no need for security The base is worried that if something goes wrong with Moya, the whole country will be completely ashamed.

On the way from the airport to the base, Zhuge Lingfeng had already had a brief conference call with the staff at the base.With Lin Wenfang present, all communications using the telephone and the Internet can be done as one likes, and there is no need to worry about Moya's prying eyes.Lin Wenfang simply said "I guarantee that every line is a safe line" so that everyone will not have any psychological burden.Zhuge Lingfeng was extremely satisfied with Lin Wenfang's command and subordinates at the base.In the past, large-scale missions abroad, or even large-scale multilateral conferences, hadn't they required a long time to plan in advance, and they were in a hurry at the end?But Lin Wenfang obviously has no experience in this kind of organization, but he has considered almost all the details.Thinking about how he suppressed Moya's military and political arrogance time and time again in Moya these days, created a good situation for the mission, and also contacted representatives of dissidents in Moya. This performance is not only perfect I can describe it.

It's a pity for Zhuge Lingfeng, Lin Wenfang does seem to have no intention of career.Otherwise, with his current appeal in the country and his ability to be a director, he may soon become the chief executive of a region, which is much more promising than his development in the army.At his current age, it is not impossible to become the President of the Federation before the age of 50.You know, to be president doesn't have to have a great family background, you just need to be able to bind like-minded interest groups around you, but in the army, to reach Xie Zhonglin's current position, you have to be from a family of generals.Even though Lin Wenfang has considerable appeal in the army now, it cannot compare to the intricate network of relationships of several or even more than ten generations of others in the army.

An Lian has gotten very close to Lin Wenfang recently, and this incident also caused Zhao Zhenduo and Zhuge Lingfeng some headaches.This means that Fosun Group may have reached an agreement with Lin Wenfang to form some kind of compromise... This matter made both the president and the vice president dumbfounded.Fosun would rather reach a compromise with Lin Wenfang than with the Information Security Commission or the federal government?Lin Wenfang's energy is becoming more and more irresistible.

Arriving at the base, Lin Wenfang and others naturally greeted them at the entrance.The mecha with special armor stopped aside, but everyone who passed by couldn't help casting eager gazes.The use of non-standard equipment needs to be approved by the military department, but the application submitted by Lin Wenfang was approved in less than 5 minutes, and even attracted a lot of generals to visit... This is a battlefield hero deserved treatment.He has carried a lot for the country, and the country will allow him to enjoy a lot...

"Major General Lin Wenfang, thank you for your excellent organization work." Zhuge Lingfeng said enthusiastically, holding Lin Wenfang's hand.

"Thank you." Lin Wenfang said calmly, "This is my duty."

Zhuge Lingfeng nodded with satisfaction, and said: "Just now, I was at the airport and had a brief meeting with Moya's president, foreign minister, and the marshals and generals of the high command. It can be regarded as the first step of formal talks. Tomorrow morning At eight o'clock, we will jointly announce an official ceasefire on the spot in Sertig."

Zhuge Lingfeng's words drew cheers.In fact, this news had been spread before, but hearing Zhuge Lingfeng's announcement still made everyone feel excited.Some people have realized that the war is not completely over, but a bigger crisis is brewing.But after a grueling war that lasted more than a year, even a few brief years of peace were precious.

The four words of ceasefire on the spot show that the Federation has taken the lead in this war and in the negotiations.Now, not a single inch of the Federation's land is in the hands of the Moya people. On the contrary, many areas of Moya are in the hands of the Federal Defense Forces.If it weren't for the poor defense situation, the federal army had voluntarily withdrawn to its own border in some areas before, and the control area would have been even greater.With this opportunity to cease fire on the spot, the diplomats of the Federation will definitely be able to use it to the limit in the next negotiations.

(End of this chapter)

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